What's a good method for generating NEET bux? I need more $ to invest into crypto.
What's a good method for generating NEET bux? I need more $ to invest into crypto
voting for hillary
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Fuck that bish
Seriously though, there must be a good way of generating passive income. Are there any anons out there who can enlighten the poorfags? If you enlighten us, we can afford to donate more $ towards Trump's dream.
1. acquire gf
2. sell her panties
3. ????
4. profit
I need the money to acquire Asian gf first.. I can only get my dick up to Asian women...
Any serious suggestions, anons? I am willing to learn a skill such as web development or coding. Just wanna know that this pursuit won't be fruitless.
bro u got any neet tech skills?
chad-neet here
need another reliable neet
24x7 neetcode for money
I'm currently learning Java. I've only been learning it for about 2 months, so I've got a way to go before I can generate income through coding. Do you think that pursuing web dev is good to do as well?
The only passive income I’ve ever had was selling a sticker set on LINE. $100 to $500 a month. But it took weeks to finish making it.
You can also get a Patreon, twitch or YouTube but those take years to set up enough for a following and sponsorship.
If you have writing skills, make and sell books (or erotica) there’s been two girls from my school who made $70,000 a year selling dinosaur erotic short stories
Dinosaur erotic short stories? Fuck people are stupid... By the way, I'm a New Zealander guys, so that might change my ability to be able to generate passive income. Any advice is greatly appreciated, anons.
hell yeah dude
get into full stack stuff too
what other neet skills?
They exploited a niche market with a good strategy. $3.99 for 2,000 words, times however many books they had. Marketing and a math major.
There’s something like Amazon merchant partnership and a guy was able to make $4,000 a month stealing memes from the internet, putting them on a T-shirt, and selling them to 14 year olds for $19.99
You can flip eBay stuff. That’s how Kim Kardashian got started. The common theme is they all take months of work.
You need to get locked up in a psych ward first. After that, you can apply for government NEETbux
Js node and vb here
You say u need another neet?
I spent most of my 20s (Now 27) cultivating my skateboarding skills and music playing skills, while working in a animal testing lab, or working as a driver for charity organization helping the homeless. I have only recently become interested in making money, so I only just turned to learning tech. I have no other tech skills other than some Java coding knowledge at this stage. Any other advice, ChadNEET brother? Full stack, sure, I'll look into it
graffik desine
I'm willing to put 100% effort into anything which will make me prosperous
I forgot, you can also sell your plasma $60 a week.
oh fuck hi neet
kinda yeah I was looking for infrastructure / AWS neet
OP neet seemed like he is upskilling into meganeet
you sound like a fellow devneet
wanna do some systems shit? It's all code these days
and k8s
>fuck a whore
>contract hiv
>donate plasma
sucking your dad's cock
I'm an open book, bruh. Shill me on becoming a devneet
memes shirt is not a bad idea.
>print Ugandan knuckle and other trending
memes shirts
>sell them to normies
Selling your plasma
just learn how spin up an app with Vagrant on your local machine
server + code = app
that can be done all sorts of ways
but it's a a computer running code
same shit
Except a job
>a job
bro, I don't get your logic. I don't see a problem with taking some time out to upskill in a domain which allows you to become a professional pursuing something interesting rather than a bottom of the heap wage cuck working a mindless shit tier job. Go feck yourself, m9.
>They exploited a niche market with a good strategy. $3.99 for 2,000 words
I can't really recommend this. I wrote erotica for about a year and it was soul draining.
Learn either 2d or 3d design and make a small project (logo design, some abstract render) every single day. Post them on an instagram, there are hundreds of talented people doing the same shit that will start following you and get you some exposure.
Once you have 30-40 pieces on your IG, start mailing young companies, crypto is a perfect space for this, and tell them you'd like to do some work for them.
Initiative is everything. If you reach out to them and dont wait for people reaching out to you, you will get gigs pretty quick.
Front-end neet here
Should I learn Node and backend for some full stack neeting or go for devops or clouds
coding is really hard and you should do something else. If you knew how many NEETs claimed to be learning to code for months and then never did anything with it, youd be embarrassed about telling people.
coding is really easy but you cant really NEET freelance it well
Seems good user. What programs would you recommend using?
Adobe suite (Illustrator, PS) for 2D, but ive also used open source stuff like Inkscape before, which is fine. Whatever you are comfortable with.
3D i use Blender, mainly because i have been on and off using it for years and never bothered to get into Maya.
Thanks user. Will give it a serious go
I know nothing about graphic design other than making memes in GIMP but a local social services org offered me a part time position as a graphic designer. They hire young people because they assume basic knowledge of computers is expertise
Dont waste your time on coding.
Seriosly, why wont you become proskater? Film some vids and put youtube, create patreon and offer how to vids about tricks.
>I spent most of my 20s (Now 27) cultivating my skateboarding skills and music playing skills,
I think I got herpes repairing shitty electronics.
This is your solution.
trading crypto
What about ?