What can I cook on $5 a day?

What can I cook on $5 a day?

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A $5 bill

tuna salad?
egg salad?
spam sandwich?

It depends on what you already have in the house.

Id prefer it be edible, nutritious, tasty, and hopefully fill me up.

assume nothing but tap water.

Large tub of pasta and sauce or large tub of rice and sauce

thats a chicken breast, oatmeal, and a fruit with veg a day
$5 is a lot food wise user

Spam and tamago musubi or roll/handroll.

Where are you from? A lot of things can vary by region but some things are pretty much the same no matter where you are.


A bullet.

Here's what I'm gonna eat tomorrow, which I'm pretty sure will cost me under $5. Let's see if I'm right.

Breakfast: coffee with milk and some biscuits.
About 7¢ for the coffee, about 27¢ for the milk and about 33¢ for the biscuits, so about 67¢ total.
It's looking good so far. Let's continue.

Lunch: chili'd meatloaf wtih tomato gravy, garlicky buttered potatoes and an endive salad.
That's about 54¢ for the meatloaf, about 15¢ for the tomato gravy, about 55¢ for the potatoes and about 25¢ for the salad, so about $1.49 for lunch.

Dinner: mixed vegetables garlic fried rice topped with a fried egg.
That'll be about 70¢.

That's about $2.86 total. I'm sure I'm gonna snack on something tomorrow. Probably get a hot sausage on my way home, so that's another $2. And likely have a piece of cantaloupe, about another 10¢ or so.
That's $4.96 total and about 2300 calories for the day.
So yeah. You can cook what I cook and still eat junk food on your way home from work because junk food is okay on occasion for under $5.


Poorfags get out.

Live mice from the pet store

You can also some pocket some dog treats on the sly for an On-The-Go snack B-)

Regulating your money as 5 a day is moronic, you should think about spending 35 a week or better yet 140 a month
If you can buy in bulk working with a budget is easier

So that's $35 a week. You can actually get a lot from a supermarket if you're not a complete retard:

>Week's worth of drinking water
>Week's worth of bread
>A shitload of rice
>A shitload of noodles
>Peanut butter
>Week's worth of veggies
>Week's worth of fruit
>Cheap meat

You might even have money left over for more stuff.

>only have $5 for food
>spend it on bottled water


Water is pretty cheap whenever I see it at the grocers. I never get it though, because I live in an area with good tapwater, but I would understand buying it if you live in some place with shit quality tapwater.

Like $2-3 for 24 bottles or so iirc.

>>Week's worth of drinking water

$5 he's poor he can get drinking water from a garden hose. let him fill some empty bottles and pretend he bought them and save $3

smoked ham hocks
all you need to survive. throw in a family pack of chicken thighs and youre all set for a week.

North Vietnamese & the Viet Cong lived on nothing but rice and water, and they bitched slapped the largest military in the world back across the pacific ocean.

pasta + cheese

i pay $1.25 for five gallons of clean water

such a ripoff amiright.

OP literally said he has $5 a day and nothing but tap water, so yeah, only a complete fucking idiot would throw their money away on bottled water. Retard.

>bitched slapped the largest military in the world back across the pacific ocean.

Us casualties: 53,000
North Vietnamese casualties: 1,100,000

>bitched slapped back across the ocean


Yes. I pay like $3 for a kilolitre.

Besides the laughable statement about the vietnamese bitchslapping the american military, you also apparently dont know that both the NVA and the VC had extensive supply trains and storage systems. The Cong had whole underground settlements .

Well done, user. I consider myself a frugal motherfucker, but my hat is off to you. Junk food and all.

You can get like 4 McDoubles and save yourself the hassle of cooking.

The US is like having that guy on your FPS team that only cares about his K/D ratio, despite your team losing all of the objectives and ultimately losing the game.

After you lose, he then boasts about how his K/D ratio is the best.

Even if we had more kills, that whole conflict was shit and it was pretty bad news for the US. War is ugly, but that one was extra ugly.

Five $1 bills

absolutely disgusting

Getting a million of your people killed for the opponent to voluntarily leave ain't bitchslapping anybody

>it was pretty bad news for the US. War is ugly
You would think that, wouldn't you? Yet to this day our economy is based on keeping war going on multiple fronts. So really we didn't learn a thing beyond keeping the conflicts going without conscription or actual declaration of war so the public doesn't have to give a shit and no one minds it.

A 5 dollar bill

Holy shit OP:











Breakfast: Eggs & bacon, toast milk

Lunch - pasta + veg

DinDin:Rice + chicken thighs and sauce + sauteed vegees

This summer I pretty much lived on 20$ worth of groceries every two weeks. You have 35 a week, dont be a pussy

>OP gets a bullet and goes hunting.
>Shoots a wild turkey
>Plucks and cleans it and is left with enough bird meat for a family feast and a carcass they can turn into a delicious stock
>Or maybe they shoot a nice whitetail deer instead
>Skins, cleans out, and divides their kill
>Enough meat to last them months even if they share with their friends and family

Wow, that's actually really great advice.

Nice! Great post man

If you live near an Aldi then you could probably prepare a full Roman banquet.

Otherwise you're probably fucked

says the guy who voted for brexit and then googled "what's the EU" the following morning

What semi decent cook buys bread...nope.

but OP doesn't have a gun.

I assumed they were a man. A man living in Texas at that.


>Cooking for Poor People

Basically every dish. $5 is a lot.

cute bird, hah

Thanks, but it's just a random image I found on Google.

Rice (for starch), Chick Peas (for proteins) and once a week, an egg for those proteins you can only get from animals.

I'm a patriotic American and get assblasted whenever I see retarded anti-American shit on these boards, but come on. That was a David and Goliath battle if there ever was one. We kicked their ass, but they took it and kept on coming. That's no small thing.

That bird

Rice and pinto beans. Wioth the left over money you can add spices and some cheap meat.

Pretty much anything that isn't too fancy.