>your city >the best unique fast food place in your city
Salt Lake City Toro Taco
The best damn burrito I've had, strangely situated in front of a Sears. There are other taco stands only meters away, but I tried them and they don't compare. It's also cheap af.
why would you vomit on a plate and post a picture of it?
John Reed
>Orem reporting in Where in Salt Lake is this place, and is it worth the trip?
Ethan White
It's worth it if you happen to be in the city. It's in front of Sears on State and 800 South. Make sure you go to Toro Taco and not the other one nearby.
It's a bad photo and whoever put the toppings on is bad. You dress everything yourself here.
Wyatt Peterson
I'm in salt lake every other month and I always eat here (pic) its close the hotel I stay at and it reminds me of home. ate at toro's a few times because of the reviews but it wasnt all that they made it out to be they were your typical street taco like one can get anywhere.
Jace Perry
Can confirm, Toro Taco is the shit. The other stands are actually just as good, pretty sure the same folks and recipes, actually.
Christian Gonzalez
shit tier. just go to red iguana
Carson Adams
San Diego fag reporting in, you faggots aren't actually fooling yourselves into thinking you have good mexican food.
You know how naive people are outside of the southwest.
Nolan Myers
Los Angeles Hawkins House of burgers
It's in Watts, but it's safe. Just don't come in wearing pricey shit.