Why does canned coke taste better than bbottled coke?
Why does canned coke taste better than bbottled coke?
Glass >cans >plastic
You haven't had coke until you get a Mexican coke.
Mexican coke is make with real sugar, not that corn slime crap.
>implying you can taste a difference
You should try colombian coke
I guaran-fucking-tee I can.
>>implying you can taste a difference
You cant?
The real sugar version is like a better tasting diet coke.
You trolling
>when you wake up hungover and berthing last night's cigs and your head hurts and you stumble yo the fridge in your boxers and open the fridge, Crack an ice cold can of coke and chug the whole thing. It cuts the gunk and refreshes. Then stumble back to bed and nap for a few hours more only to wake up golden.
I can't be the only one who knows this feel
>They really think they'd be able to tell the difference in a double blind taste test.
You can lie to yourself all you want, but please don't lie to me.
I killed my tastebud: the post
Personal theory is that the plastic reacts to exposure to sun and heat
And you are talking with a man who figured out the one key difference between coke and Pepsi on his own
The difference is truly negligible and to top it off, the glass coke you drink that is "american" coke, is also made in Mexico.
ITT: gmo eating faggots being faggots
Placebo is a hell of a drug.
Just did this this morning
I mean that it's not heavy like corn syrup coke.
It's like diet coke that tastes like regular coke. It's a good thing.
I feel you, man. I feel you...
why are you stuttering, faggot?
did it today
Has anyone ever tried adding sugar to American coke to make it Mexican?
>Has anyone tried giving themselves even more diabetes than they already had to pretend their soda is from Mexico?
No I take a Berroca. Don't have to go back to sleep and I fell 100% after an hour
honestly, its that aluminium aftertaste that does it for me. So fuckin delicious
>Plastic: Coca Cola
>Aluminum: Pepsi
>Glass bottle: Coca Cola
>Glass cup: Pepsi
W-w-what the f-fuck did y-y-you just f-f-fucking say about m-m-me, y-y-you little b-bitch?
I haven't had pop in a while, but I remember as a kid thinking that it tasted better out of the can than glass, plastic, or fountain.
CR did a blind panel taste-test and found the sugar version to be a little sweeter and "fuller bodied/more complex".
SE did several rounds of blind and unblind tests with the results as follows:
1) Americoke > Mexicoke Taste-wise, If Controlled for the Container
2) Bottle > Can, Regardless whether it's Mexicoke or Americoke actually inside either
3) Mexicoke > Americoke, When tasters are not blind or lied to (saying their samples are Mexicoke when they are secretly Americoke switched)
So apparently there IS a difference in flavor between each sweetened version, but what you like best is up for debate.
Also according to the Coca-Cola rep. in the Serious Eats article, plastic bottled coke starts going flat after only 10 weeks while cans stay fresh much longer, though with how fast local inventory turnover is I don't know if this is a major factor (how long is the time from manufacture warehousing to retail distribution is typical?).
Or pepsi throwback.
And yes, the difference is easily noticeable.
The worst Coke is British Coke.
It tastes oily even when it comes from the can. Nasty shit
You drink less of it.
You end up savoring it more instead of slurping up your third refill of your fountain drink coke at mcdonalds.
Sucks that they don't call it that or use the awesome 80s can design anymore and just call it Pepsi made with sugar. On the plus, sometimes you can find Vanilla Pepsi versions too.
what the fuck? it's thursday
what is the key difference then, semen of different species?
In general I found british beverages to be nasty as hell. Don't get me wrong, I like overly sweet and sticky drinks much, such as pic related but Dr Pepper, Fanta and I can't even remember what else I tried was so ridiculously sweet in an even more cancerous way than it's continental Yuropeon counterpart, I almost had to vomit
>soda connoisseur
I'm impressed.
>yfw now that we have better relations with Cuba the price of sugar is driven so low corn syrup producers lose their advantage and all the soft drink makers switch back to cane sugar.
I've never had Mexican coke but I've had Coke on three different continents at this point
Whenever I'm feeling home sick or tired of the local food I know that McD and Coke will taste the same. I rarely get either when I'm actually in the US but those are the standards and I can't tell a difference in either.
Now Pepsi on the other hand taste totally different with real sugar
Do you expect the corn syrup to jump out when the cane sugar goes in?
>yfw you realized sugar imports are still heavily tariffed and the American Sugar Refining Company (now known as Amstar Corportion, heavily invested in HFCS) still has a quasi monopoly over sugar production costing us millions of dollars each year for a few hundred jobs
Weird thing, why does Coke from McDonalds taste better then other fountain cokes.Is it all the salt in the McD's?
Relations with cuba don't matter. The price of sugar is artificially high in the US thanks to taxes & trade restrictions passed during the late 1970's. Those laws would have to change first.
I like this guy.
Even though you're probably taking the piss I actually love that shit so much that wherever I travel to the first thing I do is to check for Fanta kinds they don't have in the shelves over here. Usually also keen on trying any soda they've got locally, I also love to go to international foodmarkets here just to get imported sweet liquified cancer. I don't even know why, I hardly eat once a day but rather drown myself in that shit in spite of know how much I damage myself doing so. Probably a subconscious thing
drugs are epic :D
I bet you're so autistic that you wouldn't even be able to find coke in a Mexican nightclub.
? I just said that drugs are cool, what is your problem?
Bottles will go flat if you don't drink them fast enough, cans are just enough that it makes you wish you had more. Plus there's gotta be something to how cold it feels in your hand that makes you feel more "refreshed"
>still being hungover
What are the chances of finding an autist of any nationality in a Mexican nightclub?
>being addicted to caffeine
>not cracking open a dr pepper from last night's 4am halal fried chicken joint excursion sans the golden part
I can never get back to sleep when I wake up hungover
Same reason why cola in glass bottles tastes better than cola in plastic bottles.
The feeling of the container material on your lips and tongue is part of the sensation. Also the pouring rate is different.
You can test it yourself. Buy cola in plastic, glass and can. Put them all in the fridge for a day, then pour the cola into a glass before drinking, they all taste the same.
More like addicted to sugar. The caffeine barely matters.