Is it bad for you if you eat rice every day? Like for lunch and dinner and mixed with other stuff like fish or meat

Is it bad for you if you eat rice every day? Like for lunch and dinner and mixed with other stuff like fish or meat.

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Why would it be bad? Half the population of the world eats rice every day.

Arent the shit ton of carbs bad for you?

Why would it be bad? Half the population of the world eats rice every day.

rice is healthy

Like Jesus said about living on bread alone. You got to balance that diet nigga

At least half of the population is considered overweight.

It's not necessarily bad. But you better be getting some fiber, protein, green vegetables, etc... elsewhere. White rice is fairly nutritionally devoid.

Also, brown rice is healthier than white rice, so if you don't mind the taste of it, better to switch to that.

that's the other half and you know it

yeah kinda. it's a ton of simple starches = tons of sugar to your body. plain white washed rice is pretty shit tier for nutrients, but others are a lot better.


No, stop believing all the momscience you read on the internet. Eating too much meat every day is going to be bad for you, eating too much saturated fat is going to be bad for you, and eating meat with carbs in a meal is going to be unhealthy compared to eating only the carbs. Most people in the developed world consume way too much fat, protein and animal products and not enough carbohydrates, hence the epidemic of fatness, heart disease and diabetes.

With that being said, rice contains significant amounts of inorganic arsenic and there is controversy about the degree to which this causes adverse health affects at typical rice intake levels. Brown rice contains much more inorganic arsenic than white. So one thing you can consider is having other starches for variety... corn, potatoes, millet, beans, lentils, wheat, buckwheat, lots of options. White rice also contains the fewest nutrients out the major carb staples, although this is less relevant if you have access to vegetables, fruits and legumes.

I'm pretty sure half of the world population isn't overweight. Obesity and diabetes occur when people drop the carbs and start eating a bunch of fat and animal products instead, usually as a result of affluence. Nobody ever got fat eating a bunch of rice every day

So like brown rice > white rice?

OK so carbs are good and animal products should be consumed in moderation. Got it.

It looks like there's a decent correlation between high rice consumption and low obesity rates.

To grab the top three rice consumers, compared with their obesity rates:
>Vietnam - 215kg/2yrs, 1.7%
>Bangladesh - 196.3kg/2yrs 1.1%
>Burma - 227.7kg/2yrs, 4.0%

That's a lot of goddamn rice. Looks like you should be just fine.

They eat rice completely instead of white wheat breads.

What poverty levels are those countries at though

And 1 in 10 people in China have diabetes.
Your point?

Exactly that's

>I eat a fuck ton of rice every day because that's all I can afford and it doesn't matter what I eat because u work my ass off every day doing physical labor just to survive

rice is constipating, and I believe, very dangerous and bad for your health. It can cause hemorrhoids and fissures. I have never encountered a food worse than rice. And I refuse to eat rice.

Citation needed.

His butthole apparently. that's what you get for listening to an asshole.
>food additives

It's OK if you don't understand, but he's right if you live in the US.

Depends on the rice, like all things.

Plain, cheap white rice? It's fucking awful for you.

Organic heirloom multigrain? It's a complex starch filled with nutrients, you can literally eat a small serving of that every day of your life as long as you compliment it.


Nvm dude

Brown rice is only marginally better.

If you're eating your vegetables then you'll probably be getting enough micronutrients to go with whichever one tastes better.

Depends on the kind of rice you eat.

A lot of Asian-Americans get diabetes from eating the worthless rice in American grocery stores.

Source needed
Every Asian family I know of is getting the same kind of rice they eat from whatever country they are from at the Asian grocery store.

Nobody is eating Uncle Bens shit except for white people

Just eat the Okinawa diet and live to 120 in agony user

My family has a history of diabetes lol

That was in response to you forgot to tag

Just eat nothing but god damn potatoes. All you need to live potatoes and marmite for the b12. Disgusting sure, but all the nutrients you need to live. No fat on the potatoes either or cheese you animals

Different user, but I'd say carbs arn't so much good as not bad. They can (and should) be a decent chunk of a balanced diet, along with protein, fat, fiber, etc..

Ideally most of your carbs should come from things like whole grains, beans, veggies, but a little white flour here and there isn't gonna kill you.

Also get a decent amount of exercise so you can burn up some of the energy you get out of those carbs.

