So who listened? BTC dominance still rising, altcoins continue to tank. Said this at 32.2%, 36.2% and 39...

So who listened? BTC dominance still rising, altcoins continue to tank. Said this at 32.2%, 36.2% and 39.1% bitcoin dominance, its now at 39.9% dominance. Its still not too late to get into Bitcoin and sell your altcoins, we're still a way from the bleed, if you remember from september you'll know well and good how bad it was, and you would of gotton out of altcoins in mid January.

When do you expect the turnaround for altcoins?

you've got to be delusional to think btc will ever recover market share


>TA on the market cap dominance graph

When these conditions are met:
BTC moons hard
Altcoins tank hard
Then BTC stabalizes
Altcoins start to go back up rapidly from their very very low point
It has been recovering its market share/dominance for 2 months on already

of course it will. right now it's down because there are a huge number of shitcoins with multiple billion dollar valuations. there is goign to be a massive consolidation of capital in crypto towards a small number of coins that are actually performing once the hype has run dry, and people see that new shitcoins are coming out faster than anything is delivering.

Thats not ta thats a line u retard

cognitive dissonance exhibit a, b and c

bch/btc=1 march 30

you seriously think there isnt going to be a consolidation of capital away from non-performing shitcoins?

how late did you get in?

BTC dominance will continue to trend down long term. Alts WILL moon soon. Too many good shitcoins compared to prior history

People have been saying this since the start of this month. better stock up on BTC to by cheap altcoins instead of bagholding them on the way down, honest to God.

Ok cunts what's going to happen next? I'm talking over the next 6 months/1 year
>we stay bearish and don't change more than 100b mcap either direction, most things are trading sideways
>biggest fucking bullrun yet, market cap goes into the trillions, every shitcoin moons 10-100x just like in december, the ultimate bubble
>real shit coins with no product or progress to show bleed out over the next few months, then we enter the actual adoption phase and platforms and protocols that actually get used moon to fuck. Not sure what BTC does here?

> Too many good shitcoins compared to prior history
Also in ratio? Yeh I'm kinda new.

Zoom out, retard.

I think there will be a consolidation into bch

Thanks, man. Longed a few alts, got in a bit too early

There will be carnage with all the new fags who dont respect bitcoin.

Im already 85 percent out of ny alts that included my VEN node before the crash

You're mostly asking me questions that happen to be related to fiat money coming into crypto, I don't know about that.

All I do is go where the money goes in the cryptocurrency space beforehand, which is right now Bitcoin.

Since I'm betting on Bitcoin going to 15k-20k I'd say marketcap is gonna go up not sideways.

Yeah too many coins on the market now, they'll probably just bleed out without any real progress shown as money goes into promosing coins that show development and commitment from the team.
Calm down Big Boy, just trying to help out here.


All who disrespect the king will be fucked and showed why

I'm all in alts, besides 15% in cash waiting to buy bitcoin dead.
Why did you exit alts you fag? Are you waiting for bitcoin to crash then buy in alts again?

I feel like lets say bitcoin crashes, then recovers and you want to buy all your alts again cheap, they will have recovered just as fast as bitcoin

>would of
Please stop
You're hurting me

What do you think of XRP?

Mostly because more money in shorting and longing btc atm if you have good leverage.

Also because people are in denial if they think alts will moon if btc goes full bull of bear

We will see. We make it sound like BTC died completely but we're making our way back up. We've been holding >10k pretty consistantly now. I really don't doubt that even a medium sized bullrun to 15k or 20k would cause a gigantic alt bull run for many of the promising ones

Also you assumed i wont tether if it bears

Noice buy once it goes under 3000 sats. It'll only moon when all altcoins moon from what I've noticed. There's a reason why its been staying in the top 10 for years. Its already proven itself a solid coin regardless of what other people say. Though not to say there aren't flaws and a person holding masive amounts on ripple.

Ah gotcha
I don't short or long, i guess i'll stay in alts. Swing trade them as i can, seems easy enough atm

Hahahaha. Your in the wrong Alta mine are going up in satoshis hahaha

You see so many new people in crypto getting rekt so hard its not even funny, they keep panicing and buying quickly back into altcoins and screem HODL like a bunch of monkies, its just so entertaining while preserving my Bitcoin stack.

Thanks for answering. I've been in it since 2016. I'm currently long with a base of 10100. Thinking of closing and getting back in, but holding out for an increase here so i can at least break-even.

Yeah because there's 1000 shit cons with inflated market caps
Learn how numbers work

Also if Bitbean ever goes to 30 sats again, pick up some bags, chance is it'll get pumped x9-x10 seriously, it gets pumped and dumped literally, not sure who does it but its funny.

so, pretty late then?

im not even memeing, at some point this year, probably sooner than you think, 90% of altcoins will shit the bag completely, all the value will be sucked out into btc and maybe the other 2/3 big boys

screnshot dis

we'll know in march whether its this year or next

We know this friend
That is why, choose your alts wisely

The problem is unlike last time while Bitcoin dominance is increasing the value of Bitcoin isn't. It's a sell off of all crypto with Bitcoin taking less of a beating than most.

The smart thing would be to sell everything and get back in later.