I have $53,000 sitting in my checking account? Am i fucking retarded? What would you do with it?
Hard mode: no crypto or kneepads
I have $53,000 sitting in my checking account? Am i fucking retarded? What would you do with it?
Hard mode: no crypto or kneepads
Open up a tdameritrade account, dipshit
Immediatelt put 10% in physical precious metals that you hold.
Short the stock market if you dont want crypto.
Crypto is not a bubble though, it has bubbles but it is not a bubble it will be the best investment of all time and is only going to happen once
I have $53,000 sitting in my checking account?
i don't know, do you? why are you asking us? how would we know whether or not you have 53k in your checking account?
>Am i fucking retarded?
possibly. i mean you did just ask us whether or not you have 53k in your checking account
>What would you do with it?
i only have a few dollars in my account, so maybe i'm the retard. but i guess i'd put some into crypto (but not all) and the rest... i dunno. gold and silver?
here's your (you)
Fuck some whores, dont't spend more than 1k tho8gh
Has 53k, doesnt want to invest in easy moonshots. Gtfo.
Take $7,200 and buy yourself 10,000 Link.
The rest put into something fixed income, the stock market is looking pretty overbought.
friggn get some mutual funds or ETFs. i dont understand why more people dont do that, make an account on vanguard or something and link your bank account, sure the money isnt immediately available but its pretty damn fluid actually i think ETFs trade in real time like stocks mutual funds at the end of the day and then you wire it to your bank. doubt you will have an emergency that you need all your money in less then a day or two
I recommend keeping 5-15% of your wealth in gold/silver
Vanguard subprime bonds. You can get bonds that aren't perfect AAA rating, but rather ones that are say AA or A and they pay much higher returns. Guaranteed 10% return. Highly unlikely they would go under.
VTSMX. Easy answer. Or the same thing but through betterment.com for better tax harvesting.
whats the usual percentage? i have 110k sitting in my bank...
etfs and mutual funds are practically guaranteed to profit and usually have a better return than bonds right?
when i hear subprime i think of the big short
Thats a lot of LINK
All-in ETFs or the HKEX
-10%-30% generally. Year over year, the target is around 7%. I made 13% in ETFs in 2017 although that is unusual.
Buy LINK dude... I'm literally talking to a billionaire, you
i would literally put 20k into crypto. buy 1 bitcoin on dip and split your shit up elsewhere
Unironically all in on LINK. You're welcome.
wow 7% is not bad. i have crypto too but i feel stupid for having 110k in my bank
what do you mean percentage? like percentage of money kept invested in trade funds vs how much you keep in the bank? that would probably vary wildly from person to person, it depends on your personality, index funds are practically guaranteed to profit in the long run but there is always the possibility of another great depression i suppose, how much are you willing to risk? how much money do you need to have available at a moments notice?
buy at least 500 omisego if you want to have 6 figures
ok now i feel stupid now i realize you are talking about roi
no i meant ROI
10k in crypto, then put the rest into bonds/cd's/high yield savings and dollar cost average your way into index funds pulling from the fixed return funds
start a brick and mortar business that you don't have to babysit constantly that can't be replaced by blockchains
>no crypto
Yes you are retarded.
Don't fucking do this The stock market is going to hell sooner or later. You can't just leave your funds laying there anymore unless you enjoy going -50% and taking years to recover. We just took 17 years to recover from the last crash.
thats the thing, with those kinds of investments you are in it for the long game. they always bounce back, it may take a while and you may not see extreme rewards but youll make much more money than if you had left it in a savings account