>Preheat the Oven
Preheat the Oven
Good thread
What else would you do? Postheat the oven?
>remove film and stir
>Flip halfway through baking
Why would your oven be off? Do you turn off your fridge?
>leave it in fridge for 30 minutes
I got a frozen mushroom lasagna from Trader Joe's. I'm pretty sure I read it right and it says put the plastic tray directly into the oven on a baking sheet. This can't be right, but it's written there plain as day.
>peel, seed and chop tomato.
Ha! There is no D in refrigerator.
Holy shit, just learn how to make lasagna yourself and don't be a cuck.
>can't even figure out how to heat up premade food
Oh wait, you probably don't know how to cook at all.
>mix until emulsified
>compliment the chef
>stir frequently
>let rest overnight
>tip your waitress
>Holy shit, just learn how to make lasagna yourself
I make better lasagna than you could ever dream of making. I'm not going to spend 2 hours making lunch before I go out.
Nice buzzwords
enjoy your trader cucks
Ok, thanks
>Heat the oil
>fall off the bone good
>let cool
>season as desired
>recipe doesn't specify oven/stovetop temps
>bake until fully cooked
>puncture film
>enjoy with the whole family
>Veeky Forums - Food and Sadfrog.jpg
>package gives microwave, oven, and stove options
>I do all of them
>cook for 14 to 18 minutes
16 it is
Okay, I have a stupid question.
I made a cake using the instructions on the box because I can't cook shit, and they said that I should preheat the oven at minimum temperature, not max. Why?
oven readings aren't perfect, better to err on the side of undercooked, since overcooked isn't really reversible
to cuck you out of your precious time
>heat until just under a boil BUT DON'T LET IT BOIL
>let rest overnight
I never get that shit right
>Pour in flour slowly while mixing
>family share pack
>serving size 3 pieces
>feeds a family of 4-6
>stir in enough whipped mixture loosen batter and then fold in the rest VERY VERY CAREFULLY DON'T OVERMIX BUT MAKE SURE THERE ISN'T A SINGLE STREAK AMD IF YOU FUCK THIS STEP UP ITS RUINED
Fucking dairy, mang. Finicky as shit.
>add to taste
This shits me to no end. Usually it's just enough for me and a about half a serve left over.
>...and add a bundle of "sweet herbs"
>you can make many variations of this dish using your imagination!
Ha! There is no O in fridge.
>Stir occasionally
>perfect for Valentine's Day
>thaw in refrigerator
Brine for 24 hours before
>flip once the underside is golden brown
I always see that as a challenge.
>6 paragraph dissertation about the history of the recipe and unnecessary anecdotes about your families eating habits before the actual recipe on a recipe page
how do you know if it's brown until you flip it
>Gr8rH8r is here
Ah well, time to log off for the day.
>Here's a trick! Pour some of the sketti water into the sauce ;)
Jacques Pepin does this in like every other episode of Fast Food My Way. It's aggravating.
>warm up sauce pack separately then pour on food