
>how healthy are you, and how often do you eat junk food

170 lbs
very healthy despite some sports injuries
almost never, except for pizza, which i have maybe 1/week.

280 lbs
Getting healthier, i quit drinking alcohols and have junk food maybe 4 to 6 times a week. altho i am a soda maniac since i quit drinking alcholis but it's ok

22, >110 lbs. Very healthy, athlete.

Do not believe in concept of "junk food" but I eat out twice a week. No fast chains.

>asking NEETS of Veeky Forums about health
2/3rds of the people who are going to reply can't afford to see a doctor so they have no idea how healthy they are.

>afford to see a doctor
Try living in a first world country.

29 years 171cm

Very healthy , even if my bmi doesnt make sense because i'm short (I practice muay thai, calistenia, and futbol)

Junk food? Almost nothing. Maybe a hamburger or (home made ) pizza every 3- 5 weeks.

>Getting your healthcare from a public servant.

Might as well see a witchdoctor.

Terribly unhealthy. I smoke and drink a lot and I have a throbbing heart pain that I refuse to get checked because I don't want to worry anyone. I haven't eaten junk food since high school. I make almost all my meals from fresh ingredients.

>not at all healthy; too often to be good for me

First world countries don't have witch doctors, they aren't shitholes like haiti or america

I work out 3-4 times a week and normally bike.
Don't eat much junk food and eat a lot of veggies
am an alcoholic so it kinda negates things


I don't eat junk food but still overeating ( too many bread , pastries , biscuits and wtc ). I am skinny fat

>tfw you drink water

18, 116lb, once in a while I get pizza with olives or those weird red breaded chicken stuff they sell at Chinese places. I just cant resist those two, but only on special occasions.

dude, get checked out.

Woah, you're pretty much me.

>178 lbs.

Just had my annual military physical. Cholesterol was slightly elevated but everything else checked out okay. AIC was 5.5, PSA was 3.2, kidneys and liver are top notch.

About once a month I'll get a craving for some fast food, usually Jack-In-The-Box tacos, and I'll eat 6-10 of them depending on how hungry I am. I cook my own meals 95% of the time.

Pic related.

63 kg

It's not like I'm unhealthy but I don't actively try to improve my food intake or fitness. I don't eat any junk food.

165 lbs
Relatively healthy but I do drink a bit. I don't care much for junk food, but I do eat out more than I should.(Not fast food)

My work is pretty active physically so that also helps.

175cm, 75kg
The only times I eat junk is when I visit my parents.

22, 5'2" 135 pounds
Fat but otherwise in good health. Steadily losing weight so I try not to eat junk food anymore.

121 lbs

I guess I'm pretty healthy, I could afford to lose a couple pounds. I'd prefer to be at a weight of 110-115. I track my calories, macros, and micros via cronometer and appear to have a pretty balanced diet. Kind of low in potassium though, I hate sweet potatoes and bananas

390lbs, 5'9"

I eat hella shit nigga

Age - 45
Weight 190 lbs
I don't eat shit foods but I drink a ton of beer.

I also run and bike three times per week. I do my best to look good at the gay bar!

I'm 19, 86lbs. I walk 10km+ each day, so I'd say I'm fairly healthy.

236 lbs

I'm reasonably healthy, work out a lot. But I also drink to black out at least a couple times a week. That's gonna bite me down the road but for now I seem to be fine


I want to fuck you.

>bloods, heart, blood pressure etc all fine but underweight. drink rarely, smoke rarely, eat fast food once every two weeks at most. somewhat balanced diet but don't try to restrict or overindulge on stuff too much


Thanks, but I'm in a very happy relationship right now already (for a decently long time in the foreseeable future, anyway).

Why should I put forth any?

>(for a decently long time in the foreseeable future, anyway)
Are you some sort of slave?

