How do you defend your city, Veeky Forums?
>Assume you are not euromutts who welcome millions into their homes to fuck their women
How do you defend your city, Veeky Forums?
>Assume you are not euromutts who welcome millions into their homes to fuck their women
Live in east anglia UK
Town centre is full of muslims now thanks to our cucked government - it's actually sad. I'm moving the fuck out of here ASAP.
By reporting you
Go back to pol
Just surround the city with a moat of bacon. Luckily there aren't too many in my town yet.
thanks just bought 100k
Fuck you.
Reddit pls leave.
Read the sticky and fuck back off to your containment board, rthedonald election trash refugee
still better than you inbreds
They cant suicide bomb me if i suicide bomb them first
>Hating muslims now makes me /r/thedonald
How long have you been on this site? Kek
He doesn't belong here obviously
Fuck off from biz you cancerous nigger. You fucking waste of a thread, waste of bandwidth and Unironically a waste of fucking human life. You mouth breathing polcuck be gone and suck trump dick
>we only care about shitcoins here
>if you post another thread here you'll get dick cancer
Call 911 and say my emergecy because this service work in my country USA and they send a military tank to defend a USA citizen :)
inb4 (immune to nuclear mines)
>east anglia
>I'm moving the fuck out of here
lmao to where? East Anglia is one of the whitest areas in the country. You can't keep running forever.
You do realize America has this thing called sanctuary cities? With LGBT and immigration activists on every corner?
back to /pol with you
NYC has no redeeming
holy fuck lmao
fuck knows Wales or some shit
Do something to fight back, or at least prepare to be able to fight back some point in the future. Its just going to keep getting worse until they become the government then it won't be a European country anymore.
what exactly do you suggest I do, user? I voted UKIP in the last election, so there, I've done something. What else do you suggest?
The only reason a lot of us are here is to get enough capital to exterminate Muslems and other Anti-Whites when the time comes (which may be soon). Choose carefully when picking sides, your life may depend on it!
staying on topic is the one non-reddit thing about Veeky Forums
>implying poc aren't the main money makers in crypto