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Only a truly newfag could fall for this shit again, get the fuck outta here
Operation shill anything with segwit
Whales have been accumulating for 2 months. I’ve had enough of this shit.
Bittrex announcement in less than 7 hours
I don't think it will happen, but if they did you think it would be in the next 7hours? Why? I need to make a fuck decision to get this shit into a wallet or not
Everyday untill you like it faggot and stop calling me a newfag i was here when a faggot like you called moot a newfag REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'll fucking kill you
BTG fork announcement was 24 hours before fork. 7 hours marks 24 hours till BTCP fork.
Bittrex is delaying it: 1. More money generated from increase in volume 2. More money from people depositing back into bittrex from wallet when support is announced
It’s a mind game people
Please be true.
Just click on the pinned link on their twitter, they updated the page regarding BTC forks, it is not gonna happen.
Bittrex have recently changed their stance on Bitcoin forks. It is not happening.
>Additional note on proposed Bitcoin "forks":
>When considering adding tokens to Bittrex exchange we look at the risks involved. Taking a snapshot of the Bittrex exchange Bitcoin wallet is a large disruptive undertaking that requires over 24 hours of preparation (Bitcoin deposits and withdrawals are also suspended during this time) and should not be taken lightly.
>Bitcoin "forks" will only be considered if they have strong industry-wide support, participation and consensus.
lmao I feel so bad for people who fell for this pump and dump and are still living on a prayer
Where in there does it say that it won’t be supporting the BTCP afield? Just because this came out when BTCP is the subject it doesn’t mean it’s directed at BTCP.
If anything that just tells me that they’re actually keen on supporting it, BTCP has literally shook crypto. I watched the volume go from 30MM to 62MM in a matter of hours. That accounts for 18% of bittrex’ daily volume.
You think they care about the price of ZCL? Their aim is to put generate revenue and to do that they’ve gotta increase volume and transaction fees and they’re currently doing that perfectly.
Then will list BTCP but that doesn’t come with supporting the fork. They will make their money, don’t you worry
>living on a prayer
Faggot I've been here when your kind of motherfuckers fudders were thrashing ants like fucking cunts go suck dicks for 1 cent peace of shit
>Where in there does it say that it won’t be supporting the BTCP afield?
BTCP does not have "strong industry-wide support". It's a fork by random community members.
Bittrex will obviously be supporting the actual coin once the fork has taken place; just not the actual fork taking place. If you want the BTCP, get your ZCL or BTC off bittrex.
But BTCP meets all those criteria ?
They will support the fork, it is a mind game (but Bittrex do themselves no favor with this from a PR perspective...)
No they won't, for one very simple reason; if they support the fork now, it will be too late for their BTC holders to get the BTC off the exchange before the fork, because it takes Bittrex 24 hours to prepare for the fork - meaning they would now have to, without warning, suspend all BTC withdrawals and deposits from their platform for 24 hours because of some fork the majority of people aren't interested in.
To say that is is unlikely this will happen is the understatement of the century. Yesterday was the deadline for Bittrex announcing support, because it would give 1 days advance notice to BTC holders to get their BTC off the exchange if they wanted to do something else with it right then and now. It isn't happening now. THAT'S WHY THE FUCKING COIN DUMPED, MATE
But why would they miss out on more profits by not supporting the fork? They can support the fork and list BTCP for double profits.
How does this not have industry wide support? Just look at the volume increase today. That should paint the picture on the “industry-wide support”
>How does this not have industry wide support? Just look at the volume increase today. That should paint the picture on the “industry-wide support”
How does volume translate to industry-wide support? TRX has seen much bigger volume numbers than this - does that mean TRX has "industry-wide support"?
The reason volume is increasing is two-fold; people are selling their bags because no high-volume exchanges were announced to support the coin (meaning low liquidity --> very low starting price of BTCP, making it more lucrative to AVOID the fork or buy the coin AFTER the fork), and others (fewer, hence the pricedrop) are buying in because they think the current ZCL price is a decent BTCP discount (of which they are wrong, because BTCP won't have any high-volume exchanges come fork date).
They are getting tons of profits from people market selling and from withdraws
>Volume increasing
>As people scramble to fucking dump the useless piece of shit.
Buy ZEN.
But how does not equal support? There’s so many people buying or selling ZCL, clearly showing there’s support. Just look at Twitter and Reddit, look at the frenzy this is creating. Now compare it to other forks, this has ten fold the amount of support than any other bitcoin fork.
Exactly. Why would they not make more money by announcing the fork and getting people to potentially buy back in and re-deposit their funds into bittrex?
>Why would they not make more money by announcing the fork and getting people to potentially buy back in and re-deposit their funds into bittrex?
Because it would mean withdrawals and deposits are locked for 24 hours, so people can't re-deposit? I already explained this to you.
>There’s so many people buying or selling ZCL, clearly showing there’s support
Sure, there's support. Support for making quick money. And when that chance evaporated, people dumped. It was never about the coin. The price would've increased massively near the fork if it was indeed about the coin - because then people wouldn't be selling.
> this has ten fold the amount of support than any other bitcoin fork
Absurd. The only thing that has changed is that more people - espercially newbies - are in the space now, and this is the first somewhat non-scammy BTC fork since Bitcoin Gold - which was before most of these newbies joined the market.
If you can't put two and two together like this, you'll lose all your money m8. I'm not saying this to hurt you. I lost a shitton on ZCL, too.
Only BTC deposits/withdrawals are locked to capture all holders up to the block height. I don’t think it has anything to do with ZCL (I could be wrong)
Look at the actual support for BTCP itself, look at the amount raised by just miners (almost 150 BTC). Let’s treat this as an ICO, current mcap for ZCL is 290 million (this is assuming everyone that’s left holding ZCL is keen on the fork and will hold through). Now think of which ICO has raised this much. Trust me, the support is there, the participation is definitely there and the consensus on BTCP is actually not bad at all, community driven and so far no proof of developers being involved in a “scam”.
If you look at the increase proportionately compared to BTG, it’s definitely bigger (factoring in the inflated crypto base)
Look man I’m just stating facts, you’re looking at the FUD stance and I’m looking at the positive stance. I’m still in ZCL and you got out. You could be right and these 60k bags could be BTCP bags for a very long time, but I guess I’ll take my chances. I like the gamble.
These Bitcore and Bcash fags will all fail!
NANO Marines report in!
>Operation RAPE DOG!!!
We already fucked up Dogecoin and now we are coming for your asses pieces of shit Bitcore Bcash boys.
>Prepare your anus because we will go fast and hard without a condom and lube.