Is there any advantage to raw milk? I drink milk regularly, typically whole.
I've never had raw milk and i'm curious how it tastes. Anyone here ever had it?
Is there any advantage to raw milk? I drink milk regularly, typically whole.
I've never had raw milk and i'm curious how it tastes. Anyone here ever had it?
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The only reason to drink unpasturized milk, is if you're looking to get your guts fucking destroyed. So like, maybe it's advantageous as some kind of pre-suicide ritual.
fuck of jew
Dean detected.
It can make you sick unlike normal milk.
unhomogenised milk > unpasteurised milk
It's a lot better for you but the government doesn't want you to know this
It tastes much better (in my opinion) but the trade off is there is a tiny chance you might get sick. Personally I think its worth the risk.
>Is there any advantage to raw milk?
A few:
1. "alt" lifestyle girls will be impressed by you.
2. better chances of death from listeria
>drinking milk in the first place
You should smack your parents for passing on the ancient milk marketing board's meme onto you.
My grandparents used to raise cows on their farm among other animals, so I grew up drinking raw cow's milk until I was 10 or so and we moved away. After that my parents raised goats and I drank raw goat milk until my early 20s. Mind you this wasn't like an everyday thing, that was just what we drank for milk growing up. It's been a while since I drank milk on even a semi-regular basis.
Milk from the grocery store tastes like water compared to fresh milk. No idea what raw milk from a store tastes like. Go to a farm and try some straight out of the teat sometime.
Did you ever suck the milk directly from the cows tits?
Did you ever have sex with any of the animals?
It tastes better, but you're not getting any extra nutrition and you'll probably get sick. In fact we add vitamin d to regular store milk so you're actually losing out.
No but I did squirt it in my mouth from the cow tits a couple times. Putting your mouth on cow tits seems odd to me.
No, I'm not an Aussie/Zealander.
>putting your mouth on cow tits seems odd to me
That didn`t stop you sucking on your mamma`s did it?
I said your mouth, not mine.
Wrong. Raw milk is more natural, so it's better.
Natural pro-biotics > healthier
Better for cheese making.
> Drinking milk
It's like you wanna get Bloated and gassy
Arsenic is all natural, must be great for you.
American logic
>probably get sick
Protip: until pasteurization was developed in 1864, all milk was raw and people did just fine. There's a tiny risk of getting sick but as long as it's really fresh and from a good dairy, it should be fine.
You literally can't buy it in the US.
It's very silly.
I should add that if you have a normal immune system and aren't pregnant, even if you do manage to get listeria somehow it's very rarely anything worse than flu-like symptoms.
The taste is a bit stronger than pasteurized milk. However it spoils very easily, you have to drink it in few days and if you can't let the bottle out of the fridge for very long or you'll have to throw it away.
For me the taste isn't worth all the hassle. I didn't really care about the supposed health benefits.
Whatever you do don't fall for the raw milk yoghurt meme. It's begging for e-coli food poisoning.
More like I don't have shitty white people genes
Yeah we developed our lactose tolerance ages ago, no way evolution would have pointed us towards a food that made us sick 20 percent of the time. The difference now is memes, people memed it and now city stickers want to buy it from afar in a store, this allows for meme tier hormoned out cows milk suppliers to simply not pasteurize, which will make you sick.
The answer is to do your legwork personally, and inspect the farm yourself. If the farmer refuses then fuck off he's a cheat. If the farm is unhealthy it will be slap obvious, there will be cows shitting themselves left and right, and the place will reek of death.
You can't buy it interstate, this is to cut down on long distance fraud. The better way as always is to have relationships with individual farmers, anything less is asking for trouble.
I don't know that the government cares so much as they are happy to let shitty milk be the option. Raw milk has lots of the bacteria that are helpful to you, that along with other foods like some raw potatoes and the occasional fermented products are essential to healthy gut and mouth flora.
Another good option is cheese made from raw milk, that's easily avilable.
> However it spoils very easily, you have to drink it in few days and if you can't let the bottle out of the fridge for very long or you'll have to throw it away.
WTF are you talking about. Raw milk turns to buttermilk before it spoils. You drink what you can and then make sweet, sweet, buttermilk biscuits, pancakes, fried chicken, and marinade with it,
I've become quite attached to 1% milk and I would probably find raw milk a bit rich
it's fucking GOAT and that cream on top is literally heaven
My aunt had a farm when i was a kid and i used to drink raw milk straight from the cow, after it was refrigerated. Shit was great.
nah actually pasteurization kills the enzyme that breaks down lactose, raw milk doesnt make you bloated or anything
Grew up on a farm so I drank raw milk all the time. No difference. Just keep using the cheaper pasteurized stuff, all that happens is the milk gets boiled. Raw milk is slightly more dangerous too.
