Whenever I make home-made flour tortillas they get very dry and stiff, and crack when I try to fold them

whenever I make home-made flour tortillas they get very dry and stiff, and crack when I try to fold them.
I want soft, pliable tortillas (like those of soft tacos) so I can make lunch wraps with them, so this is unacceptable.

I use flour, water and butter. I cook them over high heat in a pan just bigger than the tortilla itself.
I've tried making thick tortillas, they just split in half and won't bend. I tried using thin tortillas, they turn into crackers

what do

Use lard instead of butter.

flour, milk and slat is all you need

around 35cl of milk for 250g of flour
and a spoon of oil ( a few cl )

cook in a pan without any grease

I don't want to have a heart attack, will lard really make the difference or is there another route I can take?

what temperature?

sorry I meant 35cl of milk for 650g of flour

I dunno about temp, medium-high heat, it doesnt stick at all

you need a rolling pin, and make them very thin

Non hydrogenated animal fat is not bad for you at all, maybe you should learn some biochemistry.

Keep tortillas warm by covering them with a clean dish towel

it's not a problem of keeping them warm, it's that they're dry as fuck coming right off the pan

Lard is no worse than butter at any kind of reasonable level that a person should be consuming either. Stop trying to sub shit out white person.

Then you're overcoocking them

It's really no worse for you than butter.

Use the cheap Imperial brand of butter. I've found it works the best

Your dough when finished kneading should be smooth and pliable. If your dough isn't loose before rolling it's going to be stiff when finished cooking.

Your recipe is shit use lard knead better.

After having made the tortilla, you must steam it and then immediately make the lunch wrap.
Get a false bottom metal tray and put it in a sauce pan, Having the pan on high for a couple minutes so water evaporates immediately, then put the tortilla on top, Pour in the water - not on the tortilla - and cover for about 30 seconds. Sometimes less or longer depending on tortilla thickness.

Then set on parchment paper over your counter/whatever you assemble the wrap/burrito and make the wrap/burrito as soon as you can.
Then wrap in parchment paper and refridgerate for an hour or eat it right away if you're an impatient baby who doesn't appreciate cold wraps or has a problem with cold meat.

- T. Worker at Burrito/wrap place


Lard is not bad for you, you fucking white piece of shit.

>all these lardos triggered by someone who doesn't want to weight 500lbs and die at 40

thank you, this seems like it'd work best

>implying the small amount of lard needed to make the tortillas will instantly ruin your body
Found the vegan.

You have to knead more, let rest, knead some more until it reach a smoother consistency. Like said.

The magical ingredient is gluten.

Fucking retard. Why are you even on a cooking board? You clearly don't give enough of a fuck to do basic research.