Ahhh the elon musk diet

Alrighty, dude.Thanks for the reply! :)

long grain rice is disgusting

What about the arsenic thing, co/ck/s?

>Is it bad for you if you eat rice every day? Like for lunch and dinner and mixed with other stuff like fish or meat.
Eating the same thing every day robs you of variety of vitamins/minerals from alternate choices of foods. Throw in some other starch choice occasionally, baked sweet potato or something. People who eat the same thing everyday are probably just poor or from some region without many imports, and they only eat the local stuff that grows.

Rice specifically that is brown is your best bet, it hasn't had the germ removed, which is the richest part of the nutrition. Poof, gone. White rice, what is left, is usually enriched with some of the lost nutrients, but if you rinse it, poof, gone. White rice (and foods and drinks that use them), are classed as high-glycemic index foods, and they shouldn't be the bulk of your diet. You might as well binge drink. Same effect where your body is slammed with sugar, and so has to produce insulin fast and furious, and if you do that often and are already a little bit overweight or out of shape or wee bit old,, you can start on the beginnings of metabolic disease and prediabetes from the overworked pancreas. I'm talking extremes here, worst case, but you should switch to brown if this is your life and you can't afford to dine on a variety of foods.

Half the world population live in shanty towns or mudhuts
Doesn't necessarily mean it's the ideal lifestype

So, is that why people in poorer regions have diabetes?

Nvm didn't read correctly.

so now I kinda understand why most of my family members are diabetics. Its cuz they jam rice down their throats all day. I don't eat rice like every single day but my diet consists mostly of rice.

So, If I don't want to get fucking diabetes I should either switch to brown rice instead of white or just cut out the amount of rice in my diet? Alrighty, got it.

Btw I'm indian-Canadian so I'm not like restricted to eating fucking rice and only rice all day and have more choices.

Glycemic index is a low-carb bullshit concept and there is zero evidence of carbohydrates, including refined sugar, causing diabetes. Type 2 diabetes doesn't even begin in the pancreas, it seems you are confused.

Most Asian countries 50 years ago had carb intakes around 80%, most of that coming form refined white rice and diabetes was unheard of. Obesity and diabetes only started popping up as they reduced carbs and increased fat and animal products. Just look at Singapore, China, India, they went from 80% carbs to 50-60% and they are ballooning up and getting diabetes all over the place.

I can pretty much guarantee that your family is full of diabetics because you're living in Canada and they are eating a diet much higher in fat and animal products than a traditional Indian diet based on white rice, legumes and vegetables. Nobody ever got diabetes from white rice, they get diabetes from fried rice, having chicken curry or cheese with every rice dish, using oil, snacking on chocolate or chips, whatever it is. Even if you look at India, their use of cooking oil and dairy fat has exploded over the last decades, and since it's such a highly concentrated source of fat people have trouble identifying how big a part of their diet it is even if it's physically small

The Viet Cong lived on rice & water everyday. It worked so well, that 40 years later there are still butt-hurt losers crying their eyes out at a wall in DC..

Rice & Water everyday for peak efficiency.

fucking savage

Charlie didn't get much USO. He was dug in too deep, or moving too fast...

His idea of great R&R was cold rice and a little rat meat. He had only two ways home:

Death, or Victory.

> Is it bad for you if you eat rice every day? Like for lunch and dinner and mixed with other stuff
Nah, it's fine. Can also be done with other foods, but rice has a lot of nutrients and little that our digestive self-regulation fails at.

yeah, brown rice, wild rice, basically anything is better than plain bleached rice.

Are my methods unsound?
I don't see any method at all, sir.

Well most of them are but not all and got it.

I don't buy generic American long grain rice anymore. Always specialty stuff grown overseas or in California. I feel if you avoid Arkansas stuff it's okay.

Honestly if this thread and really every discussion and study about nutrition ever is any indication, we as a species still don't really understand what's good and bad.

We've got some of the general stuff figured out, but for every opinion from a reputable source there's usually an opposing opinion from an equally reputable source, and the prevailing "accepted" opinions shift wildly every few years as a bunch of studies are done to disprove the results of the last bunch of studies and so forth.

And that's not even factoring in all the quacks and fringe opinions (that for all we know could turn out to be correct).

The good news is, it probably doesn't matter unless you are trying to be an athlete.

