wtf happened to this place. every other thread is a ven or nano circlejerk. somebody start a new fucking forum. fuck the retard anons that told reddit "hurr durr this is the place to hear about crypto before they big hurr durr". also not reading your fucking mongoloid responses
Biz = reddit now?
Other urls found in this thread:
Buy Mobius, Sir.
>ven or nano circlejerk
THATS the reason you hate biz now? Fucking newfag, you have no idea how bad its truly gotten
try not to think about it, OP.
wtf happened to this place. every other thread is a LINK or REQ circlejerk. somebody start a new fucking forum. fuck the retard anons that told reddit "hurr durr this is the place to hear about crypto before they big hurr durr". also not reading your fucking mongoloid responses
I hate the link threads
Not to mention the 10000 Bill Gates threads that just popped up from his reddit ama. For how much this board says it hates reddit, most of y'all fags just happened to be there. Fucking disgusting
NANO and vechain threads are nothing compared to the amount of link threads
I'm seriously starting to despise that shitcoin because of Veeky Forums
So many people here regularly browse subreddits for shit coins
I don't even know why they bother
All the information there is second or third hand at best
But VEN is banned on reddit
Its attracted the worst kind of cancer. Filter every thread related to link and your experience will be a lot more pleasant
so you paid shill come here?
This board sucks now because of the massive influx of idiot /pol/ teenagers in the last six months expecting to get rich in a week.
4+4 is a place we could go. I was thinking about starting aboard but im not sure anyone would migrate there
There is a biz board but it's fucking dead as a dead dingos donga and they force crypto discussion into a single thread because only dumb cunt contrarians use that site
calm down bud LINK is bad too i just said the 2 i was seeing today
>cunt contrarians use that site
thats how Veeky Forums used to be. I dont blame them for moving on. This place is shit now. Only reason i stay is because the boards move fast
and REQ and JNT and whatever the fuck else this is flooded with
The mods and jannys on that site are people who applied every opportunity here and kept getting declined
They ban people for hurting their feelings or going against the Hivemind
I blame the Chainlink shills. They brought the first big wave of leddit "investors" to Veeky Forums. End September is when it got listed on Binance and also when Veeky Forums started getting really (!) bad.
Also, other shitty boards like /v/, /a/ and /pol/ are worsening the situation.
Yeah now i feel like its either people wanting others to buy their bags or paid pajeet shills. I dont wanna capitulate to plebbit since the downvoting system completly fucks everything thats not "mooning" or "just hold bitcoin only go up"
Whats wrong with REQ, soyboy?
which boards?
nothing now delete this you fucking idiot
its the reddit idoits that come here and post there for good boy points
I have only seen 1 REQ thread in weeks. All I see are link faggots here. it's the new XLM MemeScam. *Faggot voice* "Like omg! Where are my Linky sthsailers! let have a circle jerk together on the lambo moon!" Cringe
biz is dead because of leddit fags and pol etc
Keep them out my Calling people Niggers and Faggots! Otherwise the normies win ffs!
Crypto is the path to our white ethnostate of waifus.
Literally all of Veeky Forums is Reddit now.
Hello sir, please buy my project. Is good project, airdrop soon, many partnerships, exchanges expected q2. Big moon. Please buy.
How do you sort the replies here by most upvoted?
I don't like seeing all the low quality posts :~P
There's good info here still if you learn to filter out the bullshit.
We need to call it faggot niggers . com
>tfw Veeky Forums is normie central now and /b/ turned into a stale porn board
>tfw no 7chan or 420chan Veeky Forums or /crypto/ boards
>tfw I stopped lurking for too long and don't know any other good chans
t. ass blasted pajeet
It's time for a new internet.
I messed around with a few of the alternatives; they are ok. No critical mass yet though.
We need an internet that is 'harder' to get to, and we need to keep it that was on purpose. Less user friendliness = better userbase.
I predict that it will get built once crypto settles down and people stop being excited with their new money. 5 years?
The faster companies crack down and sterilize the internet the faster it will happen too.
Le redditor checking in
it was the linkies with their "we need people to notice this somebody take it to reddit". even though i'm holding since ico i sincerely hate the stinky linkies for what theyve done
This, places on tor feel like the good old fashioned internet, it's just slow as fuck. The onion chans make 4+4 Chan like a ferret on meth in comparison.
he is on point, maggot
same here. whatever happened to the good 4ch alternatives?
this place is now where normies come to try the 'lenonymous experience'
you really think you are something special, hm?
mfw this is true
I remember when people first started bitching about reddit and newfags here. That's when this place really started going downhill
did we date?
this board is filled with redditors and newfags though. a majority of people are here for nothing but crypto, and a big part of those didn't start crypto until 2016+
There are alternatives besides tor as well.
