What's the best way to colonize Mars?
Are you also daydreaming the entire day of just building a world all for yourself on Mars?
What's the best way to colonize Mars?
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Create a massive solar sheet in space next to Mars and use it to power a series of stations on the surface that convert the current atmosphere to Earth-like atmosphere.
redirect the orbit of an icy dwarf planet and collide it with mars and wait 2 million years
boom mini Earth
>wait 2 million years
Come on we're the masters of creating greenhouse gasses. How hard can it be to heat up the planet in a couple of hundreds or thousand years?
True, but what can we do about it?
wait for the sun to expand and warm it up
make factories producing ozone and carbon dioxide to create an atmosphere and warm up the planet
Build a big canyon and fill it with earth stuff like water, plants, animals
Isolate it from the the dead planet
Focus only on a small region that gives you the best chances
You live on the mars not with the mars
Retreat to Mars where they can't follow us? Or rather, somehow convince them that Mars is an even more attractive (if a bit less accessible) destination that e.g. western Europe?
I have an idea. Lets send you and everybody that thinks like you to Mars and never hear from you again? :)
:D:D:D:D good idea senpai n_n
Personally I'm more interested in how they would simply recreate a magnetosphere to even retain an atmosphere there...
New here, tumblerites?
Gravity has more to do with maintaining an atmosphere than the magnetic field.
Venus has a shit magnetosphere but has a super dense atmosphere because it has near Earth gravity, so carbon dioxide doesn't reach escape velocity and thus it all stays bonded to the planet.
You'd have to have a dome city. Even assuming that terraforming is possible, you can't terraform Mars to be Earth-like because the gravity isn't strong enough for an atmosphere to stick. Nor does it have a strong enough magnetic field to protect said atmosphere.
>colonizing Mars
Lol, why? We have to leave the solar system, not just set up camp farther away from Sun.
one thing at a time
>We have to leave the solar system
There is nothing out there for us
There are only 5 G-type stars within 20 light years
I thought solar wind would trip you bare of any atmosphere if you had no magnetosphere. Can someone elaborate on that matter?
It does buts its very slow
it isn't just about heat. Mars has 1% the atmosphere mass of Earth.
Burn up a few icy asteroids and the atmosphere would get a lot thicker very fast
Mars doesn't have the gravity to keep as much of an atmosphere as Earth or Venus.
The answer is planetary geophysics are very complicated
How slow? Rough subjective estimation still appreciated to feed my curiosity.
If you were to share a bit of it in somewhat vulgarized language, I would be very happy to read it attentively.
It also has no magnetic field to stop radiation from eating away from the top of the atmosphere
It took about 3-4 billion years to go from an atmosphere that supported large bodies of liquid water to what they have now
But lighter gases like Oxygen and Nitrogen, aka the shit we actually need, HAS been stripped away by solar wind long ago.
Nitrogen is just a non-poisonous filler to bring the pressure up, we dont need it per se
Live underground, have machine like in Star Trek that creates things out of nothing.
Then we can start talking about it.
Plants need it though, and we need plants.
True I didnt think of that, although I imagine there is already a fair bit locked up in the ground
Send moss and cockroaches.
and Val Kilmer
Well actually the Trek replicators do need some base matter to make something. Though they never say what that matter is. It could just be a giant block of carbon, or pulled from the ship septic tank, or maybe a hunk of rock they pulled in from space...
Bash the hell out of it with as many asteroids as possible, preferably ice asteroids and comets. Then wait a long long long long time.
Build a wall and shoot them on sight.
There really is no point to being on Mars beyond science and mining.
Surplus population can be stored in Oneil cylinders in Lagrange point orbits with in the Earth Sphere.
>getting in the way of human expansion into the galaxy
Certianly not terraforming.
Really terraforming is something that people shouldn't even consider. I mean, if you want to have enclosed communities on Mars that have their own inefficeient, industries spewing out tons of green house gases that is just fine; but what you need to realize and make peace with is the fact that you (and your great-great-great-great-great-grand children) will never live to see the results of terraforming Mars, and even if it could be done, it wouldn't be stable.
