In 2 days...

In 2 days, I will be going down to the wall street bull in the early morning and taping 100 copies of the chainlink logo to the bull.

Is this a good idea? I want to hear from my fellow Linkies.

Do it, Marine.

Wait until Saturday that's when I'll be buying

Do it user, spray that motherfucker with white and blue all the way to the forky horns!

Does any one know what's happening to Zclassic ? 120$ yesterday, now 30$ (like the 24th of December !!) ??

Actually wait till after SXSW for the norman hype to arrive

Do it take pictures and post eth wallet for donations

It's going down to z e r o baby

z -c l a s s i c


How bout you do something useful like attend a crypto meeting and talk about it, or learn how to to set up a node, or make better memes.


Btcp fork. Snapshot over. People dumping now. You should have seen this coming from a mile away.

Don't do it yet. It will just serve to reinforce the (profit destroying) stereotype that Veeky Forums is somehow involved deeply with this coin.

-t. Linkie

orange is dat u

classic exit scam with a fake fork

Do it brother!
Remember, there is no bad publicity !
And we need some right fucking yesterday !

Do it

Price divided by 10 in one day. After a fork, it's not so hard !

This is going to be so fucking epic kek wills it!

Dont do it they dont deserve Sergey

that would be vandalism,
better dress as a chain link cube and sit on the bull screaming "my linky stays stinky $1000 eoy" for hours


Why do you guys want the price to go up before main net? Are you all so broke that you desperately need to shill it to 2x then bail? I don't understand, it's like rushing to get Eth from $5 to $20, it just limits the amount you can buy in the coming months.
I think I know the answer already though. Your all "all in" with your $300 stacks and are too ADD to just wait for the inevitable.

that guy's beard looks like pubic hair glued where normal beard is supposed to be

there are usually 500 tourists all standing around the bull taking pictures. you will be arrested within 3 minutes

tape super stinky fork cubes to his crotch area

you literally wouldn't

Deluded linkys

Put a stinky on his peepee.

great idea

Do it but don’t talk about it here just let news find us. Sage thread and erase evidence

Take pictures with timestamp for great justice.

I fuhkkin hate new garbage city