Is there anything more hilarious than normies making $6 dollars an hour to hand you french fries and burgers? I never get tired looking down on such people with so little dignity and hope.
Is there anything more hilarious than normies making $6 dollars an hour to hand you french fries and burgers...
If only they knew crypto.
as part of the neet masterrace i've had nothing but good experience with people working mcjobs and try to be as cordial as possible
these are the good wagies, they bring us food
but i'll happily point and laugh at the wagecuck driving his car to go work in an office for his boss mr shekelstein
I think more pathetic is not have any form of skill whatsoever and not taking part in society.
People are different user.
They cant help it they were born with low iq's.
And looking down on others will not make you happy.
Tells a lot about your iq
They are working hard at a shit job, developing the kind of character that will make them persevere over future difficulties in life.
Your NEET lifestyle and horrible eating habit will slowly turn you into a degenerate slob without social and life skills. I wonder who will come out on top in the inevitable social upheaval that is coming?
Dear user,
expect karma to fuck you deep inside.
those are the people who interact and repopulate the earth
have you done any repopulating OP?
i spent a large part of my life doing pointless jobs and i'll say completely unironically and with full honesty, that it's better to be a loft-dwelling NEET than do a minimum wage job with no prospects.
>used to work at Chilis ToGo
>It was a tradition that the person there would sing for tips
>I was 16 and sang for tips
>Now 26 and making Bux - Tip and give without being a faggot
>flipping burgers to sell to fat fucks to stuff their face is a useful and irreplaceable skill
>and they have the nerve to demand $15 an hour
There's nothing wrong with being a burgerslave as long as the person has ambition and drive they can start off smashing rocks and they'll eventually get somewhere.
is there anything more pathetic than someone with money to burn going to fast food joints to eat shitty food and smug the employees?
It's 15$ in leaf land, essentially half the income of a well educated professional. I expect to see more self serve kiosks soon, or a motherfuckin' 20% pay raise this year.
There's nothing wrong with honest work
ITT: mcdonalds workers in between shifts
the real Veeky Forums would be laughing at wagies with me
Where I'm from, it's mostly young people still in school/uni.
Fuck off back to plebbit faggots.
I've got you user.
t. virgin loser
Nah, you're just a cunt, fatass.
I don't find it funny. I find it sad, unless they're teens working part time. I also don't eat fast food because that shit is awful for you.
honestly being a fast food worker or waiter is just... degrading. it is barely above janitor. no honor, no pride, no wealth, no respect, your entire career and life is a joke. don't get me wrong, people using these as in between jobs like students is fine but career restaurant workers and janitors... just sad
This qt served me burgers the other day.
I still think about her
>he can still win!!
>feel the bern1!!!!
You realise how pathetic you lot are right? In the civil war you'll all be slaughtered.
t. le edgy millennial visiting that website on the darkweb Veeky Forums
>guis i go on 4chin xDDDDD
One of the most distinguishing aspects of an ill bred commoner who is unfamiliar with wealth is their propensity to be rude to or about servants. Servants make your food and work hard for the money they get and should be treated with manner and when necessary stern but not abusive correction. If you are dealing with other peoples servants then they are other peoples property and respected as such. Your own servants you should be kind to as you would a family do and also expect the same degree of obedience. This will get you the best value from them.You OP lack breeding and may not come to the nice places, your money will never be sufficient as you have poor in your brain..
i’d quit my job if i knew how to make $15/hour with crypto
Actual restaurant workers/waiters are good. Fast food scum, on the other hand...
>minimal wage is $15
Are you a peasant?
as a white collar chad, both low tier workers and NEETs are equally disgusting. but, the neets have an edge, cause their pride is atleast intact. while both groups have no skills or direction in life, atleast neets refuse to work like a dog for no real benefit other than that of a corporation. so between the two lowest tiers of society, neets edge out the win
t. The third Duke of Wellington
By fast food scum I am also talking about customers, by the way.
This, you have to treat your subordinates with basic decency and correct them when necessary in a way that increases their usefulness to your enterprises. It also rude to mishandle someone else's servants (in this case they are the property of McDonald's).
it's true the seed money for my fortune came from delivering pizzas. the american dream is NOT a meme
>Actual restaurant workers/waiters are good. Fast food scum, on the other hand...
