Top Tier Food Combinations Only You Know About

Top Tier Food Combinations Only You Know About

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i lov dark chocolate with grainy mustard

Cheerios and fruit punch gatorade

For basically an entire summer I ate Cheerios with root beer instead of milk.

Cereal and milk

Ass n titties

Are You Black, OP? They Always Seem To Capitalize Each Word For Some Reason.

Clam chowder and Tabasco

(The white kind, but I'm sure it works with the red kind too)

Three Musketeers bar and ice cold water. Bite candy bar, take drink of water. The cold water makes the interior of the bar chewy. Great texture.

They were actual, coherent words so I'd say he's at least not black. Maybe not white though.

I said cereal and milk not milk and cereal like 99% of these normies

hot cheetos and celery is pretty darn good

Woah patrician as fuck

Scrambled eggs and Peanut Butter, not mixed though

Apple, bread, and cheese? I'm pretty sure I learned that combo from anne of green gables or some other random book.

Ritz and fruit punch. Everyone tells me it sounds disgusting but it's actually really good.

Also peanut butter and tomato.

Not sure if this is some arcane secret, but nobody I know seems to have heard about this.

>get some oranges (I prefer blood oranges but regular ones are fine too)
>slice that shit up, nice slices like 1cm thick
>put salt and pepper all over those motherfuckers

Bacon and jelly sandwiches. Don't pat the grease off with a paper towel first, just straight from the pan to the sandwich.

>Granny smith apples and strong horseradish.
Read that in a Series of Unfortunate Events book in the 7th grade, when home, tried it, and loved it

celery peanut butter and honey

>celery peanut butter

no m8

ass as in asshole, or ass as in butt cheeks?

Many not obscure but, Maple syrup on scrambled eggs toast and bacon

Or tortilla chips in borritos/burgers

Refugee semen and the tears of old people

Rice and sour cream, shit is heavenly, its the poor mans risotto

Tortilla chips topped with coleslaw and eel sauce

Townhouse crackers with PB&J

God-tier lil sammiches

Fritos and chocolate pudding. That saltiness and sweetness, it's prime senpai.

A quarter pounder with cheese, fresh hot fries and an ice cold coca cola.

Fuck you

Doritos Sweet Spicy chili chips (idk the purple bag) and vanilla ice cream. So god damn good. Seriously try it,

Those chips and peaches are amazing too

these and down it with red or blue gatorade.

Hot wings and root beer.

capitalizing every word in title-ish sentences such as OPs is perfectly acceptable

Maple syrup and buffalo wings

steamed rice and milo

bread with ketchup

bread with barbeque sauce.

Get one of those fruit cocktail cups, open it, pour out most of the syrup, pour in some Sprite/7-up.

You're welcome.

popcorn and milk
not mixed together unless you're feeling wild

>feeling wild

maple syrup on chicken is great
>crushed potato chips as a topping on hot dogs or even pizza

I knew about this.

Also, honey and ranch.

poop with pee lmao xD


I open a can of unsweetened apple sauce and eat it all with ritz crackers, like chips and dip.

Substitute sliced sharp cheddar for the fishies and add dill pickles

I love a handful of mini pretzels and then a sip of Coke.


Chili powder, lime juice, and sea salt on fresh corn. My Mexican buddy showed me it and it's delicious; just dip a half lime into a sea salt/chili powder mixture and rub it all over the cob.


'go 'za and ice?

Rockstar Punch and Country time lemonade powder.

bananas and tomato sauce. I would sometimes dip banana slices into my deep dish 'za.

I do as the mexicans do.
Chili+Salt+Lime on fresh fruit

Canned oysters and cottage cheese.
Obviously drain the oysters before dumping them in there.

Nigga that's an episode of Doug

Nutella on Mortadella

Wasn't that in the 13th book?

Doritos and Ketchup

PB&J sandwich with a slice of bologna

It's actually pretty fucking good

Dip ketchup in ice.

Dip Ice in Ketchup.

That sounds disgusting I won't try it

root beer and pepperoni pizza

Pizza and Mayo

I just cannot explain it. The lower quality the pizza, the better it'll taste.

When eating fries or grilled cheese Ketchup mixed with vinegar

>Many not obscure but, Maple syrup on scrambled eggs toast and bacon
the best

White """""""""culture""""""
Recognize superiority dumb white boiis smdh

Risotto is the poor man's risotto if you aren't an incompetent tool.

This is not news

I swear this is a reference to something but I can't remember what

beer and brown pickled onions

Honey on brie

French fries dipped in milkshake/ice cream

I'm sorry, did op say
>only you know about and the rest of france

Sorry, not everyone lives in United States of Latinos

mcdonalds fries and a sip of coke, but in your mouth at the same time

This fucker knows

knew a guy who would put a scoop of vanilla ice scream on a cup then fill it with dr pepper, then mix
havent tried it yet but sounds good

You are not alone. Best in combination with caramel sauce.

Semi-ripe red mango slices with cumin, lemon and tuna.

Even though I am not a big fan of ketchup, ketchup with Swiss cheese is pretty good

Are you fucked up now

Potato chips and yoghourt

pretty common is aus, but some others might find it weird

vegemite and eggs
vegemite and cheese

got tier combos in a sandwich



Melt and mix rainbow sherbet and put cheerios in it.
Cook maple sausage in maple syrup instead of oil/butter. It makes them crispy and much more savory.
Basically any cheese dish with ketchup, omelettes, mac and cheese, casseroles.


well, he's on Veeky Forums

Boil cabbage then boil a hot dog in the cabbage water

They should be red if they are 'cha flavored.

Babycham and human faeces.

Mint Chocolate Chip Honey Peanut Butter

sausage and rice. not sausage, but like jimmy dean breakfast with eggs sausage and rice.

Chocolate pudding and frenchs yellow mustard. God of all tiers.

pizza with chocolate sauce or pudding on top

orange, lemon or lime instead of pineapple on pizza

>McDonald's fries
>Whataburger ketchup

These with Dr. Pepper or Coke. Put one in your mouth, take a gulp of soda, swallow, then chew the cracker.