I don't know if anyone here is suicidal but if you are could you eat one of these and then make a youtube video about...

I don't know if anyone here is suicidal but if you are could you eat one of these and then make a youtube video about it before you die?

They look so delicious, and appetizing.

Someone just finished Disaster Report part 7

I don't know what that is, can't recall how I discovered this fruit.

Well I feel like an idiot, but the coincidence of this thread to me is astounding. Also death apples are supposed to taste somewhat sweet with a very peppery aftertaste. I'd do it but I'm to busy to commit suicide. Maybe if I lived in Florida, where these fuckers are from, I would

I'm watching a let's play of that game now, looked it up. Hey Hey Hey Hey

I wonder if I took a bite right outside of a hospital would insurance cover the cost of getting my stomach pumped. That might get my vid some views.

Wait this shit actually kills you? That's retarded. Fruit should be tasty so animals eat it and spread the seeds via poop highway.

Dumb fucking plants.

If you eat it, run away then die the plant still gets seeded in a new location and it can use your corpse for fertilizer.

Beach apples give no shits.

That's metal as fuck.

edgy fruit

Not only does the fruit kill you, but the sap does as well. In fact if you stand under it during rain, the sap drips down and burns your skin off. Not to mention the fumes are toxic and will kill you after enough exposure.

That's just something the jews tell idiots so they won't eat their tasty fruit so they can hoard them


>When ingested, the fruit is reportedly "pleasantly sweet" at first, with a subsequent "strange peppery feeling ..., gradually progress[ing] to a burning, tearing sensation and tightness of the throat". Symptoms continue to worsen until the patient can "barely swallow solid food because of the excruciating pain and the feeling of a huge obstructing pharyngeal lump."

>a huge obstructing pharyngeal lump
a what?

Basically it feels like you're throat is clogged really badly

Your* God dammit

maybe the acids tearing you apart from the inside?

Aren't these just wild apples?

They just taste like ass and dont have any meat to them. I guess the seeds have cyanide like cultivated apples do.

stupid gay ass apple

While we're on the subject, any survivors/ghosts here can tell me what these taste like? They look so good but I don't feel like dying yet.

>They look so good
Looks like an eggplant, so disgusting.
I thought this was just a Pokemon
