what are college majors that are actually worth the time and money? I heard really bad stuff about entry level salaries for Finance. Or maybe only the frat faggots who have Daddy working at a bank and think they will be able to make a six figure salary are affected by this.
What are college majors that are actually worth the time and money...
bump. i need advice too, college cuck here
Unironically STEM and business (including finance) are the only majors worth a shit.
Engineering or roads that lead to management.
Unless you’re some kind of wizard in your chosen field, then any major works.
Want to go into STEM shit, but got into some shit colleges with shitty shit programs im fucked
Do something fulfilling that makes a difference. Otherwise just say fuck it and trade crypto like me.
I work digitization and I’d advice against finance as we’re currently automating almost all their job functions with a mix of programming, machine learning and robotic process automation.
>tfw History major
Better than doing something I hate
get a math degree witih cs background and then you can use your big math brain to automate other peoples jobs. Your ability to understand machine learning and neural nets come down to how well you understand linear algebra and optimization (which builds from multivariable calculus)
hopefully this is helpful OP.
Most STEM majors are worth it imo.
I hope you like flipping burgers.
What are some types of careers one can go into with a finance degree? Lame question, I know, but was just wondering.
Jesus you plebbitors are so easy to spot, what do you have a few hundred in crypto and you started late last year, "but you knew about it for years" kek
Reddit pls go
Did a psychology major. Complete bullshit but I have a comfy management job in an age care related nfp. $80k to do bugger all really
Counting money and shit
I'm not in finance, but I work in tech at a company that is a leader in AI. Agree with the concept that a lot of finance jobs are being automated, but businesses will need finance experts for many years to come. We're nowhere near full automation/AI for functions like project design and management, strategy, and audit. AI helps in these areas, but will still need humans to guide it for many more years.
>Aersopace engineer
>unbelievable tier
my sides...That chart is actually the most inaccurate shitty list
im studying PPE (philosophy, politics & economics)...super interesting and I can leverage it into a banking job. Plus Philosophy majors have the highest IQ by the way
Whatever you choose, minor in CS. I didn't, I regret it. It's a major plus when applying for STEM and finance jobs, pretty much required to get an entry level position these days. I'm having to learn in my own time while working manual labour and hoping I get proficient enough before my degree becomes too old to be worth anything.
GL grasshopper.
seconded. BIggest regret these last 4 years is not having minored in comp sci
>Philosophy majors have the highest IQ by the way
Not quite highest, philfags are just behind physics and math, but ahead of all other humanities by a long shot. According to some image I saw on Veeky Forums two years ago.
hahahaha it’s the spacex hype