Anyone browsing Veeky Forums and not falling in this category should be ashamed of themselves and chew on cyanide
Soyboys and commies fuckoff
everyone outside purple is trolling or retarded
My favorite are these people participating in free market capitalism while calling themselves communists and proclaiming that they're trying to take money from "the man" i.e. enriching themselves for their personal benefit
Anyone on this board not trying to make me money can fuck off.
They see every problem in the world as being caused by capitalism and needs to be solved by governments instead of the other way around.
implying people at the very bottom or very right of purple arent more retarded than people in the near the center but on any other quadrant
Try again brainlet, anyone that isn't on the so far bottom right that they fall off the chart should be exterminated from the gene pool
sp 98% of ppl on earth. Ah right we r on Veeky Forums the people here are the supreme beings=
oops i got trolled, nice 1
Wow, a le centerist. What a reasonable position! Like the other user said, if you aren't purple then you're retarded.
wtf is this shit? I'm a die hard capitalist trump voter.
Let me guess, it was because I didn't preach jesus and am not sexually prudent
>trump voter
girl on girl and fag on fag in the same room doesen't make it pansexual though
Yeah made a pretty penny in the markets because of him too. Paying less tax as well. Econ policy was 80% of my reason for voting.
>m-muh horseshoe
Hey man. According to my score which I dispute, you are right.
commie here, fuck off
>>LARPing as a commie
>dismissive, no backbone, avoids meaning confrontation
You're a commie alright
As a rich an-cap preacher I'll be glad to offer you a free helicopter ride
this isn't pol.
In the old days economics was called political economy. Discussing the framework which we operate in is political economy. This is a crypto board and the ideology of crypto is kinda important.
Which is why I shill XMR.
Burgers talking about politics..
Muh right wing Muh left wing, it doesn’t matter either way when you’re so cucked that you’re government is owned and run by corporations. You literally have no voice and are too stupid or lazy to do anything about it
>hillary voter
The whole reason crypto as a currency is gaining so much hype and interest is because of the political landscape, it’s why it so much more popular in third world shitholes. Crypto CURRENCIES live and die on politics
This gave me a huge chuckle.
I'm American, and I believe you're right about all that.
i still talk about politics though, mostly because i want everyone else to believe what i believe in
which is that eco-libertarianism is our best option...
Radicals are a scourge. Extremists will be executed. Make your time, fanatic, because it is limited.
fuck the old days. you're only attracting pol tier discussion which is cancer.
only manlets seem to me propagating this meme. unless you're a borderline woman with your low-t soy is generally better for you than red meat.
but low-ts will try and convince you otherwise because of their poor genetics.
>my boogeyman is scarier than your boogeyman
People who obsess over politics are absolute brainlets.
Tfw sexit
>already tried this
>rednecks eternally btfo
Wow this is me bro. Nice to meet you. Reminder to give all commies free helicopter rides
You are either me or a commie
The only boogeyman in the purple area is being a fucking poorfag failure, like you
This is neither business nor finance fuck off with your left wing right wing bullshit fuck commies fuck nazis and fuck off topic shit threads
>m-mom, grown ups are discussing politics again!