How loveable are you Veeky Forums bro's
I'm 5'9'' and 300lbs
How loveable are you Veeky Forums bro's
I'm 5'9'' and 300lbs
I'm an unlovable 5'11, 165 lb, asshole.
I'm 5'10 and 124
5'10" 155lbs
Used to be 135-140. Lost my perfect trap aesthetics
fat fuck
6.3 here.
5'8 , 220 pounds
Look, for a while I struggled with this. I thought hey maybe I can loose weight, get fit as fuck and get a gf. But screw that. Why should I try to impress someone for a maybe, when I can definitely enjoy tons of tasty food with no effort?
So you're 6 feet and 30% of a foot?
4'10" 86lbs
i tried to convert it with google.
why do you anglos use these weird measurements anyways.
5'10", 205lb
5'7 125
6'5", 220 lbs. it's mostly in my stomach and thighs. Half of the 20 is muscle in my legs, the other half is about 10 pounds on my stomach.
Are a you a girl?!?!?!
Filthy Euro, I'm surprised you didn't put something like 6 , 3.
ayo bby u wan sum fuk
I should mention I used to be built like a brick house at ~230 but then several years of working in kitchens, a poor diet and a drinking problem happened.
>a grill
Wheres? I have something I want to show you. I'm not saying it's my penis. But it's my penis.
No one really cares, user.
i don't understand why you didn't leap on
Apparently somebody cares enough to make a thread about this stuff. And you care enough to reply.
For that matter, shouldn't this be on soc?
I was thinking the same thing.
Yeah, this isn't really a cooking board thing.
5'9" 280 lbs of flubber but most of my flub is in my big old fat old fat belly that i aquired from being an alcoholist but i quit alcohl drinking so that's pretty cool huh. i still eat like a hog tho lmao :D
Because I assumed midget not woman.
I want to fuck the dragon lady, not the half-man.
You sound mildly retarded.
Because that's just as likely to be a 14 year old.
i had half a unit of love per pound so im currently 200 loveable.
If i wasnt fat my value could be up to 3 per pound but by this point it seems faster to keep eating
Lol you a little boy?
Half a unit of love, .5 per pound. if you are at 200 units of love, divide that by .5 per pound. Nigga you 400 pounds?
Stop. Eating.
6'2", 215lbs. In a very good relationship and have been for over two years. Can't complain. I eat a lot but my gf is an adorable 5'4" 120lbs. I do most of the experimental cooking and food prep, she does all the baking. Makes me cream cheese banana bread once a month or so. Feels goodman
>dragon lady
huh? is this a reference to something?
Gam of Thron
5'8 150.
5'8 165 13% bodyfat
Are you asking me to stop loving myself?
Typical body normative fascist,.
5' 8" 215 % body fat !?!
6'0" 144.4lbs
5'2, 130 pounds
5'3" and 218lbs
Just put me out of my misery
5'7" 140lbs.
very hateable.
can someone please explain the london meme? clearly i'm behind.
stop eating too much. do it by by bit if it's too hard to do all at once.
6'1", 167.
I'm skinny but not, I don't get it.
I'd drink a beer with you
>can someone please explain the london meme?
Veeky Forums meme from years ago
You're skinnyfat. Basically no muscle.
5'10" 273 lbs.
Bear mode, I'm built as fuck, eat what I want and have arms like tree trunks.
Around 310bs atm, actively losing weight
6'4" 210
The drug addictions keep me skinny. And the construction/landscaping job keeps me in shape.
Womlets when will they learn?
You sound really really fat bro.
>I actually prefer fat mode.
Perfecto, I'd let her sit on my face.
6'1", 125 lbs. tiny tits, big ass. taken.
5'9 230 lbs
>Women announcing their relationship status unprovoked.
And yet they want to be treated as something more than a man's possession...
5'9'' 260lbs, I was at 280 before deciding to hit the gym and it's been going great so far. Getting some nice arm and shoulder definition starting just gotta keep at it.
You can make it bro, keep at it.
Why do men generalise like this?
6' 185
Lmao I'm the fattest one in here
5'8 - 172lbs
working on getting down to 150
Prove it.
5'9", 160
Not bad, I do ok for myself.
how, do you want a scale pic or something?
Why would a woman announce her relationship status unsolicited unless she thought it would change people's views of her or her own worth?
[lolnospoiler]Because that's all she's really good for.[/lolnospoiler]
just preempting LONDON etc.
I don't mind it really
Just post your weight Satan, and I'll decide whether or not it sounds fake
>list body type and sexual availability
>thinks men generalize when women willfully oust themselves as only being useful for fucking
I don't make the rules, sister, I just play the game.
The OP says "how loveable" and shows a couple. The context was implied.
486, last I looked.
The op asks his "bros" and lists nothing more than height or weight.
He didn't ask how much of a vapid whore you are.
Oh, ok
Are you admitting you were wrong?!
? Wrong about what?
To make a whorish prostration in this thread.
I have no idea what you mean tall
5'9" 184
Basically average
6 foot 3,last weighed at 565 pounds but that was a couple years and now no doctor's office in my city has a scale that can weigh me
66'1 240 lbs, My back is fucked from vidya so I look disgusting
Thanks senpai ill try
6 foot 2 inches
297 lbs
5'6 170lbs, was at 230 4 months ago. Got big due to depression and I'm now getting back down to where I was. 165 is the goal as I find most girls like a guy with some meat and not scrawny looking.
Bro I know the cliche answer of how you lost weight but did you do anything special? I'm trying to cut down 40 lbs before january
185cm fluctuating between 79 and 82 kilo.
YEah european metrics because thats how the world works amerifats.