Mining ETH is no longer worth it
>invest $10k in 60 graphics cards
>invest another 4K in motherboards, psus and other bits
>spend a month setting it all up
>$650 a month income from ETH
>electricity is $0.12
>profit : minus $150 a month
Mining ETH is no longer worth it
>invest $10k in 60 graphics cards
>invest another 4K in motherboards, psus and other bits
>spend a month setting it all up
>$650 a month income from ETH
>electricity is $0.12
>profit : minus $150 a month
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks I just sold 100K vcards
I could maybe make $5k back if I sell all the kit.
try mining something else?
Like what? ETH is the most profitable coin to mine. If I mine something else it will be even worse Check all the calculators
try ETC?
you didn't do the most basic calculations before setting everything up?
How can you make negative profit with 60 cards? Did you buy HD630 ones?
You know what I just realized.... In about a year, there will be thousands of cheap ass used 1080tis for sale on ebay.
Etc is a much less profitable coin to mine
Ethereum then maybe monero you would get about half $ what you would get mining ETH and all the other coins are far far down the list
If you're making $650 a month you have at most around 10 GPUs. If you actually had 60 you would be making substantially more, probably around 3-6 ETH a month.
there won't be because crypto won't crash and amount of retards thinking mining is the way to be won't decrease
Because of this:
$0.12 for electricity? Good thing I live in a shithole with better and cheaper internet and electricity only $0.04 per kwh. Fuck you mutts
You're probably mining on power hungry cards like the R9 390, shouldn't be the case if you have the GTX 1070
Gtx 1070 = $750
60 x $750 = $45,000
the effectivity of 4GB cards is going down with the increasing size of DAG. You played yourself
It’s completey fine until the dag gets bigger than 4mb that happening in May 2019
I played myself a number of ways. But spending EVEN MORE MONEY on graphics cards was not one of them. You probably don’t even mine
Protip: hold onto the eth for a couple years and sell for 5k+ each
Nigger, by the time dag is 3,5GB your cards will be mining way way less effectively than they would've mined at 1.5 GB
Or maybe you dont buy 60 of it you dumb retard. I hope you are trolling
Prove it
Not anymore because my 4GB RX 480 is getting ineffective at mining eth
>1 card
Stop giving advice you fucking casual
Yeah, sorry for not buying 60 cards that are getting more ineffective every week. I was just fucking around and mining eth while shitposting or watching shit for a bit if passive income.
Just use google for proof. Even though I'm 99% sure you're just larping. I doubt someone could be so stupid
So you’re saying as the dag gets bigger it somehow magically gets worse before it has even reached the capacity of the card? Please explain using logic
idk..just hodl your graphics cards
they will go up in price
>not mining with an antminer
So the explanation would be something like this, DAG is stored on the vram, the bigger the vram, the bigger the bandwidth needed, if you have older amd cards with bus bugger than 256 bit you'll be fine, but your cards have 128 bit bus.
>not mining with an antminer
Because I want to mine the next world currency not a Chinese controlled obsolete shitcoin
you are so dumb its amazing
if you did some homework you would OF realized this crypto nonsense is a poniz + bubble
what you did is prepare for years of mining. all crypto will be finished in a few months. Hype alone cannot sustain growth. There is NO REAL WORLD USE FOR COINS
>being this much of a retard
>paying 140 bucks for 14 m/s
>buying 60
>not buying RX 580 or 480
>he fell for the mining meme
you'd make more money in PoWH than that shit
Would ‘HAVE’ cock breath
1. You are about 3 years too late
2. You bought the wrong cards
3. You are mining the wrong coin, and no, a calculator won't give you the answer to the right coin
If you gave me 60 cards I'd just add them to my stack and make you 2-3 grand a day with my methods. Mining is a full time job, not passive income. Kill yourself
How are you going to make 3 grand a day with 60 rx460s? You lying larper
how do you think idiot. The answers are in my post and in the math. You should just get a job, this solo shit will not work for you
You bought a shit ton of tied the best you can do is speculatively mine a shit coin and hope it moons for profits
>how do you think
Well I think you’re lying so let’s leave it at that
uhh, i spent like 10k more than you and make that much in 2 days... youre doing something wrong dude
Stop mining eth.
Go for any equihash based coin, although I do not know how AMD's perform in equi. But you can find that out for yourself. And the people telling you about the dag file effecting your performance are right. Dyor.
oh, youre that negroe that thinks he can get lucky every day on coins that have low hashrate and waiting for them to increase in value
He bought a shut card at volume no duh he did it wrong.
i really wish hed say what card he got lul
He said RX 460
Not sure what you're doing wrong, OP. I have 8 1070 TIs, I pay $.20 per kwh and my profit was about $600 this month profit switching on miningpoolhub.
>what is casper
What you make minus $150 every 2 days? Genius
jesus christ, i didnt see the minus part this guys is fucking cucked
He bought an absurd amount. Of barely entry mining cards and got fucked cause they have a low hash rate, and eventually soon not enough vram
Guys did you even bother to check that the cards he uses cost 166$ each. 10 000 devided by 60 = fucking shit cards.
Probly wasting more electricity than getting hashes from.
He gets a has of 11mh/s so 66 total
He is a retard
wow, just wow.
Would it be profitable if you didn't have to pay electricity?
Please be a troll
that many rx 470's are making 100 bucks a day wtf OP they can't be that much worse than the 470
fuck off, i just plugged the numbers and this guy should be in profit of at least 30 dollars a day counting electricity
Yes but my electricity bill is larger than $30 a day
They are shit and he wasted more on computer to RU them when he probably could of gotten. A higher has with less card with 470,480 etc
I can give you 50 euros for one rx 460.
No, my grandma worked for the EDF (French national electricity) and has free electricity until she dies and I would like to know if it'd be profitable to install a mining station there.
Number of cards doesn't change your ROI, it just amplifies gains/losses
Fuck yeah it would! Anyone having free electricity nowdays has a money printing machine!
12 cent a kw at 5000w is not over 30 dollars a day
Your electric cost is fucking 15 dollars a day. Are you handicapped? Can you do math?
I meant pence. I’m in the UK.
Still, even by those parameters youre profitable.
lul rx460
No I’m not
...It'd more profitable for him to just buy eth instead of mining at a loss.
better trade shitcoins
>Not mining cryptonote based coins.
>Not using solar or wind etc to reduce or eliminate power costs, or stealing from the neighnours.
>Not researching everything first.
>in 2018
Jump on equihash. I mine BTG the hard part is finding a pool with good luck. 1 rx 460 should produce about 1-130 sols per card.
Monero (XMR) still profitable to me
Thanks man I bought a 980ti for cheap as foook, and sold my old gpu for extortionate price, maybe should sell my 980 for a profit now