If you're not in Stellar you're literally a privileged piece of shit

If you're not in Stellar you're literally a privileged piece of shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


If you're not in Stellar you're literally a dull tool.

nice denial there

>I bought Lumens because they help out poor people
>but really, I bought them because I'm hoping it will go up a lot once a bunch of people have it

check your privilege you white male dull tool

thank you for spreading your wealth

that level of cope, almost as big as buttcoiners.. almost

Is this the project that is giving niggers billions of free crypto ?


this dude is so dumb

niggers are niggers but money is money you spergs tried to race bait me out of omg too not gonna work i'll sell to you faggots much higher

all bank coins are shit invesments
prove me wrong


LINK and BAT are much better meme coins if you want meme coins.

>those airdrops will help mass adoption and not just lead to massive dumps that end up tanking the coin


>creating fake accounts on reddit to spread FUD on Veeky Forums

we've stooped to a new low eh

Sad to say this is a real user with a huge ego. Almost as dumb as

>i bought stellar because they help poor people
>I really bought it because I hope I can be richer than poor people

But seriously if you want to help the poor, donate to a real charity or volenteer.

da fuq do you think they gonna do with those airdropped tokens? go to the next internet cafe in mumbai and sell at the exchange

good investment you have there

>prove me wrong

Ripple provided the highest ROI in 2017.


Thanks op just sold 100k

just bought 100K

lol they've been airdropping for 2 years. They stopped the bitcoin program and they're as hell not going to give free lumens anymore. They never had given it to free anyways, it was always to companies / people who MADE SERVICES for Stellar.

The only other people who get free lumens are the ones who to official meetsup (which don't actually happen a lot). The most you get out of that is 200 per person in a room full of 50~ ppl.

wew lad 100billion suppley aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafree charity for niggersaaaaaaaaaaaaa [insert retarded ass FUD here]aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Redditors always moral flagging about "muh take over the corporate!" "earning money is bad" "I'm entitled to handouts by people who earn money" "I refuse to participate in generating wealth"


like that ^ chances are those guys are gonna get a handful of lumens. It's a good thing they're gonna sell it on the exchange and never touch Stellar again imirite?

fucking idiot

meh there are safer projects

this could turn out real bad

not gonna risk my money in this

please read then continue on to the rest of my post below.

It's called utilization. If you believe market cap (supply and "demand") is the only driver behind value then maybe you should sell all your coins because you're gonna get fucked. Stellar is waiting for a prime moment when everything is vulnerable then going to drop a HUGE bombsell. Screencap this - Stellar is going to be at least $2 a coin by June.

Is that the fucking amnesia grunt kek

I'm not sure who the biggest cucks are, XLM or IOTA

If I can't write it off on my taxes, it ain't charity

Fuck this SJW niggercoin.

adjust that to post-crash numbers

Why do I end up jacking off every fucking time I come to this board?

You mean adjust it to serve your hypothesis.