Do house geckos taste good? What can you do with them?

Do house geckos taste good? What can you do with them?

Kinda looks like a newt. If you char it, it will heal both HP and MP by 5.

eat it's tail and it'll increase your grip meter

You can brew a transmogrifying potion
You need:
Eye of House Gecko
Leaf from Tomato Plant(Nightshade standin)
A tear from a large man
The bile from a cat's liver

>A tear from a large man

Just got to remove his mask.

Don't eat him, he can save you money on your car insurance.

if only real life were lufia

I don't know if geckos are good but I once ate lizards...

>Going to camping in the forest with some friends.
>Walking for hours.
>Find a comfy place near a river.
>A big bag of weed and another of mushrooms.
>Around the fire.
>We ate the mushshrooms.
>Holy fuck, I'm high.
>Seeing strange creatures near the river.
>I decide to look closer and for no reason I go into the river.
>What are you doing bro?!
>I'm hunting the dinner you mongs.
>Finally get out from the river with no dinner, obviously.
>We have dehydrated food anyway.
>So high, we ate all the dehydrated food in one night.
>We finally decide to go home in the morning.
>Walking for hours.
>Oh I haven't see this tree before...
>We realize that we are fucking lost, with no phones (in the car) and no food, fortunately we have water.
>We ate the remaining mushrooms and smoke joints to get courage to find the end of this green trap.
>Bad idea.
>More walking, fucking tired and hungry.
>High as fuck.
>Hey! Look a lizard! Oh lizards everywhere!
>I wonder if they are good when cooked...
>Friend: I'm a true survivor I don't need to cook this shit.
>He ate the lizard still alive, awful and disgusting.
>We make a fire then cook the 20 others lizards we got in the camping pan.
>They was crunchy and tasty.
>Keeping walking, after 4 hours we find a road.

Put them in your cats dinner bowl.

Well, if nothing else you can probably do with them what you can do with any small animal.

Cut off or crush their heads to kill them, put their bodies on a stick and roast them over an open fire.

If you don't have a fireplace or anything like that on hand.

If you don't, cut open and spread apart the ribcage blood eagle style, and just fry them in a pan. Pepper and salt to taste, I guess. No idea what house geckoes taste like, we don't have them in the states.

Has it really gotten that bad in Venezuela?

My cat seems to like them and he will only eat fancy feast.
Take that however you want.

I don't think it is very safe to eat raw reptile, you might get the Knahaten Flu

I think reptiles have salmonella.

we do, in Texas at least, I find them from time to time creeping around the house

I love you.

woa that "art" is crazy good

>house geckos

What kind of 3rd world shithole do you live you have geckos wondering into your house

You have been posting this story a lot in this board lately
Please stop

They're in the US, you know. They're native to the Mediterranean, particularly Turkey, Greece and Italy.
They're nice and keep your house clear of bugs, but they tend to shit in the corner, which is gross.

Is it illegal to catch them to keep as pets?

I would guess that it might be, depending on where you live. They can be fast little fuckers, though, and can squeeze themselves into places you'd never expect them to be able to. Good luck, though, if you wanna try to catch one. They usually just scamper off before you get anywhere near them.

Fancy feast is garbage your cat has pleb taste

Leave them alone senpai...please don't hurt lizards, they have tiny skeletons.

>eating geckos
They literally did nothing wrong. So why eat them?

some creatures you don't catch. This is one you would trap.

i dont eat things out of revenge m8

Lizard tail soup

Colossal advice my dog


Almost didn't recognize Asa without a dick in all of her holes

they changed the recipe of that shit and made it sweeter and it tastes like shit now compared to what it used to taste like
