/MSG - the ultimate spice/

where do you hide your MSG?

what are your experiences with the substance?

how often do you tell people you feed that you use the ultimate spice?


I subsist on this shit, OP

I have a small tupperware bowl (maybe a cup and a half) with a lid, and I keep what I call my Maldon Sea Salt in there.

My roommate insists on using table salt to season because "it's more economic" and can't work out why my casseroles are so moreish

It's awesome on roast vegetables, I don't use it on much else though

I tell everyone I use it and try to talk sense into them when start telling me how bad it is for you. I practically advocate for the stuff

Isn't Maldon flakey? Wouldn't fine msg granules stick out?

Only if you'd ever been patrician enough to buy Maldon salt. 99% of the world never has, never will.

If you meet someone who has, they will spot MSG immediately in a dish anyway. The rest? They will think you are Ina Garten with a cock.

tfw patrician, evidently


Can I simply replace salt with MSG in a bread recipe?

no, salt has chemistry with bread

I'm not sure what it is but it makes the bread more solid and firm. maybe it changes how it rises?

All I know for sure is that yeast doesn't like salt. If I was doing a quick-rise bread I'd just throw that shit in, but I'm not and I don't feel like wasting a whole day on it.

All I can say is try it and see what happens, maybe it'll be awesome

If it comes out like shit you'll just be out a dollar or two and an hour of effort

>All I know for sure is that yeast doesn't like salt

this. Salt moderates rising by interfering with the yeast. Adding too much salt will reduce rising.

are you from Australia?

>people you feed
There's your problem. What are you, a mother of six? Feeding your husband, in-laws, and extended family too?

where do you hide your MSG?
>I don't
what are your experiences with the substance?
>Experiencing wonderful unami flavor
how often do you tell people you feed that you use the ultimate spice?
>As often as they ask

is MSG a meme or does it actually make everything better?

is that why I like Chinese so much?


it's like crack mixed with salt

i use it with TVP and seitan (gluten) to make my vegan 'meats' taste better. it tastes not as bad as you would expect, could fool children and stupid teens. Real meat tastes better tho but i have to be an alchemist as a vegan to keep going. Like a vampire feeding on blood packets because its more ethical.

Just call it Accent or Ajinomoto, depending on if your friends are weebs or not. They probably won't know what it is.

Does this shit actually do anything? I thought it was supposed to be bad for you or something

it makes things taste better by overexciting brain cells till they die. its very bad for you.

Well that just sounds like bullshit