Are we in a bull or bear market in crypto? What is the consensus here on Veeky Forums?

Are we in a bull or bear market in crypto? What is the consensus here on Veeky Forums?

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I will tell you after the trend is completed, just like main stream news. And then give you a bunch of reasons for it with events that happened in during that time.

It's called straw poll you fucking neet, use it

Bear. We had a small increase but the general trend is still downward

Breh market

Bulll hope killed by bears Market

also we start a new BTC cycle, ALTs wont be attractive for a while, which bothers me

whales are accumulating

>this delusional


4th of march, I hope you're not short

we're in the crab market if you know what i mean

Which will be catastrophic considering the rate at which alts are popping up.


not a bear market but I can see why you'd think it is

by definition we're in a bear market


moving sideways like a motherfucker

we've been in a bear market for months. a 4-5k bounce isn't even worth calling a reversal when it drops 13k from the high

>dat pic
Lol that pic literally says sell low, buy high

bear market for AT LEAST 10 years


bear trap happening right now faggots. I hope you are buckled in buckaroos
There ya go OP.

we're in bleed the alts market

short term bear trend (days) in a medium term correction in a long term (1 year) bull market to the moon

anyone else just waiting for the next WAGE?

If you bought at 19k it's bull, if you sold at 6k it's bear.