Zeronet is one
Someone is building chans on ethereum as well
Will have to wait and see which one wins in the end.
If its too user friendly then it will only be a temporary bunker.
Small userbases couldn't sustain those websites, most are gone or irrelevant now. Bitcoin actually killed off most of the internet by giving the highest IQ class of user something more important to focus on than keeping decent sites alive, and then gave them enough real money to leave forever.
>not providing an image
Looks comfy
Will lurk for a bit
>tfw started going on chans in around 2008
>everyone talked about how newfags were ruining the chans and it had all gone to shit
>fast forward ten years later
>newfags are actually ruining the chans and it's all shit
it's actually true this time
What if I told you that the majority of the problem was shills?
AI & Bots as well.
Have you heard of HANK?
where do you hear about things before biz?
I kinda like how much noise there is here. Just need to be dilligent and let other dumb fucks fall for confido, PoWH, DGB tier bullshit. If there were a high signal:noise ratio here, it wouldn't work.
I don't know if it's reddit now, but it's been ages since I've gotten anything of value from this forum. All it is is people imagining they are influencing the market, and trying to trick other people on biz into buying their bags.
I agree. The notion that biz has influence on the market makes me fucking laugh. Yes gems are found here, yes some people make a lot of money, but no one is so willingly buying up bags or falling for fud ever. The entire board is like high school teens too stubborn to change their mind on anything and call bullshit on any text they read. Its hilarious. Memes are good tho.
don't want to acknowledge (((this))) but its true
/pol/ and /r9k/ are other boards targeted, the only time the bots stopped is when april fools /mlpol/ happened and they couldn't navigate to the new adress
just post thots
tiggers the queers
btw this thread is full of plebbit fags pretending to whine / creating the illusion that
>Bitcoin actually killed off most of the internet by...
Indeed. Untimely riches and the indulgence that followed broke the discipline and passion for improvement in a lot of people.
- -7 , user
>The onion chans make 4+4 Chan
i havent made my way there yet because im not 100% certain i cant get fucked with. Im ok with computers but not autistic level yet
>I remember when people first started bitching about reddit and newfags here. That's when this place really started going downhill
Veeky Forums does because they are the only one that own link
Just filter out nano threads like everyone else retard
i bet you're still holding some minereium or peercoin bags oldfag
gtfo, biz has always been cancer
>post thots
>tiggers the queers
>pretending to whine / creating the illusion that
whatever you say rudypoocandyass. thotposting sure bootyblasts those newfags!
Ven got banned for too many partnership announcements
At least it ain't link.
The one way to combat the redditors is to spread lots of fudd about the coin of plebbit: Link.
>bad nano news
>Veeky Forums circlejerk against nano, shitcoin, pump n dump, u all fell for it faggots except me hahaha, etc
>nano recovers
>get ready for reign of nano, im gonna b rich, buy buy buy!!
it's almost like biz has always been a shitshow.
the only queers that cant handle thotposting are newfags plain and simple
I dont care if you have been on 4ch for a decade
if thotposting on Veeky Forums triggers you
you're a newfag
Thankfully the bear market raped most of the idiots
Link is defintely in the soy gape, nintendo switch for christmas, 'thanks for the gold, kind stranger' tier of reddit migrant memes.
it makes you look like a 15 year old on instagram, nobody respects your opinions.
Why you brought up thotposting I have no fucking idea. If you think that's what people in here are talking about then you should probably neck yourself you dense newfag
>posting women so people look at my opinion
lol no you child, no one gives a shit what you write no matter what hot thot u post
plebbit alert
t. some newfag
Like I give a fuck if some legbeard cares about my opinions
Mostly I post them in shit threads to begin with anyway
Enjoy, newfag
t. soylent
kek roastie defence force is here
hope you faggots are wiling to waste your day making and bumping threads to fight thots
at least find/save some new pictures. It's the same pictures every single day, pathetic. the user that draws the pepes of these pictures is the only good part of all of this.
yes by talking about the decline of Veeky Forums clearly we all meant posting pictures of women on Veeky Forums
>only dumb cunt contrarians use that site
You're a fucking newfag if you don't understand why people went to
enjoy the thots lads
nice maymay picture. what a classic!
>: (
WE DcANT LIke anything reedddit likes.!
I'm not a reddit faggot. I'm a /pol/ak
>Implying they're any different
Anyone that still browses 4/pol/ is Reddit dumbfuck
>reddit images
>black joke
kek, you guys need more training going "undercover"
What's funny is I'd never even heard of Reddit until after I found /b/ and saw everyone calling each other Reddit so I looked it up