how do you get richer once you've reached the 10-100mil$ milestone? How do you ascend to 1-100B$?
How do you get richer once you've reached the 10-100mil$ milestone? How do you ascend to 1-100B$?
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buy link retard
How much for a crazy suicidial asian bitch like her?
Why do you need more?
I know why I would need more, so no troll, but I'm genuinely curious why others would not be satisfied with $10m
10MM is cool, but is not 'fuck you' money IMO.
20MM is the sweet spot i think, you can do whatever the fk you want from that point on (though not quite enough for shit like yachts planes etc.)
You buy assets that generate a cash flow. Also you get really good at minimizing your taxes.
hey ITC.
5% annual returns on $20 million is a million a year.
The same way you got to 100$ mil
If you reached that point, why are you asking 15 year olds for help?
The exact same way you got to 10-100 mil.
The fun thing about life is that you get to do whatever the fuck you want.
You could put that into safer assets, or not. It's entirely up to you and how fast and far you want to make it.
I Remember that pic, very sad story
If i had that much money I wouldn't even risk it to get more - that's enough to live comfy for life.
I'll take my $10 million and be happy with it, don't need a billion.
>10MM is cool, but is not 'fuck you'
what's it from?
Rape and pillage the masses
either start a company or hedge fund, that's literally the only way
But why would you want to get richer ? That's a very jewish way of thinking son,you need to go out and get some hobbies.
I'd leave 2-3m in crypto and invest rest on a boring things like real estate, stocks, bonds. Have some real passive income.And would live my life. If I get bored a lot, I'd open a business just to pass time.
how do you get 5% returns?
Im not stopping until im at 50m
I want to be able to take private jets across the world every weekend and come home to my collection of super cars mansions and paid models that will clean cook and suck my cock any time i wish.
should already have at least 8 figures if these are your goals
this story was bullshit was it not ?
My child invest in Powh3D
Quick gains
Great investment
Double ur investments
>the designated linkcarrion in every thread
All in on link and you will easily get 1-10 billion with 10 million.
Fixed deposits? I can get 5.5% pa
I want to plow that ass hard and then face fuck her. Safe phrase she chose is, "$1000EOY LINK"