>drink to black out
>couple times a week
Just get some benzos m8, that's gotta be healthier for your body in the long run, even allowing for the crazy shit you'll get up to
Cooking while blacked can hone your concentration and executive planning skills, and the ataxia can train superior fine-motor proprioception. It's a win-win

Weird, this is the same response that I would have.

480 lb
pretty healthy, not often

I expected more from you.

I know better than to make any assumptions and fall for any type of belief in 'perfection', as comfortable as I am at the moment, as much as I'd like to. You never know what the future's like and what might end it.

>what the fuck? How did I cut my forearm while making stir-fry, and why did I rub garlic powder on it?

>480 lb
>pretty healthy

am I reading this correctly?

He probably is as he's only 24. Young bodies can adapt well, but he's on a course to be unhealthy.

~162 lbs
Not at all, multiple times a week. I just don't eat very much.

You're 19. You have a lifetime of heartache and disappointment ahead of you. I seriously doubt you've found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, but good luck.

"The magic of first love is our Ignorance that it can ever end."
-Benjamin Disraeli

Exactly. That's what I think, too, and posted.

Correct. My family has amazingly good genetics. Most of us are really fat but everybody has lived to at least 90 without any issues not even diabeetus. The doctors have always been fascinated by it. Who knows, maybe I'll be the first to die of a heart attack.

Then why mention how you don't see it ending?

You kids...

Can you even walk

Yes. I can run, too.

Read my posts again.

okay you can't trick me

>(for a decently long time in the foreseeable future, anyway).
That's an implication that you don't see it ending(at least anytime soon).

Do you see how that works?

Tell you what, why don't you just break up with the chap already and move on the next guy? You both will be the better for it.

>4 foot
>400 pounds
>people are actually falling for this bait

19, 5'6, 115lb.
I eat junk food occasionally while out and about to avoid low blood sugar and migraines (small bag of chips or a candy bar) but never very much because I never buy it

>160, 5'11''
>as healthy as possible, pretty much
>junk food once every 1-2 weeks

Pretty much the rest of the time I eat heaps of veggies and lean protein with some whole grains and a bit of fruit. A bit of a health nut. Every 1-2 weeks I get a decadent restaurant meal or candy or something similar.

The implication is that I'm not completely sure, so I did not use any absolutes.

Why would I do that?

So now you're pussy footing around it and saying you don't really like the guy, huh?

Might as well just end it all now.

They're very much /the/ person I'd like to remain close to for as long as it's possible.

So which is it? Do you want to be with the guy forever or not?

you can just say "no", ya know

Yes. If that was possible.

Here's a very strong 'no' to your offer, now, since you don't seem to be getting it.

Good point.

I'm dying

of what

5'11" 160 Ibs
Not Healthy at all, haven't run in about 3 years
Always eating Junk Food



202 lbs

Healthy? I feel good actually, not a single cold or anything in the last 4 years nor saw a doctor in the last 4 years.
I smoke and I get drunk af every weekends.
Fast food? Sometimes, like 2 times a month or less, especially when I'm totally drunk. Fast food is only good for fat asses, I really love to cook for myself or for my friends that's why I don't usually eat fast food.

>Implying I want anything to do with you romantically, physically, or sexually.

Why are women so vain as to to think anyone that talks to them is working some game to get with them?

My bad, I thought you were the other poster who offered, if you scroll up.

huge binge eater, binging on junk food at least 3 days a week

>very healthy

you're morbidly obese, brah.

6' 3"
160 lbs
I don't eat junkfood but I eat as much as I can, sometimes up to 3,800 calories a day.
Still not enough to gain weight though :'

I am very healthy however, whole plant foods only minus bread.

>100lbs per foot
seems legit

105 lbs
I eat junk food every day.

The typical american man.

can someone help me stop food binging?

it helped me to identify why I was binging, and it was because i was holding back/overthinking my diet. i tried so hard not to eat too much that I ended up doing nothing but think about food. either that or I'd feel low and say to myself 'ah, one time cant hurt. I just feel bad right now and want to eat away my feelings'. it's really subjective and depends entirely on WHY you're doing it.

