What type of vegan are you?

What type of vegan are you?

>inb4 "not vegan"

I'm a veganfluid gendertarian you fucking faggot, don't try to convince me otherwise

An Apache Attack Helicopter vegan

I identify as a vegan and nobody has the right to tell me thats untrue

Fuck, I forgot to include, "Do my rights end where yours begin?" -> "SJW Vegan"

I'm an evangelist vegan

Veal for dinner

Not vegan. OP can't inb4, it's the rules.


im just a guy who doesnt support the animal holocaust, and carry my weight for that reason as well as environmental reasons by eating plants...real activists are out there doing real work, im just a norm human desu desu

I just reduced my consumption a greatly for my own health and own moral reasons, besides honey and fish sauce stuff. don't associate and never want to associate with the vegan title at all

why not?

And I begged, "Angel of the Lord, what are these tortured screams?" And the angel said unto me, "These are the cries of the carrots, the cries of the carrots!
You see, Reverend Maynard, tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust."

get off your moral high horse ffs, this is why i will never be vegan

im eating a steak..u mad? i cooked it straight after reading your smug post..why do you think you are oh so morally superiour to me just because you dont kill animals?

i mean ffs our ancestors would of done it for years, so you are disrespectful to your routes

>white people

This is a parody right

>if you disagree witrh me you are parody

typical fucking smug vegans

they are in a cult m8 literally no reasoning with these people so why bother?
just let them miss out on nutrients and ignore basic facts like the food chain and nature

Strict vegans are a cult. Musselvegans are sane. Appeal to nature is a logical fallacy.

still cult...you literally refuse food cus of a belief system, and have a community...cult...and you all think you are better than me

>going away from nature is a logical fallacy

yh ok let me know when u can survive in the wild without your estrogen soy

Musselvegans don't have a community. Strict vegans all hate them. And I'm not even a musselvegan myself.

Not a vegan, but I can easily get sufficient protein without soy. Of course lots of other plants contain phytoestrogens, and dairy contains real estrogen (this is a weeaboo website, haven't you watched anime with girls drinking milk to make their tits bigger?), but only soy is scary for some reason.

the jury is still out on if mussels feel pain...and what makes vegans a cult exactly?

a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.
"the cult of St Olaf"
a person or thing that is popular or fashionable among a particular group or section of society.

not eating corpses or animal secretions fits neither of these definitions. You are just salty

good, vegans are just beta pussy males

>the jury is still out on if mussels feel pain
Any argument against eating salt-water mussels (note that fresh-water mussels are more advanced) can also be used against killing plants. If you are opposed to eating mussels then the only logically consistent diet is fruitarianism, which makes you fat, stupid, and if you're really persistent, dead.

I meant the way you type. I'm not even vegan, you just sound incredibly stupid.

no, because we know plants are not sentient...i just personally wouldnt eat mussels though i see the argument for it not being morally concerning, more research is needed on my part

We do not know that. We assume that, mostly because it's convenient. Plants have just as good sensory and movement skills as mussels.

no we know that, they do not have brains, they react...they are inteligent...like a computer...does not logically follow that it is sentient...unless you wanna demonstrate another mechanism of sentience which does not reuire a brain or nerves

Mussels don't have brains either. Why do you discriminate against plants?

yeah, thats true.. as i said more research on my part is needed on the mussel ting

and lel i dont discriminate against plants son

I'm a mostly vegan. I eat like a vegan six days a week so if I want a steak or a chili dog or some tacos every now and then I don't have to give an fucks.

I'm transitioning from vegetarian to vegan.

good 4 u user xxx welcome to thecult - hail satan

>honey is not vegan halal
I don't understand.

I eat a lot of raw foods and am lactose intolerant, but I will never give up kielbasa


Old school vegan, somehow
The chart doesn't work too great unless you were born in like 1998
I mean YouTube, seriously? Is this a chart for children?

Not vegetarian nor vegan but I seriously don't see any problem with reducing meat and dairy consumption (and consumption in general).

Fuck off vegan, your b12 deficiency is making you INSANE I can't deal with your bullshit anymore thread hidden GOD why do these extremists keep pushing their agenda on me

He's right, though.

u have steak on speeddial for whenever you get triggered?
i have tofu pre-cooked for whenever my high horse of morality needs a boost.

my ancestors were badboys that would have taken the vegan 'route' had they had as much information at hand as i do. routes.

>guilty feelin' apologists

i'm op,

non-slack jawed, non-faggot here, i self identify as a sexual tyrannosaurus. stop oppressing me with vegan threads