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I agree. If the middle is cold it's not cooked right.

Normies like medium-rare though.

I'll fucking eat steak tartare. That steak could be cooled longer or not. I'd still finish it all.

>if your steak look like this
Ebonics will be the death of the English language. Slavery was a mistake.

Why the fuck did John Wilkes Booth kill Lincoln? Had Lincoln survived, he would've sent all of the groids back to Africa, where they would be free to develop their own unique culture and technology far from the oppression of the white man.

It's called rare. :^)

this, hips eat their steak well done

[spoiler]like me[/spoiler]

Tell me, what's the difference between this steak and anything that is cooked by Jack?

jack stop posting and go back to your autistic channel

Because people from the South are fucking stupid. Lincoln cared far more about keeping the Union together than saving some worthless niggers, and he never would have tried to end slavery through legislation because he wanted to avoid a civil war. Of course, those inbred retards had to make a big fuss and leave before anything even happened, forcing Lincoln's hand.

literally who

He's some asshole tripfag who constantly shitposts. Frequently samefags with no trip.

There's plenty of evidence that Lincoln hated niggers, too.


Southerners are just white niggers, aren't they? Rash, irrational, and violent.

I'm a transracial southerner born in a white body but I identify as black and I agree, I'm a nigger and you should refer to me as such.

Don't forget fat, stupid and borderline illitertae

>he misspelled illiterite

>he misspelt mispellt

oh god does /pol/ have influence here too?

yanks are innawoods hicks too. you have more forest areas and high rate of gun ownership. only reason youre not blue is because you likely never dealt with a brown person. if canada and mexico traded living spaces youd turn red within a year

only reason we're blue is because you retarded hicks flooded our cities with negros and made such a fuss about segregation that now people sympathize with the nigs.

if anything that looks more blue than rare

I forgot how autistic you people are.

I hope you guys like toxoplasmosis

I will never understand why people talk about politics on a Bulgarian spider identification forum

It shouldn't be that cold. Are you cooking it straight out of the fridge, or letting it sit a minute?

those hyena pets look cool

he's in mexico dumbass, they don't have the internet there.

Come to Nigeria. They are our dogs here.

welcome to Veeky Forums

Fuck off, shitposter.

you fucked up boi

Got a link to the video?

sorry m8, i dont remember the video

what does that taste like?

fyi, toxoplasmosis can't survive freezing

Is he honing his knife with his other knife?


what does raw steak meat taste like?
