Can someone explain to me rationally, without being a pajeet shiller, which one of the three is going to be the best Oracle Solotion™?
Can someone explain to me rationally, without being a pajeet shiller...
Mobius because central Banks etc. will use lumens. Read their latest update
You belong in a fucking oven.
Aeternity because the lead dev literally kicks other devs in the chest if they whine. True story. Look it up.
kys op
1. AE
2. MOB
1029. LINK
buy mobius sir
I always wonder how many brainlets that can't actually understand the white paper seriously believe there's a competitor to LINK. I'm honestly ok with people missing out. Making dumber people rich doesn't help anyone.
Aeternity is a legit project with a big team of devs. Problem is they are trying to do everything and you are forced to use their block chain. Mobius is like the scam version of aeternity you feel embarrassed to tell your friends about. Both of these aren't really Oracle centric...they are blockchains that claim they will have decentralized oracle's on day.....yeah.....
ChainLink is ...? Cant find much info
pajeet thread
kys, you could have put zen protocol or something for decent discussion, but this is embarassing
Pretty shady looking bunch on the Aeternity website, if you ask me.
does sir gay know abt all the memes of him?
yeah proably, he pays for them lol!
I agree with those price projections.
yeah proably, he pays for them lol!
Mobius of course, sir.
mobius is a dapp store lmao
yeah proably, he pays for them lol!
yeah proably, he pays for them lol!
You slipped up there
pic related
the chainlink paper is a pompous write-up by ari juel
daily reminder that mobius/aeternity/ripple/zen/whatever hodlers will be flipping burgers for the ChainLink Magnates' dogs
yeah proably, he pays for them lol!
oraclize obviously
does mean will sergay give still my money sir?
mobius betty gud choys ser plls buy
Hi i am investor very rich know warren buffet and mark Cuban
They tells me to SELL SELL SELL your links
Here is how they say make money
Market sell Poopylink -> market buy Mobi
Profit, sir