You're a delusional moron. Lactase isn't in milk of any type, because then it would digest itself.
Raw milk is great for making your own ice cream. So much creamier.
Milk from a healthy cow is safe to drink raw. I think raw milk tastes better but that's just me.
Factory farms pasteurize because their cows are sick and have infected udders, so they produce milk that's full of bacteria and has to be pasteurized so it doesn't make people sick.
Non-whites are the ones who have higher rates of lactose intolerance, idiot.
You mean shitskin genes? White people can have lactose just fine. It's the shitskins that void their bowels at the sight of milk.
>Better for cheese making.
This is the main benefit as far as I can see. You have no goddamn idea how pissed I was when I tried using general, homogonized pasteurized milk to make cheese and ended up making disgusting-ass cheese curd goo.
Idk I just bought some though.
What are some recipes that would benefit from quality milk? was thinking about making some mozzarella or burrata with it.
I've never seen a cow being milked when it didn't piss or shit in the process this tends to splatter when it hits the ground... so keep that in mind
Raw milk from a corporate dairy == bad idea.
Raw milk from a small dairy == just fine.
The only way anyone will get raw milk is from a small local dairy that doesnt employ immigrants who dont give a shit about anything so they actually take pride in their work and keep the floor clean.
at the lukewarm temperature it comes from cow its kinda disgusting
either hot or fridge-cool
the store bought milk tastes dilluted
2% ice amazing I could drink a half gallon in one sitting
The reason milk is pastuerized isn't because fresh milk is bad for you, it's because it won't keep for two months like store milk has to so it can be sold across the country. Come on people.
raw milk is awesome. nowadays supermarkets only carry extended shelf life milk, which has a rancid sweet taste.
but fresh raw milk is awesome and refreshing. it's only legal to buy it directly at the farm over here.
The problem isn't just the milk, the problem is using traditional recipes. Work with your ingredients, instead of against them.
d'Affinois is one of the most popular soft cheeses there is (also in countries which allow raw milk soft cheeses). Couldn't be done with raw milk.
no, only disadvantages. i always cook my milk to at least 200 C before serving it.
This is some shit-tier trolling.
Raw milk is completely fine to drink.
then why don't grocer's marts sell it raw?
Because it lasts longer.
Also, after reading up a bit it now appears that raw milk can carry certain bacteria that can cause stomach ache and diarrea for children, which is fucking hilarious because I've been drinking the damn stuff since I was a kid because we lived next to a farm and bought it from them.
So yeah, not sure what to believe anymore.
Probably makes you sick if you aren't used to it. I'd be willing to try it but I'm in the USA so I don't know where the fuck to even get it.
>then why don't grocer's marts sell it raw?
That can depend on the country/state/etc.
In some places it's illegal to sell raw milk. In others it's restricted in some way. In my state it is legal to buy and sell, but only at the dairy itself. It cannot (legally) be sold at a supermarket.
You can't.
The FBI will literally raid anyone's residence believed to be selling raw milk.
I wish I was joking.
Raw milk will not harm you, and if you buy it from a single farm you have far less of a chance of becoming sick due to it being single source than even Pasteurized milk.
>You can't.
Bullshit. It's not against Federal law to sell raw milk.
It's availability varies from state to state, depending on local laws.
I did my best to milk a cow on a farm I was visiting. Come to find out, it was a bull.
> literally tastes like milk with salty piss...
my mom is a volunteer doctor who goes around in remote villages to treat people (needless to say, not in the USA, but the southern parts of Eastern Europe) and the local grannies often want to give her something in return for the trouble. Sometimes they would have the milk directly from cow's udders into buckets and than straight into 5 litre bottles to take home.
My parents like it more than the "regular" milk but it IS an acquired taste.
Firstly like I mentioned it is saltier, more buttery and a bit fouler smelling. Of course you don't drink it directly like that, although you can have a glass or two if you like, it wont kill you or make you sick. But you normally cook the whole bunch just nearly until boiling and then store in the fridge.
The excess usually turned into yogurt, which also tastes nothing like the thing in the shops.(the traditional recipe involves putting a spoonful of natural yogurt into each jar and letting it sit a couple of days under lots of blankets to keep it warm)
all liquids have diseases in them, that's why you've got to boil them out first
>being white with this bad of reading comprehension