I’m short on EOS 100x margin to $2. Market cap is too big for an ERC20. Stay poor.
I’m short on EOS 100x margin to $2. Market cap is too big for an ERC20. Stay poor
Enjoy getting rekt you fucking retard. And where the fuck are you shorting EOS 100x?
Eos is dead in the water. No one cares apart from bagholders. No devs are joining the project. It’s fucking died.
Lol this is not correct. Kys faggot
Show me where the devs are. I’ll wait. *tumbleweed* fucking failed abortion of a coin. No one likes EOS. Only latefags who missed ETH. No it’s not happening. It won’t go anywhere it’s currently dying, no devs only online trolls and bagholders held together with marketing bullshit and fakenews. Good riddance to dead shit
You're so fucking stupid it hurts. Nice try getting cheap EOS faggot. If you had any intelligence you'd look at their GitHub, or do you not know what that is? Kys faggot. This board is worthless. Still waiting on knowing where you can short EOS. And I got $7 ETH and $0.50 EOS because I'm not a fucking wagie like you. Enjoy slavery.
You'll probably get rich user. I don't want to have anything to do with this coin, not even shorting it, but the paid shills are simply too annoying. At least for other coins they have redeeming qualities, for EOS it's just the most caustic autistic bullshit. See you in BugattiLand.
I’m not talking about the monkeys they hired using the money scammed in an ico. I’m talking about any semblance of a developer community making apps on their chain. There aren’t any. Because no one cares and no devs would want to develop for a centrally controlled shitchain like eos. Sell your bags before they get heavier .
>I'm not looking so it must not exist
Imagine being this stupid. Guess that's why I'm not shorting EOS.
Oh, I've seen enough to know it's a fraud, user. And either find a better job or reevaluate your life.
>So much life experience I have to make shit up on an anonymous image board.
I don't have a fucking job and I don't plan on getting one any time soon you cuck.
There are no devs. Get it? No devs. Find me a developer who is developing on the “EOS platform” (hehe what a joke) and I’ll shut up.
Are you stupid? Who let you out of your cage?
>Find me a dev
Find it yourself you fucking lazy cuck
Exactly. There are no devs
>People won't do research for me
>It doesn't exist!
>Doesn't know Eric Schmidt is invested in EOS
The current state of liberals. Sorry you missed your on cheap coins, it's time you get back to plebbit
In your two latest replies, you're answer has nothing to do with the posts you're replying to. You're either a paid shill, delusional or schizophrenic. Be careful user, honestly, if you're not paid for this and knowingly posting garbage, you might be losing it.
Is Eric Schmidt developing any app for the eos “platform” (lol)
>Resorts to gaslighting
I think you may be the paid shill, actually. Because no point that any of you fudders have made have actually been true. Still waiting on where u can short EOS. And you're still too lazy to check a github lmao. Pathetic.
Cute quotes faggot. Show proof you're short otherwise kys larp fudder
Github shows the people paid to supposedly “creating eos platform”
There are no independent developers because eos is a centrally controlled bag of ass that no one wants to be involved with.
Prepare to get recked
Show proof that EOS isn’t a complete scam made by bitshares ceo (known scammer) that’s going nowhere
You're not talking to a single person, you're talking to 3 different ones, and your argument makes no sense. This is not gaslighting, it's warning someone that might not be recognizing something. I hope for your sake that you're trolling and baiting. I'm leaving the thread now, but you're replying to every post as if the post you're replying to is saying something completely different than what it actually says. This seriously weird, even for here. Take a break and take care user.
>Can't even write proper English
Shouldn't you be shitting on a street somewhere gross by now?
>Doesn't know about everpedia
>Doesn't know about ethfinex
>Doesn't value Eric Schmidt's dollar
Enjoy your bazingacoin, I'm done crushing your "argument"
>Still gaslighting
>Passive aggressive
Nice troll, but not really.
You clearly have the reading comprehension of the average American if you think my English sounds Indian in any way, apart from intentionally writing that way to show you how fucking dumb you are.
Americans on Veeky Forums are seriously the stupidest motherfuckers. If you spell words properly like decentralise instead of decentralize (lol wtf z’d everywhere what’s this primary school?) they think you’re Indian.
Americans bring literally nothing to the table apart from stupidity.
>I'm so smart I write stupid to make you look stupid!!
Go take your "medicine" user. You sound like you might be loosing it. (I spelled it wrong so you feel more comfortable in your "safe space")
Keep bagholding a dead coin
>1 billion dollar ico
is there anyone here retarded enough to believe this is legit? The distribution was engineered to be the most profitable for the owner. Every day he gets to drop more bags on your dumb ass at the highs