Millionaire 2020

This is how a millionaire’s portfolio will look like in 2020. You may not like it, you may not agree with me out of your own delusion by holding shitcoins, but this is the ultimate portfolio. The ultimate mix of safe gainers and high gainers, all top notch coins, no shitcoins anywhere in sight, feeling zero stress about holding or trading, feel no FUD or FOMO, because these coins create FUD and FOMO and I hold them all.

Join now or you’ll be buying these for 30-200x their price in few years.

user you're selling yourself short that's a millionaires portfolio by the end of this year even with your skateboard meme coin

>this is the ultimate portfolio
>no Devery
Are you sure user

best portfolio i've seen posted, honestly

we're going to make it

That is a millionaire by june user.

>you may not agree with me out of your own delusion

>out of your own delusion by holding shitcoins
The irony is palpable


Well if you're wrong then I'm completely fucked, cause these are my holdings with XLM missing

Put OMG into REQ before mainnet and youre set lad

Kino ass portfolio, 10/10 really good job user. This is the first non retarded bizfag portfolio Ive seen

god damn thats a nice portfolio

Cool portfolio OP, now let's see Paul Allen's one

Legit jelly OP. I wish I had that much capital in each of those.

You forgot nano


>100% LINK
>It's perfect

Congrats OP, that is one comfy portfolio.

Dump everything but link and you will make it user. Otherwise 1/4 of your portfolio is good

wouldn't be surprised millionaire eoy

If stinky linky really makes one of us a millionaire i hope he will call out bearish Veeky Forumsfags on national tv and few am stations

Lovely portfolio. Wish I could afford similar.

Nice. I'm not completely sold on LINK, the endless shilling has put me off but good luck with it. Personally I'd sell some of the LINK and ETH and put it into NEO.