Which is better - tap water or bottled water?

Which is better - tap water or bottled water?

Here in BC we have literally the cleanest tap water in the entire world so it's great to drink

most bottled water is bottled from a city source. it's the same thing.

My free well water.

"Literally" Not every part of BC has good tap water.

Depends on the ground in your area tbqh.

the parts that matter do

I only drink Fiji water. Only those with an artisan pallet can taste the difference.

I double filter my tap water and it's fine. Not top tier water, but where I live the tap water is shit so to make it un-shit the way that I do is a feat to be sure.

steamed water is the best tasting

>buying more expensive tap water

Try water with a pH higher than seven. Clean and 7+ is gooood. Most city and bottled water is 4-6.5. The difference is astounding.

Homemade tap is the way to go

does your tap water come from the mountains?
Then it is better.
If not, bottles, non-plastic ones.

The cleanest(and best) tap water in the world comes from the alps. thousands of years old water constantly filtered by lime stone.

> At home, or in the general area
Tap water.
> Literally anywhere else
Bottled water.

You can't keep tap water 100% clean right to the tap. And, frankly, I don't trust some restaurants to clean their glasses properly.

fresh homemade water straight from the tap that i've let ferment for 1-2 weeks in my bathtub

bottled water because it triggers the ultra liberals.

Guessing you've never had tap water from a nation built entirely on clay, limestone and sand.

Entire country's a giant water purification filter.

I only drink distilled or rain water with pure grain alcohol.

you know how to make tap?

What's the consensus on pic related? What's the big deal with sparkling water?

They're both tap water though.

I live on a well so well water is really good

I do as well, my waters so fucking good. Most times I have city water it sucks balls.

I live in Bc and I drink nothing but beer, milk and coffee