If you want to talk seriously about colonizing Mars, look into subterranean cities, multiple interconnected modules on the surface, domed over lavatubes, geofronts and the like.
Interstellar travel gives the best real estate options but people need to get past
>muh hyper drive
It's impossible and always will be.
Invest in self-sustaining long lasting tech, research new propulsion approaching relativistic velocities, and induced torpor states for humans (NOT cryonics, which would kill you).
>It's impossible and always will be.
You dont know that. But no its not a realistic possibility for anytime in the predictable future
Yes I do.
Mars' gravity is high enough to not be a problem for terraforming purposes. Its magnetosphere is only a problem in the insanely long term because while a magnetosphere indeed wards off solar wind, it billions of thousands or millions of years for said blowoff to have a noticeable effect.
The only reason Mars has a thin atmosphere today is because its gasses have been gradually blown off over the course of billions of years and nothing has been replacing what was getting blown away.
Assuming a future where martian terraforming has been successfully achieved, a large industrial civilization's exhaust would probably replace what was lost without too much trouble.
I think we should rather be concerned about how we can protect ourselves from the radiation.
Is an atmosphere that's probably thinner than earth's enough? What can we do to protect ourselves from solar winds?
Domed colonies will need sufficient shielding built into them. Hundreds of years down the line, the atmosphere will have become thick enough to shield the brunt of it, especially if the targeted goal atmospheric pressure is that of Earth, because in order for that to happen the martian atmosphere would need to be much thicker than Earth's.
>falling for the mars meme
say it with me Veeky Forums:
Where'd you get the material to build them?
Orbiting other bodies I hope. Anything orbiting Earth is subject to the same risks as Earth itself.
you use gravity tractors to slowly move asteroids into Lagrange point orbits. Then you ship up titanium from the moon.
I think people are overestimating how many asteroids there are and how much material they have
no. the material is there. they underestimate the time scale and distances involved.
we hijack Deimos
>Tfw I dream everyday of a beautiful sleek futuristic world but I don't what discipline to pick that'll help contribute to getting us there
im a loser
Mars just doesn't have the gravity or the magnetic field to be worth trying to terraform on a planetary scale
You'd need to do it under a dome
Nanotechnology for bioimmoratlity
Stem cell research for bioimmortality
Genetic engineering for adjusting humans to different space locations
Cancer research to cure cancer (good luck not getting depressed)
Nuclear physics to invent cold nuclear fusion
Programming to get into AI technology and making sure it won't fuck us up one day
One of these I'd say.
Or become a science fiction author if you think you can't do any of that to inspire humanity
Or go into politics and try to find a way how to unify the world and how we can preserve a moral codex not only worldwide but also universal and for all generations so in ouradvancement one day we don't either destroy ourselves or stop being what we even consider human anymore.
So... Venus instead?
Venus has its problems too.
It is geologically TOO ACTIVE. The crust isn't particularly thick either.
revolution is too slow. the day is literally longer than the year.
insignificant magnetosphere
even if you could cool the atmosphere down and clean it up. atmospheric pressure is still going to be much higher than earth.
Why don't we take Venus atmosphere and move it to Mars?
Solves both problems
>not being a scientist
venus might be better than mars if we manage to produce machinery that can survive on it surface
Sure floating habitats would be fine, but you need to be able to produce resources from whats around
Or maybe asteroid mining would be good enough
Realistically, wouldn't we spend as much time as possible underground - at least in initial colonies? Caves would provide sufficient shielding from cosmic rays. So we'd install/inflate the modules in caves?
Is there anything at all in this? Assuming time-scale isn't a problem, could we potentially dump a series of ever more sophisticated bacteria then moss and bugs on to the planet to build up an ecosystem? Or would this be impossible for specific reasons?
pic related for bad news regarding Deimos
How about we colonize the moon and work out all the difficulties right there? Then we can move on to other celestial bodies.
>Realistically, wouldn't we spend as much time as possible underground - at least in initial colonies? Caves would provide sufficient shielding from cosmic rays. So we'd install/inflate the modules in caves?
