Ck could you ever a whole enchilada?

ck could you ever a whole enchilada?

Other urls found in this thread: design plates brown&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjWvsD9_83OAhVE6mMKHVv6AZYQ_AUIBigB

Enchirito is superior

it'd be extremely painful.

(i have diabetes and the resulting hyperglycemia would really fuck me up)

You're a big guy

>but it's a huge enchilada

>soggy chips below
>meme paste on top

no thanks

>i think i accidentally the whole thing!

I need sauce on that plate, please. Let me rephrase that:
I don't suppose you know the brand/make of that brown plate with the white and black dots painted on it? I know it's a long shot, but it looks a bit like Australian aboriginal artwork.
Sort of want.

That's a fucking wet burrito, enchiladas are way smaller and there's usually more of them on a plate

That's no enchilada.

enchiladas are made with corn tortillas

Those "soggy chips" are strands of cheese.

Mexican here, that's not an enchilada and that looks disgusting.

>I accidently the whole thing

>mfw Americans think a huge wet hot pocket is an enchilada

Real enchiladas are fucking great.

Whatever it's in that picture is garbage

Mexican here. That's not an enchilada.

Do people actually have trouble eating something that fucking big? I'm not even fat and I can down probably 2 of those bad boys. Mexican food is fucking delicious.

who fuckingn cares, Mexicans are the ones that make these things in the restaurants anyways and they taste good to the majority.

That's a smothered burrito enchiladas are not made with flour tortillas. Real 'chiladas are corn tortila

>soggy chips
kek what the fuck. It's shredded cheese that's melted a little bit in the sauce.

I'm not gonna bitch it's not "authentic", but that's more of a wet burrito than an enchilada.

>Mexican here

Not for long, putas.

Nick pls go

I could, and I have. Skelebro here.

It's putos*, for your information.

Nope, made it feminine to emphasize your lack of balls. Now, va, hecho un wall. design plates brown&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjWvsD9_83OAhVE6mMKHVv6AZYQ_AUIBigB


Thanx. I did try google briefly before but couldn't find anything with those signature white dots. But thanx.
I'll keep looking.

You'll be conjugating in a DHS cell soon, by the grace of la migra.

La migra isn't a threat to me. A Trump presidency cannot do anything to me. To my annoying neighbors, probably, but I only wanna teach you Spanish.

Better Mexicans have tried, and they all have failed, I blame their genetics.

>doesn't recognize non-American cheese
>thinks guacamole is "meme paste"
Most painfully flyover post I've seen all day

Thanks Mexibro, you're okay. How exactly does one say "build the wall" in Spanish?

Life is about taking risks

How this shit is done?

"Construya la pared"

In Spanish, the command sounds pretty mundane and doesn't have the same that it does in English. So, for a significantly better effect, you should say, "Vete a construir la pared, frijolero estupido." (Go build the wall, stupid beaner.)

If they hesitate, just yell "Ándale! Arriba!" multiple times. It means "Come on! Get up!" (It's a Speedy Gonzalez reference as well)

>same that it does in English

Oops, forgot to add in "effect" in that sentence.

Try this page

I never said I lived in the US, you stupid chicano.

That's because you are pussies and can't handle actual Mexican food.

And more importantly: why?

Why this shit is done?

Randy I am the Enchiladas.