Chainlink is a scam

the reason why nothing was announced, is simply because there are NO partnerships, the only ones they got, got announced, and look where we are...with swift it was just a poc, you idiots, know what a poc is?
the only partner sips they got so far is wih zepplin os, nothing very exciting...


it will literally ruin you, some shit coins made it to the 50$ mark, while this shit of a coin, will just grab your cash and leave you in the dirt.

As a link holder, i do not like to hear this, but it is an undeniable fact. link may not have been intended as a scam, but is evolving into one.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and informations on LINK.

>the reason why nothing was announced
Do you fudders just pull shit out of your ass and hope that people that read these threads are just uninformed?

>decentralized networks

pick one dickwad

Are you linkies really this delusional? Take a step back and search yourself for the truth. You know chainlink is a scam, user. Don't be a victim.

yea most everyone on Veeky Forums knows this. the paid P&D link shilling should be obvious to anyone by now

Alright I'll come out since by now the cat's pretty much out of the bag. My discord has been shilling LINK for the past 3 months just so we could dump our ICO bags. We're pretty much done by now so I'm coming out with this.
What OP said is true. LINK is a vaporware scam.

Do you have any proof other than you saying that its a scam? I am not invested in it but I was curious about investing, what about it makes it unreputable and not worthy of dropping a few dollars into it since its cheap right now?

Shit, I just bought 26k LINK because you guys told me to.


i am taking chainlink down for being a scam you fucking cucks!

Sergey I am coming for you and your SWIFT friends, very swiftly

good call, just bought 100k

nice fud

Starting to feel real PAJEETED with this coin


>what is a main net

Honestly kys

The thing that worries me about Chainlink is that vitalik doesnt like it, and could and likely will easily destroy it with shit like sharding or even his own oracle solution

yeah, just like ethereum

link sells itself.
>blockchain is the future for organizing information
>smartcontracts are the future for business
>going from on-blockchain to off-blockchain needs a neutral middleman
the only thing that will kill link is when everything is on the same blockchain, which sounds unlikely.

LINK was essentially a lottery ticket. You buy one with the intention of winning, sure, but you also know it's one in a million chance you might. On the other hand, it has another benefit, the one you really bought it for: the dream of a better future.

You weren't supposed to out your life savings on a meme tho.

Babby's first emotional investment. Enjoy your bakkruptcy, fag.

Funny how you managed to dump your bags on the top 500 wallets. Must have been a very convincing shill. Small linkers sold and top hodlers gobbled up more link. As long as etherscan is transparent that kind of fud is useless. There are whales with more than 500k USD worth of link and they are still buying link in smaller increments.

I like this FUD tonight. It makes me stronger.