To some extent. People tend to get depressed without sunlight, and I doubt that a crew that had just been in a tin can for 3-6 months is going to be keen on living exclusively in caves afterwards. Subterranean colonies with glass-domed top floors could work though.
>Is there anything at all in this?
That's long been thought of as part of the terraforming process, taking place alongside domed/underground colonization. Colony scientists equipped with proper equipment could speed up the process dramatically by being able to test and iterate their modified organisms in a real martian environment.
It's funny how you colonize Mars and Venus exactly oppositely.
For Mars you need to start with underground colonies, for Venus with floating colonies.
For Mars you need to increase atmopsheric pressure for Venus decrease
You need to heat up Mars and cool down Venus
Whichever direction we finally decide to take, we've really got to get past this "but colonization is hard" shit. Yes, it's ridiculously hard. This fact has been established since before even the moon landings. We've long known that space and the non-Earth bodies in it are extremely unfriendly to Earth beings.
There's no point in reiterating it though; not only because it's been common knowledge for decades now, but also because *it's a shit reason to not try colonizing*. Humanity has been making leaps because crazy fuckers periodically do shit that the rest of us consider crazy. If we stop trying crazy shit, we stop progression. It's as simple as that and getting hung up on, "but it's hard" is defeatism at its worst. If we continue the current inchworm-like approach we'll all have blown each other up before any notable progress is made.
They are opposite genders
Dat San Andreas font on the front of the greenhouse.
Thank you
>What's the best way to colonize Mars?
Send "refugees" there. I'm not even joking. It would be analogous to Russians colonizing Siberia by sending convicts further and further out to make settlements in the unknown.
Didn't the UK do the same shit with Australia?
but colonization is hard
I think the impact alone will heat the planet up quite enough.
red dwarfs man
they'll be the last stars in the universe
dude the proteins that make up your body require nitrogen
Yea, I guess you're right. Why keep prisons full of lowlifes if you can send them off where they can do no harm to high society, and make use of their harsh attitudes to conquer a harsh environment on your behalf?
>alcubierre drive
too bad we cant create negative energy densities
Overpopulation on Earth
And just gen colonising spess
But it's cool though, once Memeshot sends us photos from Alpha Centauri we can just go live there, problem solved
The atmosphere on Venus is being stripped away, bu the solar wind
Venus has a comet-like tail, from this stripping
Earth regularly passes through part of this tail
Mars has .01% the atmosphere of Earth at it's equivalent "sea level", so no atmosphere to convert
To create these power stations ans massive solar sheets is beyond mankind's current and foreseeable future
Gravity is a problem on Mars, for humans
Mars has almost the same land surface area as Earth
But, it has only half the diameter
15% of Earth’s Volume
11% of Earth's Mass
Mars gravity is 62% lower than Earth's Gravity
Atmosphere and temperature are, along with no magnetosphere, big problems
Nearly 900 degree's Fahrenheit at the surface
93 Earth atmosphere's at the surface
Surface atmosphere so thick it would be like walking 100 feet under water on Earth
Nobody will know for sure until experimentation is underway, but I think it's a fairly good bet that human physiology would deal with partial gravity a lot better than it does zero gravity. 38% of Earth's gravity is a lot more than nothing.
Negative effects can probably mostly be counteracted by rigorous exercise and/or weightsuits. I also believe that martian humans, over the course of several generations, would become physically adapted to the lower gravity.
>What's the best way to colonize Mars?
First you double the gravity of the planet. Not sure how unless you add vast amounts of Uranium to the core, see below.
Then you restart the planetary dynamo to recreate the martian magnetic field. I am not sure how but vast amounts of Uranium in the core is expected to relate to this by basically being a self moderating liquid huge reactor.
Next you dump hideous amounts of cometary mass onto the surface to get some bodies of water going and something resembling an atmosphere. Perhaps you can take one of the Jovian moons or Ceres to do this. This adding of mass will also improve gravity.
At this point you have a lot of water and CO2 so heat is building up but you need to get some oxygen in there. You need to get some heavy duty photosynthesis going, something that works in low light and cool climate.
