What does Veeky Forums think of Nigella's body of work?
What does Veeky Forums think of Nigella's body of work?
Fuck off.
rude desu
I want her body to sit on my face
Literally not what body of work means
Isn't she the bitch that was getting choked in those tabloid pictures?
she gave me my first boner.
Do you think I give a fuck what some beta cuck sjw thinks?
I got fat watching her programs because she would turn me on so much i began to associate food with sex. After then, every time i say a bitch with some serious thighs i would hit the fridge
mfw i wish every time i saw the fridge i could hit a bitch with some serious thighs
>implying that fat fuck eats vegetables
>implying there's anything she doesn't eat
I figure there are people who are attracted to fat persons but I definitely ain't one.
It shows you she is a good cook though because she cant stop eating the delicious food she makes. Never trust a skinny chef
I don't mean to cause an offence. I probably should have kept my mouth shut.
>not liking thick women
100% gay
She is beautiful.
I want to climb inside her and die.
old and expired
I wish I could stick my head in her perfect luscious cunt and suffocate to death.
Let's not forget what was lost to time
I wish I could shrink myself to the size of a June bug and have her crush me to death with her titties
I fantasize over her having poor personal hygiene.
Cottage cheese under her breasts
A thick mustardy discharge emitting from her vagina
Encrusted decal matter dried like hot wax around her sphincter, with hairs sticking out
It is then my job to clean her up from head to toe using only my tongue.
>/tv/ shitposting thread
>would have been deleted on /tv/ by now
>not a single on topic, Veeky Forums related post
>other off topic threads on Veeky Forums deleted
>this thread still up hours later
Good job, mods.
mods confirmed for nigella master race
What went wrong?
Not a goddamn thing.
>what's a reverse image search?
Nadia Aboulhosn
I prefer her before the cocaine
So before she was 13?
Why the fuck am i getting rekt in every thread i post in today?
Hot & thicc
Spotted the pufta
Me too.
SJW fag
You got rekt the moment you were conceived. This is just the world catching up.
good tidders t b h
Same but I'd want her to hide in her food and have her swallow me unknowingly.
Because you're shitposting. Sometimes that gets you rekt brah
God damn, Nigella is so beautiful.
Nigella is so hot. I would eat the peanuts right out of her shit.
I spotted the faggot, everyone.
You can tell she loves it more than butter