What happened to the guy who whittled a face into the pear? The thread died

What happened to the guy who whittled a face into the pear? The thread died

So did he

he took so long the pear turned brown and beat him up for his shoes.

You are not funny.


He whittled a face into a pear.

mods deleted it cause we forgot to mention McDonalds
This post is proudly presented by ChobaniĀ® Greek Yogurt


White people just stop inventing words please what does that even mean

Get a dictionary you illiterate nignog

Best post on Veeky Forums this entire year.

Learn english

Fucking Coon.

Lol butthurt cause you arent funny

Kill yourself fucking nigger and stop steaking uor language


Enjoy, world! These are the folks you let be in charge, they just make up words like 'whittled' and don't even can't now!
>inb4 /pol/
>oh yes, we know about /pol/, whypipeeps

You have to go back


>implying we have to be from /pol/ to know that niggers are retarded

It's always so easy to spot a redditor, they always double tap enter because you need to on that shithole of a site.

t. reddit

someone with photoshop skills meme this pls

hello nigger

I'm still here...watching,,, lol, I need to turn the MP4 into a webm.. But I couldn't smash the pear with my foot, but I do have the footage.. The pear is all rotten, so I might just throw it into the pavement and smash it with a sledge hammer...that would be cool

Btw, I got banned because my post was off topic? Wtf... This is pear dude..

keep it up pear man, i want to see the video

well this thread went pear shaped