Aspic general

Literally poison.

Who the fuck invented this shit even? Is there anything-aspic on this planet that is actually good?

This looks like 50s sci Fi food you find on the fifth moon of plant Myanus.

They're okay at landscaping

It's good clean food

Rate my za

Looks like sickness.

frozen watermelon/10

pajeet is getting decent at aspic now, too
pretty soon we'll be outsourcing our aspic needs


Yeah, I've tasted good fish or poultry aspics made with clarified stocks. Good stuff.

There's a difference between real aspic and jello-tized aspic dishes from the mid-twentieth century. Real aspic from scratch has a nice, rich, savory flavor, and is usually used to encase meats, eggs, or other savories (including vegetables sometimes). It's a far cry from jello with pimento stuffed olives, celery, and tomato juice in it.


Head cheese is good.

I bet you've never even tried it, you're just trying to come across sophisticated

>I bet you've ner even tried it

>head cheese

top kek

we eat this stuff in austria and germany all the time, but its not really tasty so you have to drown it in oil, lemon, onion, salt and pepper to eat it. its trash really, nothing sophisticated at all.

If you spice it properly when cooking it is delicious. Make your own instead of buying processed garbage.

can't unsee

sweet jesus it looks like a finger

This is the only permitted use for genatin in cooking.

What do you mean by 'clean'?

aspic was used to protect food in pre-fridge times.


plain-looking foods like bread, cream, white sauce, and aspic keep the body ticking over just nicely