If you avoid the extremes. eat a reasonable variety of things in reasonable proportions and get some exercise and you'll probably be fine. Use your body as an indicator, if you have high blood presure, cholesteral, or are overweight, address those specific problems. If your a healthy rate and your vitals are all good, what you're eating is probably fine.

You might get cancer, you might get diabetes, you might get heart disease, but those are basic risks of living, and chances are the best you can do with diet is reduce the chance of one while increasing the chance of another.

Also weigh in that food is a basic pleasure of life. Imagine they made some healthy soylant mixture that fulfilled all your nutritional needs and even increased the average lifespan by like 10 years. Would it be worth it to give up food as a thing? Personally I say no. The goal for me isn't to optimize for quantity, I'm going for quality, and a variety of great tasting food, even stuff that's not great for you (enjoyed in moderation) is part of that.


yes you will get slanted eyes and yellow skin.


Nothing but white rice? Without frying it or anything, nothing wrong with that.

The problem is it has a higher glycemic index than sugar.

If you're in a non-shit country, you have options regarding which rice you wanna eat though.

Flip here, we eat rice 2-3 meals a day. It
is literally the only food filipinos can't live without.
Diabetes is also really common in this shithole of a country so yeah.

Stop spreading misinformation though. Whether you look at China, Singapore, India or Philippines, carbohydrate and rice consumption is down and intake of fat and animal products is up in the last couple decades, in other words their diets are westernizing. Only with this change in diet did diabetes and overweight even become a thing in these countries. Nobody had diabetes when people were eating 70-80% calories from carbs mostly from rice; It's irrelevant that people are still eating rice when the rice is relegated to a side dish next to oil and animal products instead of being the main source of calories. Most people don't even know what a plate looks like when it's carb-heavy, it's literally a huge mountain of rice and not a small hill as is the case today

It would depend on how much you ate a day, one small bowl each meal would be fine but if you were eating a shit ton of it you'll just get fat.

Problem is there's no way to know it's purely diet and not the massive shift in lifestyle that's also hitting them in the same way it hit us (people went from doing mostly physical work to sitting behind a desk, increases in daily stress, no one is getting enough sleep, etc..).

The whole "my grandparents ate greasy food, smoked, drank, and not only weren't fat but lived into their 90s" sentiment is an old trope but it's often true.

Food is fuel, and our bodies are really good at adapting to pretty much anything we pump into them. If your burning off the energy you are consuming, you'll stay skinny, and if you're not eating any particular thing in excess, chances are your body is coping just fine.

diet is different, but so is activity level. The people in these countries are not doing hard labor anymore.

Rice is not that nutritious. rice eaters have stunted growth. Wheat is far superior to rice.

Also y'all gotta worry about that faggot duterte.

>in other words their diets are westernizing

sorry charlie. Their diets are changing due to them seeing things and trying things they want to try. no one is 'westernizing' them. America is not addicted to pizza because America was 'Italianized'. Pizza is popular here because people try it and like it. The same in Vietnam.

Lets keep some focus here.

If you are okay with paying a bit more, go to an Asian/Indian market and get the huge sacks of red/brown/black/pink rices- more nutrients, and they are quite versatile too.

If you're getting bored with white rice, start exploring rice dishes around the world. Jollof Rice, Paella, Pulao, Biryani, Plov (Uzbek/Azeri/Tajik), Fujian fried rice, etc.

Holy shit this blew up. I was not expecting so many replies. I thought going into this I wouldnt get many replies but boy was I wrong. Well, anyways this was my first post and I would like to thank everyone for participating as this thread will soon go 404 and thank you all for answering my question.

I eat parboiled rice is that good?

No as long as you might moderate portions

No inherently
They just make you fat if you don't burn the calories off

I eat brown rice and lentils every day. Of course, chicken and tilapia are pretty cheap too

That's usually white or brown, brown is always better than white though.

If you don't give a shit about color, just make sure you eat the rice with a bunch of vegetables and some portion of meat so you're not just devouring carbs.

Stir-fries, stews, pilafs, etc. that also include vegetables and proteins along with the rice are good bets if you want something that's easy to prepare, but goes well with rice.

I'm type 2 diabetic so I always go colored rice, and even then, I watch how much of it I eat in one sitting.

