You did it Veeky Forums
you actually made me buy chainlink
You did it Veeky Forums
you actually made me buy chainlink
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We did it Veeky Forums !!
>he actually fell for the memes
>dump it
now buy more
pump it
Why you think LINK #1
Ur fukd m8
heheh time to sell my bags
Did my fudposting ever make you pause at all? Did it let me pick up a few more cheap link before you saw through it or did it have no impact
Fuds I have done
Json parser
Buy Mobius
Swift partnership oes not exist
Sergey is dead
Sergey is epileptic
Sergey is diabetic was a failure (untrue)
Input vulnerability rnders the project pointless (untrue)
Chainlink has paid shills (untrue)
Java code on nodes has been hacked
Two guys in a nail saloon
Swift partnership dead (untrue)
Link a PnD scam etc
Link holders retarded
and many more.
So tell me user, did they effect you in any way?
Sa the age of fud is over. Much fun was ha.
Shadowfork is real though
what took you so long?
I put chainlink of as noise at first because I saw so many threads. Tgen I started reading some and found the memes well crafted, definitely not pajeet or reddit tier. That made me read up on the tech since I realized no true memelord would waste his time on shit.
Today I bought the linkies to round up my 10k stack.
Congrats on this. Seriously.
No its not. Just never warmed to that fud. I think the ones that had most price impact were that it was a biz PnD scam or that assets.echange was a scam, swift partnership not real. The single biggest impact had to be making link look at a prajeet coin though. Its amazing how that correlated with dumps, 50 posts on that theme and you could see the price move a bit. Anything involving prajetery sends people running
The shadowfork fud relies on knowing what a fork is to begin with. Fud has to impact the stupids most. People who know what a fork is are not good fud targets.
I wonder if anyone actually bought fucking Mobius though?
All those pictures of indian sewer workers were me.
>pump it
It goes with swing trading, shill it up, sell, fud it down and buy more link.
i actually think of spending additional 5k (poorfag here) which i have in stock market
on link obviously
to the aonn who did the Mobius shit with me I tip my link to you. I honestly have not had such fun since rigging the presidential debate online polls
why did you finally decide to buy chainlink?
lets revisit some classic fud op and see if you recognise it
first mobius
Non existent Mobius visa partnership. Just a random picture of some prajeet cunts actually
This always had some impact.
Classic image used to attribute prajeetness to link holders
An old classic. Psychfud
Its funny i discovered biz after i bought link in ico. I was shocked that it was not talked anywhere and did some googling. It brought me here. I am addicted to biz since then. Lol.
Again, psychfud. Not used often but effective
Lets see what this is
Here's Jason
And more....
a daily remainder, that chainlink is 1 mcdonalds heart attack away from shitcoin
Why are you not in Origami Network ICO?
Yes yes. I know. See attached. I fudded that too and diabetes and epilepsy and the heart attack.
in before they pull a confido?
I feel you. I fell for the meme aswell.
>"new" shill strategy
>the counter-shilling is to accumulate
link shills really are the scum of the earth
>link shills really are the scum of the earth
thank you
please be buying Mobius sir it is most right coin for you to be doing the buying.
mobius, jason parser and shadowfork were all weak fud
the assets.echange fud was powerful. Don't deny it
so was the swift partnership is dead fud
i dont have that in my head right now
do you mind post it?
No. I am on a new chapter. No more fud essentially seregey is a bad actor and has a bad past etc all complete bullshit
Truth is he was a well liked admin and so was that project which was run with meticulous honesty. The guilt is pouring out. Somewhat.
So OP which fud effected you the most?
I'll bet it was the this is a biz PnD meme. scarey 4chins hax0rs ripping off newfags bags etc. I think of all of them that had most bite.
Some of the most memorabl fud that verifiably had an impact on the price
>telegram mods leaving and people capping it to make it seem like something was wrong with chainlink and SWIFT had chosen Corda and it's own oracles
>sergey left the project two weeks ago
>the Rory message where he said they were porting to GO, which for some reason came as news to 90% of the people on Veeky Forums, and all the fud associated with that.
>the Rory message where he said they were porting to GO, which for some reason came as news to 90% of the people on Veeky Forums, and all the fud associated with that.
Interestingly enough this is also what outed Assblaster as a LARP. Sergey had been talking about porting to go since February 2017 and obviously probably earlier than that. In Assblaster's second or third appearance he said Sergey had been blindsided by porting to go and it was a serious obstacle.
I would feel so dirty to have LINK in my holding for even a short time.
Unironically fell for the meme
All in on LINK
agree strong fud
one of the original "input vulnerability" ones had my blood up (brainlet) - but i decided when i bought that i wouldnt sell so it doesnt matter to me. even if theres news that sergey is dead i wont sell. its the FUD that made me buy in the first place
doesnt matter if serguy dies, the project will live on to honor his memory and be a great success sir
I thought you wrote Veeky Forums you did it, you finally made it.
You're supposed to buy anything Veeky Forums mocks or says it's dead, or anything Veeky Forums never talks about/knows about.
If you buy what Veeky Forums shills you're just asking to lose money.
welcome friend.
try not to get sucked into any of the other boards, some pills are hard to swallow and ruin your innocence
Read between the lines user
Do you really expect Sergey to admit publicly that he was caught off guard?
Sergey doesn’t waste words
> hire neets to shill every single upcoming ico and coin out there with >500k volume;
what to buy now?
By this logic, im buying ZCL. We will see
zcl is both shilled and mocked 50/50 post distribution
what do?
> was a failure (untrue)
>Two guys in a nail saloon
I've been holding since November, but these two were the only ones I had to look up, which took a whole 5 minutes, before realizing it was bullshit.
Anyone who genuinely believed any of the other shit on that list deserved to lose their LINK. You did a good job, user.
Except he wasn't caught off guard. Like I said he said this in Febuary 2017 and mentioned it several times over the following months. Assblaster made it sound like that was news when Rory said it in November 2017, which tipped us all off that he was just parroting stuff he was reading here.
once you are here there is no turning back
don't listen to him. go to /pol/ and learn about our friends the jews.
Damn son you work hard, you want a job?
>one of the original "input vulnerability" ones had my blood up (brainlet) - but i decided when i bought that i wouldnt sell so it doesnt matter to me. even if theres news that sergey is dead i wont sell. its the FUD that made me buy in the first place
a thinking mans fud that one.
so when are we going to hit the loons on ats glp etc with the meaning of link on smartcontracts and go full brainworm on the planet?
>Damn son you work hard, you want a job?
I have a job in IRL friendanon. I like it a lot and am well rewarded and work alone.
>tfw stinky linkie
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Useful filters: Chainlink, Link, rory, sergey, price singularity, nolinkers....
>someone actually went through the trouble of making that
That's actually a little bit admirable.
Been doing this the past two weeks and have doubled my link stack. buy at 76k, sell at 81k. Rinse and repeat
kek link is a scam confirmed