I actually find the reverse is true. I would rather dine privately and send my staff to collect than suffer high end restaurant staff and their obsequious money grubbing. It spoils my enjoyment of the Chefs work. I rarely enter fast food establishments as people like niggers and people wearing sports clothing frequent them, however when I last did I was pleased by their dead and broken demeanour, they appreciated I wished no discourse with them and that is how it should be.
Gotta start somewhere my dude. They aren't all going nowhere...
I used to make $6 USD an hour equivalent at Burger King.
Now I make $35 USD an hour as a software developer (still junior), and made $300K on cryptos.
cheap labour is how capitalism works
>t. The third Duke of Wellington
You are closer than you may ever realise. Treat your staff as you would an expensive dog anons, kindness and strict obedience is the key to good ownership. I also like on occasion the girls to wear black thongs and heals with matching braziers as curiously it has the effect of titillating my female guests but only the ones that are comfortable or entertained in this aspect of service, usually the Asian girls. Naturally I would not engage a married female servant in such a role, I find it is best to end their employment if they marry as they lack dedication to the job at that juncture.
mmmm the alt right would get fucked up in a civil war scenario, they would get obliterated, all of them are the unathletic socially retarded kids from high school with no military training, the only reason you think you would win is cause you believe you're edgy enough, but honestly I think some of the more hardcore leftists are batshit insane and would fuck up the pasty basement boys. as a centrist it will be fun to watch you destroy each other, the people who are worth anything in a fight don't waste time with politics
>not acting like their friend and giving them crypto tips so that when you cash out you can steal their money too..
you gotta start playing the long game user or else you are gonna be back with your co-workers hand my a burger and fries
your a useless fucker op. we all know u havent made shit in crypto. post proof or gtfo newcoinfag.
this. thread.
Only in ontario
Perhaps fast food workers or at least some of them would be more entertaining to work in a more stimulating attire, hotpants or latex catsuits perhaps? I suppose the expense would be unreasonable to the company and perhaps be off putting to lower class people that frequent such places with their children. All rather horrible really like most poor people things. Poor people really are vile.
>muh alt right
>muh scary freedom fighters
You have a severely distorted view of reality, roomcleaner. Go back to fapping to and hanging up Gadsden flags in your college dorm you fucking bug person
>mmmm the alt right would get fucked up in a civil war scenario,
O I don't think so. Wealth has its perks. I own many fine firearms but also three artillery pieces and its ages since I got to kill a communist. They are not really people, communists and socialist riff raff and unlike game animals there is no moral obligation to make a clean kill on them, which adds to the sport. Even most poor people know that communists and socialists just want them even poorer and to attack their families and churches so the main problem with killing socialists and communists is there are not enough of the bastards to go around
What world do you live in? They always fuck up my orders
Im neet/"self-employed" myself but youre a fucking pos
>What world do you live in? They always fuck up my orders
you visit these lower class dining establishments and examine what they bring you in detail? My goodness its like a tramp at a soup kitchen demanding more pepper and screaming at the servant making it.
>They always fuck up my orders
Hey, my order is wrong can you fix it please?
wow what a burden
Karma doesn't exist, if it did politicians wouldn't exist
>the real Veeky Forums would be laughing at wagies with me
This isn't /r9k/. Capitalism is a zero sum game and they are taking one for the team.
>This, you have to treat your subordinates with basic decency and correct them when necessary in a way that increases their usefulness to your enterprises. It also rude to mishandle someone else's servants (in this case they are the property of McDonald's).
Exactly. If they are not wearing their little hat correctly or whatever its really quite rue to admonish them as if they were your staff. They belong to the McDonalds shareholders and I'm sure that they do their best in their way to train and discipline them.
thats because you are expected to serve hundreds of orders with the speed of a machine gun. Its inevitable you forget something
>Capitalism is a zero sum game and they are taking one for the team.
Except for the steady improvements in technology, productivity, industrial output, agriculture and the quality of living of the poorest in western societies now being quite sufficient to live, as opposed to previous centuries where it was only sufficient to die. Be very thankful to capitalism. Cherish free markets and look up and aspire.
>Be very thankful to capitalism.
I love capitalism. And true zero sum games don't exist in the real world but it is worth assuming they exist to see opportunities.
>thats because you are expected to serve hundreds of orders with the speed of a machine gun. Its inevitable you forget something
I'm glad to hear that the poor are being fed with such well managed institutions. No charity or government could rival this. Only capitalism could provide a place staffed by fully worked servants feeding the poor their hot ground meat sandwiches at low cost. Excellent. The system works.
