why does the logo look like my dog had the shits all over my floor?

You have a weird dog.

What is it crashing again?

Yes, massively.



Post pic you fag !

Ah yeah, just checked. Guess bomber is unloading his stack. Well, any other good pumps coming up? Fun while it lasted

reddit coin

You have to be literally autistic to buy this coin

"You literally have to be autistic to short the real estate bubble in 2006"

Autistic people are chad traders.
Also stop saying literally, you fucking cuck.

NEO will pump until 01/03. Worth holding onto anyway.

i feel bad for anyone that bought this memecoin

Feel bad for me I’m up thousands of dollars since Sunday

still confident in the cup and handle forming?

Cup and handle my balls Autist retard


yeah i feel really bad that I was able to make an extra 5000 USD in about 4 days and then sold on the top...fucking idiot. people like you will always stay poor.

Bro you're not fooling anybody but keep living in your delusional fantasy land. We all know your'e broke as a joke and aren't smart enough to time the market perfectly. But go ahead, keep pretending to be something you're not on the internet.

Sold at 16.00.

Coins going to dump back to around $11 in a few days then probably climb back up to around 13-14. The recent jump is from speculation that coinbase was picking it up but that was denied by both parties

We're dipping into oversold on RSI. Shouldn't I buy?