Shill me on OMG

I want to hear it all. Your price prediction, reasons for adoption, and why I should trade my boring litecoins for this.

Shill me biz.

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no fuck off, it doesn't need shilling like shitcoins or coins with questionable futures. DYOR fag.

That is all I needed to know. Thanks user.

No point, if you spent 5 minutes of DYOR and you still aren't sold then your a lost cause. Granted you should have bought during the dip at $9

My litecoin doubled (Bought that dip) soon after when I chose not to buy OMG on the dip so it is all in the wash.

Just ask any SEAmonkey here if they have heard of omise. You know since omise claimed to have 400 millions existing customer. Oh no, its a bullshit claim.

arent they a backend type service that no on would hear about anyway?

You clearly dont understand what payment gateway is.

>anecdotical evidence is the equivalent of reality

Nah, I'm unironically a SEAmonkey myself and stay mostly in singapore and jakarta. I know for sure omise doesnt have 400 millions user base. To be honest the burden of proof lies on omiseshiller since you guys keep quoting that fantastic number.

All those questions are the wrong ones, legitimately go to reddit to get answers for them.

You clearly have no idea what a payment gateway is. is also touted as a successful payment gateway and yet ask any filipino faggot on the street what it is and they will scratch their heads and look at you as if you're a crazed murderer. Not everyone might use it but it is successful financially and has the backing of legit services behind it.

Best risk reward around.

Easy green for 2018 with OMG. Just have to not be a retard OP.


Don’t sell you’re litecoins

Sell your bitchcoins

Why would you invest in a coin that piggy backs on apples conference to announce they got a mcd's manager to accept their coin lol.

Also one of their people has lied about his past and no one knows who the fuck he is.

Just give me an example of big merchant or marketplace that use this omise-400 millions-userbase payment gateway. Lazada? Traveloka?

Eth has no way to prevent byzantine behavior you mongoloid.

>Eth has no way to prevent byzantine behavior you mongoloid

Currently overvalued in sats and no reason to be invested until summer.

OMG is the scaling solution for Eth. How do you not see this?

kek, good job user. This is unnironically how to make money from Veeky Forums.

OMG looks interesting but they should fucking open source everything.
Their github is dead, how am I going to check the project status? Should I blindly trust their weekly report?

You realized this shill argument died today right?

>Their github is dead, how am I going to check the project status? Should I blindly trust their weekly report?

I left omisego and went to digibyte and it is the best decision you can make...after learning about the project you will realize why I feel so :)

Fffpfppfhahahh. Just released wallet sdk today

What you did is no different than gambling, you trusted a bunch of fags from the other side of the world with your money.
This is the first substantial release for OMG, till yesterday it was only promises backed by literally nothing.

>It's the KCS of the world
So it's going to skyrocket for no tangible reason then bleed to death?

>what you did is no different from gambling
So basically youre saying youre retarded. Its completely different from gambling and youre a brainlet or pajeet if you think otherwise. Are insurance companies just gambling companies because theres a chance they can lose money on a customer or make money from them? No you fucking moron. You learn from research, market data, experience, and more research. Then you invest based on who has the best chance to improve their mc.

This, i didn't do fucking dozens of hours of research because its fun. I don't drop thounsads of dollars for something im not comfy with.

>invest in a project run by gook
>no way to trace their progress
And you dense faggot have the gut to tell me this isn't gambling.
I am not a shill, I might even buy some OMG if it dips, but this shit you just typed is embarrassing to say the least.

no u

>invest in a project run by a gook
I wanna punch this faggot as much as the next guy. But between him, vitalik, floersh, greco, zamfir being directly involved, and having the backing of a multi billion dollar established payments company, i like my chances "gambling".

slow trickle back down to $12...

not this time bud

Who do I believe as I want to buy

>wanna punch this faggot as much as the next guy
>posturing as aggressive alpha on a cambodian fruit-picking forum


Sell now and buy soon or just long hold?

Pasted from reddit btw

sell now. btc is shitting itself. OMG only pumps with news and they have none for a while. it will slowly bleed to $15

Still a year away.

>You idiots you're investing in total vaporware!
>Haha yea okay they released their wallet and I've been proven wrong, but I could have been proven right. Ch-checkmate r-retards!
Just admit you were completely wrong and don't know how to take calculated risks

Go back and read what I wrote one more time.
I am not saying OMG is shit or anything, I am just saying that investing in it was a huge gamble since the team can't into PR.

>the team can't into PR
>unless I get fucking spoonfed information in COOL COLOR CATCHY PHRASE SHILL POST way, there's nothing to learn
Some people actually fucking did research.
Enjoy your smaller OMG stack for being retarded.