Lentils are pretty awesome, if you're new to them, make sure you soak them for several hours/overnight if the hull is still intact. There are types that are de-hulled like reds, but for the most part the hull will give you extra nutrients and fiber. Dirt cheap too.

>stop believing all the momscience you read on the internet
>proceeds to post momscience

I once ate about two cups of cooked rice in one sitting and my feet started to itch. I'm pretty sure the glycemic shock gave me diabetes.


So how the fuck am I supposed to eat rice if I live in the US? Import it from Japan?

Can anyone recommend me a Japanese cookbook?

People in the Mediterranean and East Asia live the longest in the world, and the key seems to be fish consumption.
Meanwhile I've been eating like a pig up to now, and I wanna hop on the Japanese longevity train so I can not die in my 50s. Miso, green tea, rice and fish, the whole shebang.

However, Gly. Index is pretty handy if you're one of the unlucky fucks like me that got Diabetes.

The key in East Asia was a high-carb low-fat diet, the added fish in Japan in the last couple decades did some good but right now most of East Asia is transitioning towards lower carb intake so they're getting fat and diabetic like westerners

>Obesity and diabetes occur when people drop the carbs and start eating a bunch of fat and animal products instead
Yeah, that's why diabetes and obesity has been on the decline for the past thirty years

>Obesity and diabetes occur when people drop the carbs and start eating a bunch of fat and animal products instead, usually as a result of affluence

This is a complete load of shit. The most overweight diabetic fucks are the POOR ones who eat nothing but sugar loaded carbs all day long. It's people who's primary source of calories every day comes from soda, which is nothing but sugar water.

>hurr fat makes you fat

1970's called. They want their horseshit back.

I thought fat was good and carbs were bad? (since the brain metabolises fat the best)

>the added fish in Japan in the last couple decades
>last couple decades

What in the hell are you smoking, holy shit. Japan has been eating fish for as long as people have lived in Japan.

You thought wrong.

Alright, I'll take all this silly bait

Americans have a low-carb high-fat diet for the past 100 years, this isn't exactly news. 40% and 50% are among the lowest carb intakes and the fat intake of 80 grams per day (>100 grams for men) among the highest in the entire world and this creates diabetes, which is what was predicted, what happened and what I said.
Conversely, China etc. went from 80% carbs to 60% and diabetes started to appear immediately.

In contrast to the person above who was at least able to post correct factual data to support his terrible argument you're just making shit up.
Poor people in the West have high-fat diets just like everybody else. Nobody's primary source of calories is soda. You can't just invent things, please make an effort to post factual data like the poster above.
Internationally, poor people have high carb diets (70-85%) and rich people have low carb diets (40-60%). Diabetes occurs primarily in developed nations where people follow low-carb diets. It is not heard of in poor nations with carb-heavy diets.

The brain only metabolizes glucose. Glucose is the preferred fuel for the entire body and virtually never gets converted to fat. Fat is for long-term energy storage and does not get oxidized readily. It is not fuel in any meaningful sense.

Japan had around 2% of calories from animal fat in the 1950s and 6% calories from plant fat for a grand total of 8% calories from fat (which is an actual high-carb low-fat diet). 2% of animal fat in a 2400 calorie male diet translates to 5 grams, which is 1 egg, 1 glass of milk OR a tiny piece of fatty fish. So fish consumption was very rare for the vast majority of the population and only became a significant part of the Japanese diet with advanced industrial dishing operations. The selective introduction of omega-3 fatty acids had beneficial effects on Japanese health compared to a diet with very little total fat and so practically no omega-3 fats.

you're retarded

You sound like a retarded vegan that's just trying to push your shitty agenda.

Obesity didn't become a problem in America til they started putting sugar in everything just so they can call it low fat.

Diabetes is when you have a problem with high blood sugar. You know what spikes your blood sugar? Fucking CARBS, not fats, you moron. You'd be better off arguing fats are bad by saying it's bad for your heart, saying fat causes diabetes just shows how absolutely clueless you are.

if you're eating lots of carbs, keep fat content near zero. fat disrupts the human bodies ability to deal with glucose. Fat gums up the system, basically.

Maybe but you know fuck all about nutrition.

No? You're just literally retarded

Do not do this, this is how you get diabetes.


The oldest people in the world are alway asians, so they must be doing something right

lol fat ricelet

rice is literally the best food ever invented, you could never have enough of it

the radiation gave them life