God, this board is full of stupid losers. You've got hypefags, nocluefags, puristfags

God, this board is full of stupid losers. You've got hypefags, nocluefags, puristfags.

It's like a containment board for penny stock brokers who are essentially the losers in the trading industry.

It's pretty clear no one here has anywhere near $10,000 let alone $1,000,000 in their wallets.

Everyone in this board are really just losers.

A whale wouldn't stay here. What incentive is there for them to take in this board? Your stupid crypto advice?

Other urls found in this thread:


Hey Mark. Shut up.

Everyone is either shilling something that has zero value or criticising someone else's holdings in the most retarded way possible.

There's really no business-like mature discussions that helps the community in the long run.

>It's pretty clear no one here has anywhere near $10,000 let alone $1,000,000 in their wallets.
you mad that you missed out on eth, neo and btc?Just imagine how your life would be if you would just buy them in 2017

Point proven.

If you had anything substantial in your wallet, you would be out partying right now.

Instead you're in a containment board larping like a loser that you are.

>There's really no business-like mature discussions that helps the community in the long run.
who the fuck cares about the community? You just brag about your gains and then hate on the retards that missed out and bought shitcoins instead

Son come downstairs dinners ready

Yea, that doesn't help at all. It's just retarded to be honest.

because partying every day is fun?

Why is this getting downvoted?? Have some gold.

>A whale wouldn't stay here. What incentive is there for them to take in this board? Your stupid crypto advice?

just like no-one on /fit actually lifts, no-one on /biz actually trades.

it wouldnt be so bad if the memes were good, but they're not.

there's plenty of anons with + 1mil that still browse biz/

honestly I wouldn't even have made any money if it wasn't for browsing biz.

I got into REQ at 4 cents because of biz.
I got 100k and dumped at $1.

biz is how I make money.

then when the bear market came I went to bitmex, because of biz and trippled my bitcoin shorting and longing.

biz is a fucking gold mine.

thanks, just shorted 100k FB

I think the consensus is that Veeky Forums had useful advice up until about December, which is when you arrived, you fucking tourist.

Back to Plebbit with you.

>just like no-one on /fit actually lifts, no-one on /biz actually trades.
this x100

unless you are being serious, but im pretty sure this is obvious sarcasm
Veeky Forums has some of the most built mother fuckers you can imagine. they are autistically dedicated to lifting and aesthetics. Then there are obvious otterfags and other skellys that are shitstains

Veeky Forums is the same thing. There are those who have put the time in, and then those who just watch and hope that some day they can make something of themselves.

t. 75k folio, big dreams.

The only thing of value in this board is the pushy shills. At least then you can profit off the pump and dump that'll likely occur as a result.

There are no discussions regarding X and their potential, weakness, etc in a calm non-edgy environment. If there was one it's met with "Scam" comment or stupid nujack and pepe memes.

What are your holdings if you dont mind sharing? Im at a similar size and am mostly in LINK, JNT, ARK and some other shitcoins. No BTC and minimal ETH

t.didnt buy ETH/ANS/OMG

these 3 were shilled the most out of any coins on Veeky Forums for the past 1 year.
Quit fucking looking at TRTL and NANO threads, and look at the ones that have huge followings.

discussions r for loosers.
I chad buy and sell.

Its literally impossible to not have made alot of money if you came here 2017. People like you is one of the reason i love crypto, salty because they missed out on becoming rich by literally buying memecoins and shitposting. The best part is that you will keep telling yourself that its to late every year while you see some fucking autist getting richer


30% LINK
30% OMG
25% ICX
15% COSS

JNT is super tempting, ARK not so much.
Going risky with COSS but the other 3 I have absolutely 0 doubts about.

>unless you are being serious, but im pretty sure this is obvious sarcasm
not sarcasm at all

just go on to /fit. there are grown men there saying that their OHP is stuck at 40lbs

i literally kid you not

This is what I'm talking about. There are retards like this that makes the community like a bunch of 12 year olds "making money" with their weekly allowance.

There's nothing to gain hanging around these retards.

but its not to late for you to make money, if you just read about everything crypto related there is still alot of cash to be made if you can get a understanding of everything

You do know that Veeky Forums is a website filled with autists? On every board there is alot of shit

Yea, I've got a decent holding but I didn't build them from /biz information. I realized there's really no sound advice here. Just retards regurgitation stupid shit.

