I have a food budget of exactly $50 per two weeks.
I can only shop for food once every two weeks, so I have to get stuff with appropriate shelf life, and the only place I can shop at is Wal-Mart.
Considering tax, my budget is actually more like $45.
As for quantity, I'm 5'8, weigh about 140 pounds, and I'm in my 30's, so I don't need a whole lot to survive, but I do enjoy having excess food with much longer shelf life just in case of emergency, like canned stuff, whenever possible.
With these absolute restrictions in mind, what's the best I can do for myself? I'm getting tired of rice and canned vegetables/soups every single day. I feel like I really need more variety in my diet.
>getting tired of rice and canned foods what did you expect, poorfag? get rotisserie chickens, use them to make chicken sandwiches, soup, etc rice, lentils, etc all can taste great if cooked properly and you can always season them..if you are poor you shouldn't be picky.
Jordan Cruz
Do you have a fridge/stove/mirowave/etc?
I can't be a great deal of help but it may help other if they knew what you're working with. Fresh veggies are cheaper than canned veggies, though. Potatoes instead of rice, too.
Dominic Allen
Sorry that my poorness offends you. I do the best I can for my current circumstances in life.
Yeah I have access to a stove and microwave, and a fridge and freezer.
"two weeks" for me includes both sets of weekends so the entire 14 days, so I've been avoiding fresh vegetables since near the end I fear they would go bad and I cannot afford to waste food.
As I specified, I can only shop every two weeks, and do not have the luxury of shopping more frequently to have access to stuff with lower shelf life.
Benjamin Cooper
You do not have room to complain about variety. Buy other grains and beans instead of rice.
Dylan Flores
>you can't have variety >but here's some other options you can try for variety
Blake Rodriguez
Yeah, but you could eat the fresh veggies in the first week and have frozen stuff later on. Could save some pennies and get more nutrition out it. Pototoes will last two weeks.
Jacob Gutierrez
There's no sales tax on food, just alcohol and stuff you buy at restaurants.
Joshua Collins
Hmm I had no idea fresh veggies could be cheaper than canned. I'll definitely give this a look, thanks.
Also I thought I was getting a lot more food for my dollar out of rice than I could out of potatoes.
I can't imagine what dishes I could make with potatoes as my main staple instead of rice though.
Dunno what country/state you live in, but my food groceries carry a 10% tax here in the southern US.
Ayden Long
Eating is a meme. Buy a Veeky Forums Pass instead.