I agree though, it shows a total lack of character to abuse those people just trying to make a living. Lower middle class were the worst - the desperate need to bully someone even lower than themselves economically was pathetic.
It's also tactically unsound to insult those with direct access to what you eat. Fight Club didn't exaggerate at all the kinds of things we'd do to the food of rude customers when I still worked in food service.
Kyenes, please go and molest some kids.
Yes, and Russia did their economic improvement by sending 20 million of their equal comrades to gulags and more to Siberia to get the same result.
Trickle down economic or gulag. The choice is yours, Comrade.
all i can say is thank GOD i was born to rich common sense parents and i'll never work a day in my life
i just dont know why poor people have kids
OP You think you are so high and mighty but life can fuck everyone. Nobody is safe. Maybe you won't work on a Mcdonalds but your children could *sips tea* What goes around comes around.
>technology improvement is because of the current economic system
Then we owe more to feudalism and kingdoms than capitalism.
There has been more improvements to technology in the last hundred years than the rest of human history combined.
A jobless neet on mommy's teat mocking people with jobs, oh wow.
You'll probably die alone. Unfulfilled life. Wasteman. Kys
I’m baffled anyone would work at McDonald’s when you could find a job at a random mom and pop or franchise pizza shop for 9 or ten dollars an hour
Well they have an excellent corporate structure and they give you the tools to be your own boss.
I've never understood the people who choose fast food. You can work at a factory and make more money, you can do some construction and make more money, get any office job and make more money. They just don't try. They think, "hurr durr me need job me go mcdonalds for job because thats where you get job". With any of the jobs I listed, you're gaining skills that can lead you to a career. Fast food will only lead you to more fast food.
>You can work at a factory and make more money,
I can't think of a worse fate than assembly line work. The slog, the repetition, lack of interaction... I'd pick fast food work anytime even if it pays worse
I don't eat in such places.
Besides unhealthy... do you think it's a good idea to fund this sort of people through your business?
>that wall of text
Just assert: “Noblesse Oblige” - anons of culture and standing will agree. Others can go work the mines
shouldnt you be at work Cuckboy?
Newsflash bud fast food is assembly line work.
Besides, nobody says you have to stay at the job forever. What looks better on your resume, Parkland Fabrication or McDonalds?
You're a faggot OP, fuck off with thinking you're better than anyone.
those are the shittiest looking patties. why would anyone ever go to mcdonalds?
Find a signal that works 51% of the time
Risk $5
Reward $20
Do it once an hour
We need everyone, even the epsilons.
go suck a dick u moral faggot
>Trickle down economic or gulag
>CY+3, still falling for this false dichotomy
Third way, best way
Bigly if true.
what do you expect with niggers making your food?
A persons real character shows when you see how they treat the lowest ones on the social ladder.
I've never held a shit job, but I sort of admire them. They actually get up every single morning, fully aware that the nightmare that awaits them, for shit pay. They could easily have taken short cuts in order to increase their wealth, but they have integrity, so they don't.
Meanwhile pieces of shit like OP idolizes the ones who takes short cuts at the expense of others.
I once read that if you are dating someone new, watch how they treat service people. It's a defining characteristic to how they will treat you when they drop their act.
It was
>Watch how they treat service people
>Watch how they treat family
>Watch how they treat pets
This is the bitch test.
I like to ask cute cashiers at the mcdonalds to spit into my burgers
>believing in unicorns
Get real.
You go to quick service hamburger restaurants? You fucking pleb
>They could easily have taken short cuts in order to increase their wealth, but they have integrity, so they don't.
not really. those avenues, other than petty crime, arent available to normal people
This. Working a low-pay job you don't like is just unfortunate, but at least they're productive and might still be trying, assuming they live modestly and save their income.
>living on government handouts
>pride intact
underrated post
>I sorta admire cucks
They don't take shortcuts because they don't know about them. If they do and still don't take them then they are just retarded. People like that won't go anywhere in this world.
>They could easily have taken short cuts in order to increase their wealth
They are like deep sea fish. They are kept alive by the intense pressure that envelops them. If they are forcibly surfaced, they explode.
They don't do it out of free will, they7 do it because they have to.
Crypto is worse.
>Holding onto magic meme tokens in the hopes of making it big