5'5" 118 lbs
I don't eat any junk food ever and I am in very poor health from vitamin deficiencies i think :(

thanks for answering me.i grew up poor and i was starving a lot of times.when i was 8 i moved with my dad and grandpartents and they had a lot of food, that's pretty much when i started binging.3 years ago i started doing restricting diets because i felt bad with my weight, but it only made my binging worse in the end.i was diagnosed with pcos 4 months ago and i have to follow the pcos diet, but i fail to because i always get hungry when i respect it.

Shhh, these threads exist to catch underageb&s.

22. 5'8 and 165 pounds. Eat clean for the most part but fast-food about one every two weeks. Have a crippling Ice Cream dependency which i have to do about 3 hours of extra cardio a week to help off-set.

220 lbs
not all that healthy, but not abysmal, i lift 3 times a week and work cardio into either one or two of those workouts depending on the week, and have been making a conscious effort to consume less shitty food, though working at a pizza place makes this pretty difficult on my self constraint. i've cut candy out of my diet and im working on pop/juices from concentrate

forgot, am 21

Healthy. I never eat junk food desu. When I crave sweet things I bake them myself, or buy high end varieties - I eat small portions as well. I eat mountains of fiber daily and exercise every day.

>how healthy are you

170 / 5'11"
>how healthy are you, and how often do you eat junk food
I don't work out (by which I mean cardio) enough and eat junk food almost daily. I guess I'm comparatively healthy, but I should cook more and spend more time outside for sure.

6' 4"
As of recent i rarely eat anything unhealthy as over the past 2 months ive been on a pretty strict diet trying to lose this weight. Slowly but surely I am. Really starting to enjoy excercising

165?lbs / 74kg
Really unhealthy. I eat mostly veg and try to limit junk food, I also really only eat what I cook myself, but I'm disabled and hence get no real exercise. I've recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure. Recently quit smoking, and have cut down on drinking... so junk food has made a little bit of a comeback. It's hard.

I don't really work out, and I eat fast food once a weak. I don't have any health problems so I think I'm healthy, but 95% of people could probably beat me in an arm wrestle.

>I'm not the healthiest, try to workout and eat right. Haven't had real junk food in a year or so, outside of some licorice and breakfast bars.

Used to be 300lbs, so not complaining too much.


how fat do we look?

I'd fuck you.

I've been thoroughly tested, due to an "illness", and all my "levels", like electrolytes, minerals and vitamins, catecholemines, blood pressure, organ health, etc., are all optimal.
I eat junk food all the time. At least 3 - 4 times per week. Yes, my sodium level is fine. It's almost as though dietary sodium isn't demonic.

I'm not as lean as I'd like (not in my early 20's anymore) but I think I'm doing ok

child size

>230 pounds

the real whooper is everything's normal, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose etc. I shit you not, I look fucking disgusting and yet physically I seem to be healthy.. I lift a lot and back in high school everyone knew me as strong fatty dude.

don't really count my calories too strenuously, my diet is just average. not good or bad.

as for fast food, maybe once a month will I get a monster burrito from chipotle but that's about it.

>125-130, hadn't checked in a while
Walk at least 2 miles a day, eat junk food regularly
Healthy except for fibromyalgia

>Made up "disease" to sell women shit.


Well into the hamplanet range
Awful desu. I get out of breath and sweaty just by walking for too long. Too lazy to change though.

176 lbs.
1 - 2 times a week. Usually McDonald's or Pizza. Generally healthy. Not a drinker or a smoker.

24, 5'8, 158lbs down from 190. I work out 5 days a week and am still dieting down before bulking.

I'm going to make it.

pretty decent, once a week if that

I take my dogs for walks, and my job is semi-physical.
I eat fast food a couple times a week, and I get stoned while eating junk food and drinking soda all day on my days off.