Is it the right time to buy ripple again? The chart looks just like those meme bubble charts. It lost 73% of value from ATH. I think It's a good time to invest. What do you think?
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I think a lot of us are holding. I think at the very least it should go back to two dollars.
So you think now would be a good entry point for an investment?
Yeah imo. Real use cases its gonna happen
probably, this fucking shit is so far down at the moment
Codius are Interledger are coming this year. They will give XRP at least two moon missions. Few people know what the fuck they are so they aren't priced in.
Those two plus SBI VC live after March
Plus Mizhou in Fall
Plus one or all of Uber/ AirBnB/ Google Wallet use
Plus Coinbase
and just check em would you
Go all-in and keep buying more at every opportunity.
nope, wait till it goes back to $0.30-0.50
Nice trips
This is my plan
that would really be stupid, it was $0.25 before the escrow announcement, and tons of things happened since then, it's not going that low (unless the entire market crashes harder). Timing the bottom is impossible. It's already down like 70% since ATH. Cost averaging is the smart thing to do.
Ripple will be dead when chainlink takes over the entire derivates market. Yes thats right; 14 Quadrillion us dollars.
Rippies on suicide watch
we know bagholding hurts but we're not that stupid, sorry
Bought at $0.25, sold 30% near ATH, I'm doing pretty well m8. Will be holding for at least a year.
>only 30%
dude... do you even see that straight line up. You're retarded if you didnt sell all
when a coin has solid fundamentals, you don't dump all of it, you trade some and hold some. hate or like XRP, it's here to stay, it has value, it has real use cases, it will penetrate markets measures in trillions. It's impossible to guess when a big announcement will happen. This strategy treated me well but it requires patience.
Rippies and Linkies both on suicide watch eoy 2018
>solid fundamentals
Ripple is held together with fakenews. This fucking shit is going nowhere but down the bottom of the fucking sea where it shall stay
retards have been repeating the same line since XRP's inception, and you will keep repeating it all the way to $10.
Ripple has no wallet
You cannot cash out google “ripple gateways”
Ripple is not used by banks for anything. The “partnerships” are all fake news when you dig far enough.
Ripple is a piece of shit and the people that promote this vapour shit have a special place in hell reserved.
if you believe so much in the coin you would've sold all near ATH (it was obviously gonna dump) to rebuy cheaper now
>Ripple has no wallet
no official wallet, for legal reasons
>You cannot cash out google “ripple gateways”
only tokens can be frozen by their issuers, XRP can't be frozen by anyone.
>Ripple is not used by banks for anything.
Banks are using xCurrent (doesn't use XRP). xRapid is superior product (uses XRP) and banks are likely to transition to it once regulations give them the green light (it involves using public crypto exchanges).
>Ripple is a piece of shit
lmao it's the only useful coin today(in addition to Monero) and it's more decentralized than Bitcoin
try harder, pajeet
>to rebuy cheaper now
I have bought some at $0.8. I do believe in the coin, but the state of the market is uncertain.
>more fake graphs
>muh legal reasons
This bagholder doesn’t even try to refute that ripple is not used. By banks. For anything.
You’ll be waiting for eternity you cuckold.
Ripple was worth less than a cent for a good long time and that is what it’s value will be for most of it’s lifetime you deluded bagholding cuck
You are a short sighted mongo.
Been in crypto for a week yet?
You offer no actual reasons orvevidence.
How heavy are your XLM bags. You absolute nigger loving sadboy
By the looks of it you are already being cucked
>inb4 i bought at
I don't care about the banks. Institutions are using it. Millions of people will be using it for web payments.
Nah I’m holding and diversified. You’re a FUD troll, what’s that smell?
how heavy are those bags? yeah you got cucked, cuckold. Stay mad
I will offer you 1 ripple (589 usd) to come here in October and apologize for your disgusting retardation.
LMK. But seriously sell your fucking XLM bags before your desire for suicide takes hold.
t. december newfag
Nope I not way lower than it’s current price.
I’m cucking you as we speak
Actually January. I’m up in satoshis. Let’s see your portfolio
>inb4 100k portfolio that someone else posted weeks ago.
>I not way lower
>cucking you
learn to write first pajeet
That sounds a lot like oracles, wtf
Sergey is a member of the w3c Interledger working group.
if you hate XRP, you should still hedge.
confirmed you got cucked
>B-but im up in sats!
get fucked lmao
It was one typo.
I am cucking you. That wasn’t a typo. How’s my jizz taste you sorry fuck.
XRP is a solid project, you’re a sad sore assed faggot. This is where we stand in the discussion.
Your fucking move, you sad ass clownpiece.
you dont know what is going on with other cryptos user? you have been visiting too many chainlink threads
also want to share pic
you're not cucking anyone, january newfag. You're like a puppy in this world, enjoy the bleeding
Post your portfolio you bitch. If you think gaining sats doesn’t matter you are a literal shit eating retard.
You disgust everyone you encounter. Try presenting even one good point next time you echo chamber slave, limp wristed fag-folio.
Hurry and sell that XLM so you can post your funds
>pic related is you
>I am cucking you
It's time to go back
Post your portfolio.
That’s what I thought. Go shit in the street
>Changing your ID.
It’s time to stop
chill out newfag, i know the prospect of xrp going back to $0.30 hurts you but thats how the market rolls. Maybe you should go back to plebbit and circlejerk with other xrp bagholders if truth is too much to handle
Until you post your shit you’re a fucking troll that understands this market way less than this newfag.
Literally go shit in your hat and then unironically Kill yourself.
buhbye you mincing faggot
Stay mad, faggot. See you at $0.30
You won’t come here and apologize when it hits 2.00. I will stick my phone up my ass if it hits .30 again, and post it here.
Put your money where your shit breath curry stained mouth is you fucking piece of human garbage. I fucking quadruple fog dare you to back up one word you said here.
>inb4 you don’t, at all.
never said it won't hit $2. It just will hit $0.30-0.50 first and thats the time to buy, maybe even lower.
Oh i will put the money dont worry. I dont need to back any word since you havent backed a word either. Just posted insults since your first post. Kill yourself subhuman
>been in crypto for a week yet?
look at this newfag thinking he's all cool, you have been here since Jan and think you know shit. You will learn quick while your money bleeds
I’ll post my portfolio to show I’m for real but I asked you first, Sanjay. Let’s see it.
I did research for months before jumping in. If I had the capital to buy my position sooner, I would have.
You’re a real fucking loser. Either belly up and be a fucking man, or get the fuck out of here.
There will always be someone smarter than you little guy, just accept that and learn how to shut your stupid fucking mouth from time to time.
i dont need to show you shit, subhuman. You would just say its not mine anyway. I dont give a fuck about your folio either. Just dont go around calling names when you're a faggot who bought xrp in january. You deserve to lose money
>research for months before jumping in
>jumped when everything had mooned 300% already
and you think you're smart lol, get the fuck out newfag
>Game set match.
Probably don’t even hold any crypto. Fucking sad ass nocoiner.
Its over, you’re participating in conversations about things you don’t understand with echo chamber opinions you have no idea about.
One thing is obvious though, you are stupid as a bag of hammers. Congrats. Seriously.
The crash happened I. January retard I got XRP around .63-.70.
Please stop embarrassing yourself now
>january newfag calling people sad ass nocoiner
just stop you're making a fool of yourself. I'm in since 2015. You're a puppy ready to be eaten by wolves. Enjoy losing money
No let that shitcoin die already
>don’t call me names
>got xrp around .63-70 in january
then you're not up in sats, liar. You ARE getting cucked, thats why you're so mad