I'm sick of crypto, lets talk personal finance.
>house is the largest investment you'll ever make
>car is the second
What's the third, Veeky Forumsantines?
I'm sick of crypto, lets talk personal finance.
>house is the largest investment you'll ever make
>car is the second
What's the third, Veeky Forumsantines?
Other urls found in this thread:
Shadow forked Chainlink
get my girl some new tittayysss
>your woman is the most important investment you'll ever make
>your children are the second
SO/kids. Unless you’re a virgin cuck. Then probably a rope
>your woman
buy link
Lol cars aren't investments you fucking mongrel
Land, not house.
No, car isn't an investment.
Op, what's wrong with you?
Housing is not an investment all roi in non commercial real estate is due to inflation
Shelter is a basic necessity and if you cant provide yourself one without debt its imoral to bring children into the world, ie you shouldnt breed
im at the point where im not sure if this is a meme anymore
regardless i will buy 3000 usd of link now
> Car is a investment
Stick to crypto user.
The state of manlets these days.
Everything else.
You fucking pleb. Stay poor, financially and spiritually.
>house is the largest investment you'll ever make
Incorrect, houses are a scam.
>houses overpriced
>5% deposit is 3 years pretax wage with no expenses
>closer to 10 years post tax and expenses
>boomer scam spotted
>not falling for their shit
>rental time
>still expensive, half take home wage for small place
>start purposely fucking shit up. Sneaky like
>pour water near boiler everyday under the carpet
>flush shit down the toilet to fuck up pipes
>overuse/misuse every expensive appliance
>complain weekly about the state of the apartment to landlord
>don't use boiler for weeks when the coldest part of winter comes, shower at work
>boiler breaks, notice the rotting floorboards round boilers. Thousands and thousands of damage
>had put entire deposit on credit
>claim deposit back before end of tenancy, blame card company when landlord asks
>general degenerate behavior causing hidden damage to all parts of property
>once apartment is near enough fucked but not totally horrific on surface it's time to move
>don't give landlord any notice, just leave with him having to find new tenants and fix all the issues
>cancel all my connected cards and accounts (thanks nubanks), block landlords number
>move into new apartment, give fake reference from last place, landlords are greedy cunts and never check
Unlucky you property hoarding landlord scum. How's your passive income treating you? This is what you get for inflating the price of property and making every property a rental
Unironically was gonna do this and she wanted it but she dumped me. I would love to see her reaction if I ever make it.
Its worse than you think
"God" is a jewish invention. Enjoying being cucked and mentally retarded by (((Christianity))) ?
car is not an investment
the only actual investments:
- land
- blackmail information
- bloodlines
- ability to project force
car should never be an investment, it is a depreciating asset.
House is an investment you live in. When you eventually sell it, it's like getting a refund for all your rent payments.
2nd biggest investment should be 401k
3rd biggest roth IRA. You can do whatever yolo options moves with your roth IRA because the jews don't take your gains.
>it's a nazbol faggots shit up the thread within 20 posts episode
It works if you replace god with your own set of spiritual beliefs.
Sliding the truth
So the value of homes is actually falling against gold despite tons of money printing giving the false impression that values are actually rising? Who woulda thunk it...
Gold doesn't pay dividends you retard.
For you.
>I wanna talk about Personal Finance.
>Someone mutters a phrase a shillbot responds too.
Measuring an asset in usd is like measuring a football field with a ruler that gets shorter every year and then saying the field is getting longer
The idea that real estate provides a return on investment is just as delusional
gtfo you fucking retard
christian orthodoxy kills the jew, go back to /pol/ and learn more.
Im not saying invest in gold im saying gold is the only thing that can measure price across time because it is the value datum, all materials degrade relative to gold
And then people think its a good idea to get a mortgage that gaurantees theyll have to work for 30 years to buy their own shelter
Flush shit down the toilet?
Fucking Brilliant Jim, That will really teach them a lesson. Next youre gonna tell me there's a whole room or 2 dedicated to this 10/10 prank.
> "We will have to deal with Christianity in a tougher way than hitherto. We must settle accounts with Christianity, this greatest of plagues that could have happened to us in our history, which has weakened us in every conflict. If our generation does not do it, then it would I think drag on for a long time. We must overcome it within ourselves."
> -- Himmler speaking to top leaders of the SS, June 9, 1942 Berlin
Keep bumping
>he's never had to pay for new piping for an old building.
Looking at thousands if not tens of thousands of damage. Stay salty landlordcuck
Any advice for e-commerce/dropshipping?
Come over
I agree user, Godspeed.
Kikes and their cucks BTFO in this thread! :D
>it's a autistic /pol/ack shits up a rare as gold non crypto thread that had potential episode
I'm honestly starting to despise you lot, I haven't seen autistic spamming like this since 2008 with the Warhammer heresy shitposters.
True. Love and creating children, is so much more important than materialistic nonsense. Creating a family is achieving true wealth.
/pol/tards back at it again with their brain dead meme ideology.
Just as pathetic as usual.
I don't have a quater of a mil to buy a appartment of 3 rooms user.
So I can't talk about it.