Hows my tomato sauce guys?

Hows my tomato sauce guys?

1 can of pic related peeled tomatoes
1/2 onion
2 stalks celery
1/2 pack of baby portobello
1 tablespoon tomato paste
3 cloves of garlic
2 tea spoon salt
1 tea spoon sugar
1 tea spoon dried italian herbs
1 tea spoon red pepper flakes
1/4 cup of olive oil

Looking for some new ideas

Looks good to me. Mine is similar besides:
One full onion, you may be getting big ones though
No mushroom, add carrot
Half the sugar - possibly non if I like the canned tomato
Fourth tsp. of anchovy paste or one filet packed in oil
I only add tomato paste if I'm including meat into the sauce, which I then carmaleize a bit with the meat after it's done

If you pan fry your onions for a few minutes you can bring out their sweetness.

Only check for sweetness at the end of the cooking time. With sweetened onions you may not need any sugar at all.

I haven't been taught to brown the onions, just to sweat all those veggies for like 15 minutes.

Use some minced carrots instead of sugar. Soften on low all vegetables, salt and pepper in evoo first then add other stuff.

2 tsp salt for 1 28oz can is too much 1 tsp instead

Too much oil. 1T is enough

Use fresh basil half during cooking half at end

I'd lose the mushrooms but that's me. Also try 1/2-1 tsp of anchovy paste.

My mom likes her tomato sauce a good bit sweeter than I like mine. There's no wrong way, imo.
It's to your own taste so if you like your sauce the way it is then you're golden. Still, don't be afraid to tamper with it. After all, you're cooking, aren't you?

Whoops I meant to put 1/8 cup of oil. 2TB basically.

I suppose I'll try the browned veggies next time.

>melt butter in pan (aluminium if you have it)
>low heat
>place chopped onion in pan in thin layer
Placing lots of onions in the pan will sweat them
>stir infrequently
Once the onion is browning on the edges you're good to go.

Cook longer and they'll be dark brown. Perfect for onion soup.

>1/2 onion
>2 stalks celery
>1/2 pack of baby portobello

dogshit and I didn't even finish the recipe.

grated carrot
a bit of olive oil
simmer for a long time

fucking DONE
not all a dat shit

Dont brown just soften.

No carrots in the soffrito?

Try experimenting with basil, oregano, and your choice of wines....I use chianti.

Subtle Ja/ck/ post?

soffrito missing carrots
maybe too much celery
definitely not enough onion unless you're using big white cooking onions for some terrible reason
use whole tomatoes, not crushed
don't need tomato paste
don't need olive oil but that's personal taste
don't need sugar as tomatoes and carrots have a ton

you need to sweat the soffrito for 15-20 minutes so the liquids and oils release and mix, then season it fully and ad the tomatoes.

simmer 20-40 minutes

immersion blend it in the pot

in professional kitchens we would blend the soffrito raw with oil and pre-blend the tomatoes because batch size matters more

such a juicy pick, probably the Best Crushed Tomatoes You'll Ever Taste

To twist my tomato sauce sometimes, I'll add whole crushed fennel seeds. Usually I add them when the veggies are nearly done sauteing, cook the seeds a little, then add the tomatoes. Puree at the end.

>Mfw I read that as Scalfani
>the best crushed tomatoes you'll ever taste

pretty much a basic marinara

>"dried italian herbs"
pig disgusting is how your tomato sauce is

just buy some fucking catsup, jesus

1 can peeled tomatoes like in OP´s pic, although its a bit more in europe since we use metric. 800g instead of 794g

1 pack of passata 500g

2 medium sized normal onion or 1 big white onion

1-2 carrot finely diced

if i have it laying around a hand full of finely diced celery root, i mostly skip this though

2-3 medium sized garlic-things

teaspoon of (preferably brown) sugar or honey, salt to taste, pepper to dried herbs execpt for MAYBE a teaspoon of majoran.

1 bayleaf, fresh out of the garden or dried

a bit of red or white wine if i have it. if not a bit of broth (mostly beef)

in a big, cast-iron pot: saute veggies on low to medium heat until softened, add broth/wine, add tomatoes let simmer on low heat for at least 1 hour more is better.

i forgot: add a teaspoon of oliveoil extra vergine to the cast-iron pot.

sugar (at least a pinch) is super common in tomatosauces since it makes it taste rounder. My northern italian grandma did it, my mother did so it seems natural for me.

i agree with the position on dried herbs though.