Bought at 18k

>Bought at 18k
>Sold at 7k
>Bought at 12k
>Sold at 9.5k
>Bought at 11k

I'm physically ill. I'm sick. I haven't eaten for a month. Why did I get into crypto? I lost 86k.

Other urls found in this thread:


Dude wtf just go long now with leverage

So that's where all my money is coming from! Thanks!


It's a zero sum game. For each one of us enjoying tremendous gains, there's another guy being joosted

down $700k since portfolio all time high in Jan 5th.

Jesus Christ, just hold you fucking idiot.

And this is why whales will keep it bouncing back and forth, to take the brainlets' coins


Im guessing your family has old money or something because your clearly to retarded to get 86k to begin with

just do the opposite. just be yourself.

>Sold at 7k
>Bought at 12k
wtf, has btc even reached 12k since 6k dump?

Follow this rule when you think you should sell: if price of BTC is below 500k, do not sell.

I don't believe you are that noob
I understand fomo and panic selling but ffs
Pro tip, if you are gonna try autistic style of trading
next time at least sell a little... keep a little
Better chances

11.7k was the top since 6k dump


trade history or else larp

I am rounding.
No, I am 37 put in my life savings.
I think I'm just going to cash out and accept that crypto isn't for me. I can't handle it. I'll never be happy even if I become a millionaire with my current portfolio because I could have had so much more if I just held.

Post trade history or not at all

If it makes you feel better op. Im down 1.3 million dollars from my ATH in early December

delete blockfolio
install blockfolio december
cash out

r u literally stupid?

Holders can get fucked just as well
Unless you are in a very solid coin and you do not touch it for a year+
Buy more friend :) Join the party, DONT hold btc tho you cunt. Convert it to a shitcoin you like..... and you'll be fine.

listen up kids, this is what happens when you dont buy link

Full fucking kek if this isn't a larp


>lost 86k.

This is you


was just about to post it