>m-muh party!


its funny cause I made 250k eur in 6 months just buying the coins posted on biz and selling them a few weeks later,


stay discussing, stay reading whitepapers, I'll be out with stacy instead and still make as much as you research tard will.

Yea, understandable.

So is reddit to be honest.

I guess it's not the website but the Internet culture. It's just retarded.

If I could pay to subscribe to a premium forum for business I would. I think there I can find actual useful advice.

Your pimply-filled face and bad hygiene isn't going to get you any stacy's.

It's easy to larp but deep inside you're begging for your dreams to come true.

Is isn't true. Although I agree with your notion that Veeky Forums is mostly garbage posts, there are some decent ones popping up. Have you ever tried posting a thread trying to discuss stuff? There are usually a couple of people who will answer you with legitimate answers. You just have to filter out the rest.

I have actually, they don't really get any attention. I think the problem with my posts is just they're boring but I always put up some interesting writing.

I mean, you can't expect a bunch of spastic idiots to actually pay attention to anything that says more than 2 sentences.

They'll reply to a meme thread quickly though. Even in ones that has nothing to do with business at all. Just shows you how stupid they are.

>There are usually a couple of people who will answer you with legitimate answers. You just have to filter out the rest.

This is what this thread ultimately boils down to. If you can't filter out the bullshit, then don't use Veeky Forums

But if you can, you have the opportunity to be exposed to some of the greatest projects BEFORE they explode.
Things like OMG/ANS/VEN

I understand that alot of the things biz shill is complete shit, but if it werent for biz i would not have bought eth,neo and btc. So there is a few diamonds in all of the shit. The problem with serious business disscusions is that everyone always think about their own gains. Their focus isnt in making other people rich, they only think about themself and how they can get richer. And if you are in a discussion with someone and they are invested in X they often get emotionally attached to X, So if you start saying that Y is better and give arguments for why Y is a better investment they wont agree because they dont want to lose their money

i agree with you, but if LINK makes me rich i'll take back everything i ever said abotu /biz

Millionaires exist on this boardand and obviously also kekistan.
The value doesn't come from academic debate, swim around the noise, of course this board isn't at its peak.

I've got LINK in my holdings. I'm keeping it for long term hold. It's money I can afford to lose so.

I have 50k in my wallets shut the fuck up you no coin faggot

lmfao what a fucking retard

whats with all the fags making all the annoying threads responding to every post in it

I just come here for the memes, anyone who actually takes Veeky Forums financial advice seriously deserves all the losses coming their way

you sound like a whiney fucking faggot.

"There's plenty of anons with + 1mil that still browse biz/", he believed.

You're right about /fit. Not only that, but it's pretty loaded with unironic fags too.

Hey loser, give me your ball.

not an argument

Let me party away so my substantial wallet becomes a non-existential wallet


here's some inspiration for you faggots, and keep in mind this is just my binance trading account..

damn user should I be buying some bluzelle?

right now is a bad time to be trading in general until the greater alt coin trend is established but i think you could flip bluzelle for some profits in the short term.

Sadly enough this is still the most informative crypto community. Most subreddits are garbage, telegram groups get out of control once a coin is shilled, and i can't deal with the pajeet grammar on bitcointalk.

thanks appreciate the advice!

I have over 1m. Don't really consider myself a whale though since I just HODL.

Most of the people here are clueless though, you're right about that.

biz can be a really good resource to find some gems. combine thousands of autists on their computers all day with the internet and just sift through the crap and you can find some good shit

>He thinks the current state of this board is indicative of its former glory.

I'm a whale. I've "made it" by every Veeky Forums standard.

I come here to laugh at retards and nothing else.

This board is a joke. Shills will evoke the "community" spirit when pitching garbage but there is no actual community here. In fact, 95% of the posts here are literal paid shills or desperate bag holders incapable of unbiased opinions. There is no actual advice here. TA is a meme. Trading is a meme. "duh blockchain gon change duh wurld" is a meme.

I used to be passionate about crypto. It's become a cesspool of scammers, vaporware, and get-rich-quick schemes. There is no innovation anymore, no progress. I've come to despite it.

There's a maximum of 5 coins I'd ever consider holding. The rest are vaporware garbage with no future. No amount of shilling will change this.

If advertising is against the global rules this board should be shut down.

fucking kek

I'm a loser, you're wrong on no one having over 10k. I have 140k in total assets and I don't feel like I'm anything special on this board