Let's do some Antiques Roadshow, show your heirlooms and find out what it's worth.
Biztiques Roadshow
Whatdyou think boyos?
have they killed anyone?
Bought the dip
>not in original packaging
what packaging you fucking idiot? They didn't come in a box you 15 year old dumbass.
Possibly. They were made in and for the age of duelling with pistols. Like gentlemen.
find a bridge and jump from it until you can't hear anything or see anything
v nice, don't ever sell them pls
what is this?
who gave it you'?
Genuinely no idea what this is. For real use?
Please don't tell me these fuckin things are worth something
only 2 BTC
Egyptian or Nubian temple spears (so I'm told)
please tell me you had family members who were colonists of those countries, or were fighting there in ww2, or archaeologists . and they brought those back for the family
did i do good?
i loled
My gran's got this blanket that she says is real old. Like 1800's. It's american-indian I think.
what the fuck
Looks like the thing from the assassins creed series, the knife that goes up your sleeve
My great grandfather apparantly collected antiques. Most was lost/bartered in ww2. My grandfather was an amateur archeologist/historian.
lel. Try to find the packaging though.
Libby Hoeler can't believe you still fap to her dance moves and massive purple dildo, user.
goes for about 1000$ i think