>'sup, user? How do you make the perfect burrito?
'sup, user? How do you make the perfect burrito?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying some pleb white girl will actually like the perfect burrito
>pleb white girl
Get. The. Fuck. Out.
drive to the local 'rito place and buy one
hola reddito
You mad bro?
this isn't /b/
All hail the queen bitches
who is this semen demon?
Looks like some random teenage girl.
burritos are easy to make. carne asada, pico de gallo, gaucamole. thats it.
ron jeremy's daughter. shes been all over the internet lately.
boy she looks like shit with that hair and no eye makeup
>ron jeremy's daughter
Holy fuck, what. Same facial features, eyes and everything.
Ron Jeremy's daughter is boxxy?
>carne asada
>easy to make
Pick one and only one, or provide the recipe in detail
I'll pick both I dont listen to idiots on the internet
heres diana kennedy's recipe.
In addition I add a lime, smashed garlic cloves, cilantro stems, veg oil, jalapeno in escabeche and black pepper to her base marinade recipe.
>'sup, user? How do you make the perfect burrito?
By sticking my tongue up your shit filled ass while you clench, for Boxxy that usually works.
>In addition im a fucking hipster and I add a lime
Stopped reading right there. Fuck you shit bag. #lemons4life
Shibbolethed the SJW
I am in love with Boxxy :(
>a lime
>retards go crazy on Veeky Forums
the authentic recipe is oranges faggots.
so youre both doing it wrong. fuck off with that gay beta shit.
>you will never hold her soft bum close to your face and inhale eyes closed
In the microwave, of course.
Adding Fresh diced Red Onion and Cilantro to almost any burrito will make almost any burrito taste a lot better. Just make sure to go easy on the raw red onion otherwise you'll ruin the burrito
mexicans commonly use white onions
What is 'sup short for?
"wassup", short for "What's up?"
The OP doesn't say anything about the burrito
having to be mexican style. I worked at a Tex-Mex place for two years that specializes in burritos and taco. We put fresh cilantro on everything and some form of red onion on almost everything. Cilantro just makes everything taste so fresh
I feel like I'm being rused here
I was being completely honest.
do it the american way. hire a mexican to make it for you.
>Wanna bite, user?
has anybody got a comfy salsa verde recipe to share, finally managed to buy tomatillos in an exotic food store
not that taco bell bs. have a proper mexican make you a proper burrito. =-D
Ha, she looks more and more spic-like by the year. Great to see efamous whore turn into feminazi and age like crap
Should I know who this bitch is?
She looks pretty good to me, m80.
why is everyone obsessed with this katherinre bitch?
Boxxy is pleb as fuck though.
I'll kill you, I fucking swear.
who is she? i'm curious as well.
that fucking cat is bigger than her
Does she do porn?
>pls tell me she's in porm
Of course
Too bad you can't download the files anymore. I got them in an old hard drive somewhere, but I'm too lazy to plug it in.
My burritos consist of:
- rice
- green lentils
- black beans
- peach Salsa
- a lick of BBQ sauce
- lime juice
- fresh minced garlic
- raw onion
- grilled bell pepper
- sweet potato
- sriracha
- salt, pepper, paprika, chili powder, cilantro, oregano
Call me a hipster or inauthentic or whatever the fuck but it tastes great for me. I make a big batch every weekend and take them to work for lunch.
She looks vaguely ethnic. Is she part Mexican or Aztec/whatever?
Upload it you fucking dick wrinkle.
No, she is a person without an ethnicity, obviously.
>So where are you taking me for dinner user?
i have a coupon for zaxby's.
bitch, she can't even wrap the 'ritto right. YOU get the fuck outta here!
Flavor Town
i'll take you to taco bell. you pay.
at the rate she's gaining weight she's gonna be a hamplanet in a few years
wonder if she ever comes to Veeky Forums posting about how she can eat anything and not gain weight