Next you need to upgrade your moons. Deimos and Phobos, cool as they might be, simply do not cut the mustard. Our moon kneads the crust to get the carboniferous cycle going and you need that on Mars too. Perhaps the remaining hulk of the Jovian Moon could do. If not, get another moon. Jupiter will not mind. I think.
Then you have the problem with heat, as in not enough of it. Even if you up the atmospheric pressure beyond 1 atm. and fill the atmosphere with huge amounts of green house gases you need more oomph. Here at Magrathea planetary services we propose 2 options: either place a whopper of a mirror at the nightside Lagrangian position to add heat and also dispose of the night. Alternatively we can tow Mars into L4 or L5 relatively to Earth and secure a balmy climate.
i think underground caverns acting as small biospheres is the best idea imo
>all this talk of terraforming
What's wrong with a good old domed city just like in the movies? We could probably make a small one right now if we put our minds to it.
The problem with students is that they think that what works on paper = what works in real life
These ideas are comical, sure they make sense in theory but it's utterly infeasible.
There was an interesting documentary about terraforming mars on CuriosityStream. Basically about how we do have the technology to in theory terraform mars over the next 100 years or so, given enough resources.
The basic idea was to use some gas the name of which I don't remember, which is some 10 000 times more effective than CO2. It could be manufactured from the materials easily available on mars, so it's just about putting up a factory there to do it. It would take a couple of decades to raise the temperature just enough to melt the dry ice on the polar caps, further boosting the thickening and warming of the atmosphere, which in turn would enable the release of other gasses, eventually melting the water all over the surface.
They'd thought of the suitable plants and microbes from earth that are capable of enduring under extremely different pressure, temperature, lack of oxygen and irradiated conditions too.
It's a good service, I recommend it for any scifags who are interested.
SF6 and C3F8 would be pretty gud.
Also terraforming mars gets lot easier when you have self replicating robots to help do the hard work. Mars has all the resources needed to manufacture robots and power them up. Uranium and solar for energy.
Why send couple primates in a can when you can send robots first to build homes for basic infrastructure? Nasa could have done the robot factory shit back in the 80's if they'd had the money.
>What's wrong with a good old domed city just like in the movies?
They don't provide much radiation shielding.
If you want Martian cities they should probably be underground.
Let's look at it this way:
Why do we want to go to mars?
>because earth sucks
Why does earth suck?
>because the people that run earth suck
Why do the people that run earth suck?
>because they control everything and use it for their personal gain everyone else's expense
It makes more sense just to fix the problem and depose the people running earth...
I propose this
>Jupiter will not mind. I think.
This line has me imagining an angry Jupiter roaming around the solar system knocking off planets
That looks cool indeed
Bit do we even have enough materials on earth to construct this?
Okay, problem, what about all the light that kind of needs to got to plants and phytoplankton so we can you know breathe? Also at a certain point won't we have a lot of trouble breathing?
Just make the glass thick/add something to it, I'm sure there's a way. We have UV resistant glass after all.
I daydream about the world we have here working, not in an angsty teen way, but just having everything be smooth and efficient so that people can live their lives.
At 50 km, using the buoyancy properties of the Venusian atmosphere along with the idea behind the bilayer, where air pressure is about 1 atm and temperatures range along pic related.
Most plastics wont be affected by the sulfuric-acid haze, subsequently relatively easily circumvented until it can be removed from the atmosphere.
I suggest it for the colonization of Venus. Earth air is buoyant in its atmosphere. Lift increases cubicly along with volume,so the net weight of each node can be engineered to be zero.
The next problem is the materials needed. Sending it up from earth would be impractical. Asteroid mining comes as the default answer as the surface of Venus would be a bitch for mining.
So, step one: select asteroids with best proximity and mineral characteristics for corrosion resistant alloys or best alternatives.
step two: draw in a few asteroids to orbit Venus.
.. extract minerals in orbit, construct in orbit, lower earth air filled pieces with parachutes until they float, construct.
>Venusian Balloon Cites.
Pls no.
processing of the atmosphere will provide nitrogen for plants and oxygen. Oxygen can be extracted, along with water, as an end product of processing the sulfuric acid.
more light actually penetrates through the atmosphere on Venus at those heights than that which reaches the surface of the earth.